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Travelling With George

roughly 9lb @ 13 weeks by my reckoning he shud make 18lb :thumbsup: :luck:
(w00t) (w00t) Mummy,Auntie Karen says you've got to get me tested for 'foot and mouth' disease,after our night out at Poolsbrook.I don't know what she means i'm sure :- :lol:

Great pics Marie :thumbsup: George is as handsome as ever :wub:

and Carole your a star :D
Love to see pics of George :) he is getting big :) will he what a coat from auntie
(w00t) (w00t) Mummy,Auntie Karen says you've got to get me tested for 'foot and mouth' disease,after our night out at Poolsbrook.I don't know what she means i'm sure :- :lol:
Great pics Marie :thumbsup: George is as handsome as ever :wub:

and Carole your a star :D

its ok george your safe no test needed the "MOUTH" (w00t) was'nt there :- o:)
(w00t) (w00t) Mummy,Auntie Karen says you've got to get me tested for 'foot and mouth' disease,after our night out at Poolsbrook.I don't know what she means i'm sure :- :lol:
Great pics Marie :thumbsup: George is as handsome as ever :wub:

and Carole your a star :D

its ok george your safe no test needed the "MOUTH" (w00t) was'nt there :- o:)
(w00t) Who me? :lol:
Hello everyone George here. Mum has asked me to pop on here and tell you that today I was 21 weeks old and I was weighed and guess what..............................................I'm 17lb 4oz........... Yayyyyy I made race weight

No piccies to put on sorry but mum and dad have been a bit tied up with some things

love George xx
wow :oops: karen are you looking lol you tell your mum and dad we want pic's
Well welldone for making the weight, and yes we do need more photos :))
thats brill that u have made the weight. :thumbsup: ive seen 2 of your brothers @ wallsend they r big boys maybe in a few weeks time i might b able to get some photos 4 u. :thumbsup:
i knew he would love to see pics of him :thumbsup: :luck:

Think you're going to have to get that camera out Marie :lol:

Everyone wants to see pics of George :wub:
Erm all fine and well weighing him but where's the bloomin piks of gorgeous George?!! :blink:

Hi George here

Ive sneaked onto the lap top to say hello. Its not been the best start to the year what with me breaking my leg like.....cor that did hurt!! Life is much more boring now mum won't let me jump on the furniture but at least Im getting out for walks even if they wont let me run.I got weighed last week and I am 23lb 6oz, who'd have thought it eh. Auntie Karen didn't seem to think I should get any bigger but who knows???

I'm gonna try and get mum and dad to take some pics next weekend, so I'll wag my tail at mum to see if I can get her to put some on here.

Im sending lots of love to my sister and brothers

See you

i saw 2 of your brothers yesterday @ wallsend but my camera battery died so i cudnt get any pics, they r big boys id say 30lb or over. good luck with your recovery with your leg :luck:
Great news that your doing so well ..look forward to seeing you soon
Can't believe he's 23lb (w00t) ,can't wait to see new pics :thumbsup:
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George you were such a tiny chap, it's hard to imagine you're bigger than Trudy now. Both puppy girls send their love ;)
Lovely to hear from George again, pleased to hear

you are well on the road to recovery. I cant

believe just how much you have grown. What

a big boy you are now. Looking forward to seeing you

in the near future.
