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Trip To Beach/vets

Been to the vets with dodge this morning, the vet is very happy with the healing and the x-raysDodge has now got to keep his bandage on now for 2weeks to help with the swelling,

Here is the first x-ray before the op


Here is the 2nd x-ray after the op


Here is what it looks like with no bandage on



OMG poor dodge give him some cuddles from us,
get well soon little dodge, hope he makes full recoverey
Oh my god just vomitted!!!!! That looks terrible, poor little Dodge, i hope he gets better soon so he can get that crazy looking cage off!!
Jesus,,,That looks nasty :( .

Get well soon little man :huggles: .
:( Poor Dodge that looks really nasty, hope he makes a good patient & has a good recovery :luck:
My i just say this horrific injury came not from racing or trialing but from a simple twist and jump after a ball on the beach

Both myself and Karen know just what you are going through at this moment in time having been a victim on the same length of beach --after years of going to the same bit and having some great training sessions with the dogs --this happens to both Barney and Dodge --you would not think it was possible for such an injury to happen on this stretch of beach --

Hope dodge makes a better recovery than Barney has made --

very impressed with x-ray pics

good luck :luck: :luck: :luck:

just caught up with the thread poor lad the repair looks like some good work there. I am sure they cope better with things like this than we do. our indy said its fun just being a spectator when the rest are raceing cos you can have bits of treets and stuff the others carnt she love nothing more than watching the racing and helping us eat our buttys he cann allways coem and sit with indy on race day sharing the buttys lol. hope your all feeling ok I remeber what a shock it can be for you aswell as the dog big hugs to Dodge

only just seen this post, good luck with Dodge, also had this happen to a pup ( Cracked it + what spot ) Tommy litter brother to Troublespot, he was just playing in the garden with my other pups at the time Sky ( Atlanta, ) and Bailey ( outbound ) i also had the op, so good luck hope he makes a good recovery
We wish you all the :luck: in the world, hope the poor little chap makes a full recovery :luck:
Goes without saying we wish you every bit of luck with dodge. Looks nasty on the pic's probably more than it actually is.

Hope little doge is coping well :luck:
Hi Lynne /Mick

Looks as if Lancaster W.R.C. will be the first club running a Para open for dogs with physical disablities --lol Barney says bring it on !!!!!

or the over sixties racing -for owners with disablilties ===what a state to get in eh?

poor lad, it's so easily done, hope he makes a speedy recovery as well as he can, btw what's the dark grey blob ?

lots of healing vibes to Dodge.
:( Poor Dodge best of luck with him, hope he's soon on the mend :luck:
Oh the poor boy :( That looks awful, hope he gets well soon :)
poor lad, it's so easily done, hope he makes a speedy recovery as well as he can, btw what's the dark grey blob ?lots of healing vibes to Dodge.
The big grey blob is cement its holding all the pins together that are coming out of his foot
Absolutely devastated dodge (Lancaster Lad), after seeing the vet today will never be able to race. He has had his operation and all went well, now a long period of cage rest and tlc is in need. Has got an external fixiter on, all but 1 toe in line, the vet is happy that hopefully the bones will heal in line. Dodge will when recovered continue to be a very eager spectator.
Thanks to all well wishers.
Had a dog with exact same injury,quite a few years back.Was out of my 1st ever litter,to the dog i bought from the Cornish lads,(litter brother to Cornish Bob).At 5 months,he broke all 4 mets.They broke at an angle,just like i see one in youre xray .Alexander Perez,the world famous Italian vet,who had just started practising in Ireland with Brian Jones,took on the job of putting them back together again.He also,thought that Silver would never race,especialy round the bends.But as he was the only dog pup i had from the litter,we decided to go ahead anyhow.The foot healed briliantly,though it was a bit turned out.At 11 months old,i started him free running,and in no time he was up the field after the lure.A noted lurcher judge,from across the water,told me in the ring one day,that the dog could never be expected to run,with a leg like th,and never gave him a second glance,even though he was a smashing looker.(Graham Pendleton,though he looked the bee's knee's).He won the straight racing that day,right in front of the judges nose,and went on to be unbeaten,that year,till he had a career ending injury in the final at Chatsworth,after being driven from behind,by another dog,when he hit the bad dip in the ground,and was trying to get back behind the lure.He finished the race in 3rd place,and collopsed as he turned to come back down the field to me.His groin was twisted,and his back was out so bad,that we had to leave shortly afterwards,and get an early sailing home,to get him to Brian Jones.Tried to bring him back again,but he couldn't stride out,with the back wrecked.But till the day he died,the foot never gave him a bit of trouble.Scruff also broke all 4 of his,along with a toe,and can run the lure without much of a problem.He does have one big flat foot though,which can't grip the ground ,on take off.So he'll never reach his full potential.Has as good a life as the rest though,so keep youre hopes up.He may be 100%,and could still run the straights.Hope this,at least,will be the outcome.Heal well,little man.
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