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Travel Sickness


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Our boy gets terribly car sick, he's been like this since day one, in fact the first half an hour in the car when we collected him and that was enough for him. :(

We gt him at 14weeks, he's now 14months, I've tried, homeopathic, stress remedies, taking short journeys, going palces he'd love, but he stresses out so much when he sees the car that it seems unfair to take him with us.

our pup on the other hand loves the car, bus train anything and consequently comes everywhere with me, :wub: I feel very guilty leaving eck behind, if i am going to visit family/freinds, but he just can't cope with the travel. :unsure:

any suggestions, remedies, experiences?

BFN ;)
Monty used to be terribly car sick right from the day we bought him back from the breeders.

I had planned to take him to work wth me everyday which is a 10 minute drive and so it was a case of having to perservere with the driving or leaving him at home (which wouldn't have been so nice for him) In the first few weeks it was so bad that he would pee and poo nervously as well as being sick :x .

Gradually the peeing and pooing stopped but the sickness continued, acting on advice from here we got a duvet and loads of towels in the boot and this improved things slightly and at least meant when he was sick i could just remove a layer and chuck it in the washing machine :lol:

I tried him in several locations in the car but eventually settled n the boot as being easiest for everyone

Sea legs tablets also worked, but obviously i could not give him one everyday, but for long journeys they were great (i also found he was fine on motorways, presumably because they are relatively smooth and straight)

Next we tried doreen paiges flower remedies, this seemed to calm him a bit, but i wasn't completely convinced especially when i read the ingredients and noticed the chief one is brandy (w00t) in this vein i also tried rescue remedy but to no effect

At around 6 months there was a horrble incident where he ate a dodgy poo on the common ( :x another one of his lovely habits)and then threw it up in the car :x :x :x , at this point i was forced to throw out the duvet and left him with just a couple of towels. From then on we have had no sickness at all (touch wood) :)

I suppose what i'm saying is that the only thing that really worked was time and repetition, he just got used to it. Unfortunately this does not mean he enjoys going in the car, but he is at least resigned to it and does not puke :))

hope this helps

It'd be well worth trying Doreen Paige's Apprehension of known things.

I've used this very successfully for travel sick puppies :thumbsup:

I once had a whippet who was Sick(& poo'd) in the car until he was 3 years old,Then one day,he suddenly stopped!!!
I had a bitch who was sick on the driveway before we even got in the car.

This is a question I ask at stud dog choosing level as I feel it can be very unpleasent for the dogs. I was dreadfully traval sick as a kid so I know how awful it can be.

My best recommend is that little rubbery thingy that hangs down under the car.

ALL my dogs are 100% in the car from day one.
we had most success with sealegs and also someone holding the dog with window down alittle seems to distract long enough for them to settle
My Callista was absolutely dreadful well into her second year, but now at 2.5 she is fine. I used to travel with lots of old towelles, stack of old newspapers, use several layers of old sleeping bags for the dogs to sit on, and pealed off the layers as she vomitted over them. :x Oh yes, did i mention big garbage bags to put the dirty bedding in?

Just perservere, try short drives, open windows and the various remedies. I also find that if you have a station waggon or a 4wd, and you dogs travell in the back, they will be more likely sick. Putting the back seat down and letting them sit right behind you will help. :thumbsup: The back of the car bounces more.

Do you have any more pics of your dogs? They look lovely together on your avatar. :)
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i found nothing i did would stop it happening,and the good news is they usually grow out of it.

hope she gets over it soon,(because it is distressing to you too )having to put them through it :luck:
Zoomie was travel sick for the first eighteen months. He would be sick once or twice per journey (even short ones) and would 'bury' his :x with his nose under the vetbed or towel.

Then we went to Crufts and he was in the car for eight hours (with rest stops). He was sick in the first twenty minutes and then got comfy and found his sealegs and has never been sick since :sweating: