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Trapped Nerve

Hi tina great to see you got sorted as i said ken knows his stuff & is well known with running dog people around the country im made up for you both :thumbsup:
I set one of my sister frends to ken today. her little terrer was haveing real problems walking the vet said it was athritic and gave her a nice cocktail of drugs to give him he didnt inprooev just sleeped more and looked even sader he was due for move test on monday but they thought they would try Ken when i told them about him.

Well little sammy has come back like a new puppy full of beans tail wagging the only problem there having is trying to make him take it easy for a day cos hes so happy again. they carnt belivere the differnce in him and earlier in the week they were discusing who long they could keep him as he was being so depressed and unhappy the little chaps onely 8 no age for a terrier