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Tribute To Molly


Jo - Citycroft
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Our lovely Staffie Molly unfortunately had to be pts last night. She was 12 and had cancer for sometime. She lived with my mum and dad and we got her when i was 13. I enjoyed junior handling with Molly.

Yesterday she had been a walk, ate her tea, been barking at the door. Luckily she enjoyed a fantastic quality of life right up until her last day. I am so relieved that i wasn't working last night so was able to go round and see her when she suddenly took a turn for the worst, and stroke her as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

She was such a lovely girl, fantastic with my son Conor and all 3 pups that i've had. My parents are devestated, they don't think they will have another Staffie as they couldn't possibly get one as nice as Molly.

Enjoy chasing bunnies in the sky Molly. :huggles: I'll put up a nice photo of her later.
RIP Molly, a pic would be lovely. :huggles:
So sorry to hear of your loss Jo as I was told when I lost my GSD Beethoven a couple of weeks ago try to think of the good times it does help.

Run free at rainbow bridge

RIP Molly... and thinking of you at this sad time. :(
My heart goes out to you, its devastating when you lose a much loved canine companion :huggles: