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Travel between northern ireland and england


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Has anybody travelled this route by ferry, thinking of Belfast to Liverpool. ? As it is technically all within the

UK do you still need Rabies shots etc. Have 5 dogs to move so trying to avoid unnecessary costs. they are all chipped

and have P.ports but Rabies may be out of date.

Can't find anything on the internet or ferry sites, only documents needed from the Republic. Many thanks
I am almost certain that as your travel is within the UK you don't need a pet passport at all - only if you were travelling in or out of Eire would you then need the rabies etc up to date. You could probably phone for advice.
Defra should have all the info on their website. If not give them a ring. I think that I read, somewhere, that it is technically required but not enforced? Because Ireland is Rabies free, dogs are not considered a threat to our rabies free status so enforcement is lax.

There are restrictions on bringing more than five dogs so don't acquire any more!
Thanks for that have been on defra site and it doesn't mention NI. All are rescued over the years, one is blind but definitely no more no matter how sad they look!

Will have to ring defra to be sure.
I have been over to Belfast with a pup and no pet passport required, or indeed any checks carried out. Has you say NI is part of the UK and travel between various parts of the UK is not controlled. One point the ferries insist the dogs stay in the car / van.
Thank you for all your help, I have rung DEFRA this morning and they confirm that travel between NI and uk is

not subject to any regulations, even gave me a call reference number.

HOWEVER, for anybody who might need the info.: travel between the Republic and UK is subject to Microchip, passport

and Rabies.

Hope this helps somebody else.
Thanks Toby, I wondered about that. That said, I confess I made that trip a few years ago and didn't see anywhere for the dog to be checked - I was happily ignorant of the rule and just drove through as I remember.
That is probably what I had heard. That the regulations "require" it but it is not enforced. If NI is rabies free then the Republic will be the same.
Gypsymum2, the regulations are enforced for travel to the republic of Ireland.
How weird is that? If you are moving from one rabies free zone to another it seems pointless. Ah well, it keeps someone in a job I suppose.