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Training my 10 week old akita x rottweiler


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10 week old sasha! :thumbsup:

hey was just wondering if anyone could share a few tips of the best way to train my 10 week old Akita cross, I know all about both breeds and I'm familiar with them.

I was just wondering whether anyone had a few good tips which would make training more fun and successful for the dog and me!?


she's already being house trained and learning quick as Akita's do! she's also learn what no means from chewing absolutely everything ! joys of a pup aye:p

many thanks in advance ! :thumbsup: :huggles:

best tip i can give you with knowing it worked exceptionally well with my dog Bear is crate train her.

as you know you will end up with a very large dog so buy a XXL crate and get it off ebay from a reputable seller as it will save you a fortune!

another tip is puppy training classes! they are brilliant for socializing your dog and give you great help and advice on how to train your dog.

With her going to become very big and strong very fast learning to walk to heel whilst she is still small (ish) is vital for you. If she pulls you no doubt you would end up going with her.

I have owner a rotti previously and they are amazing dogs to own! you treat them right and train them to be how you want them to be you will have one very loyal dog on your hands!

i wish you the best of luck and no doubt you will get plenty more replies on here with helpful advice! i know i have posted my fair share of questions on here and followed through on the tips i have been given and my dog Bear is only the better for it!

all the best with you girl! she is an absolute beaut!

Sophie x
What a nice mix Akita and Rotty, training can come in many forms and as long as it is fun you should not go far wrong. Getting your dog to sit or go down when you are providing the daily meal is always the easiest place to start.

Whilst you are getting things ready have them sit or down one of these will be natural for you dog, go with whichever they do as preference. To start this off if she has learned no as you say and she jumps up just gently say no, then with the food in the bowl stand near her with it and above her so she cannot reach it and ask her to sit, if you wait she will be eager to sit in a display of look I am being good with luck. step back and start to place the food on the ground if she moves you just stand up again with the bowl and ask her to sit and praise her when you do. Patience with this as part of her feeding routine will get that understanding that sit is a good thing. Only allow her to the bowl when you say so and if that goes well praise her and gently stroke her when she first eating for few seconds. Hopefully that will be rewarded by here eating happily and wagging her tail, this could stop any future food issues as she gets bigger.

Puppy classes and future training will be rewarding for you both and highly recommended, later when she is older that could develop into agility classes which is great fun for you and your dog, so I would choose somewhere that does both when you are looking for training classes. Socialising as has been mentioned is the best thing for large breeds and they take to training very well.

Good Luck