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Training, how often?

If he does stop when asked, make sure you give him a huge jackpot treat as a reward because that really is quite impressive - he's showing self-control and it's not a skill that comes naturally.
He got sausage, he loves sausage. I keep sausage for training and walks only, never just as a little treat. It might be some time before he does it again, but I work on the theory and hope that if he's done it once, he'll do it again.
I don't think I can take much more of this!

We came out of our drive for a walk, I didn't see them, but a guy was on the river bank walking his two dogs.
[Eddi] just started barking, and they were too close to use 'find it'. I picked him up, and he stopped. When they were out of sight I put him down again, but he wouldn't stop barking.
I've brought him [home] & taken his harness & Halti off, and I've taken off all of my Eskimo gear --- he knows he's not going [for a walk].

He has a bemused air about him, & kept walking to the door, at first.

I can't even talk to him right now, as... I'd just shout at him.:(:mad::eek::( It's so depressing!

I missed this thread, & while i know this post is a week old, this - while frustrating for both parties! - could be an extremely, extremely effective B-Mod tactic.

How much does Eddi weigh? - Obv, U can pick him up, the Q is, how far can U carry him bodily?
When the above occurred, he was very close to home... but on other occasions, he might be farther away from home, & could become an awkward armful.

I'm thinking that if U practice stopping his forward motion as soon as he barks, even once!, at another dog, that could become a 'warning' to Eddi - as, if he continues to bark, Ur next act is to walk to him [while keeping HIM stationary - U are approaching, he is held on the spot by the leash], pick him up without a word, & walk home, as briskly as possible.
Once yer in, set him down, remove all his "walks" gear, & ignore him utterly while U disrobe & get comfy at home. I'd give him at least 5-mins of 'cold shoulder' with no convo, no handling, no nuthin'.

Of course, this would be in combination with the DS/CC U are already doing, where Good Things [food, toys, ____ ] are deliberately paired with the presence of other dogs, at a distance where he's aware of them, but NOT reacting to them - IOW, he's under threshold.
"End the walk" would only come into play when he's over threshold, unintentionally - when dogs spring up from behind shrubbery as U pass by, when they walk out between parked cars, when U turn a corner & there's a dog a yard away. Those moments when there's no sightline, & U are suddenly less than 10-ft from a previously-invisible dog.

BTW, does Eddi wear tags? - Presumably yes; i'd silence his tags immediately, either by winding a nice fat elastic / rubber-band round them, or with masking tape to stack & hold them as a single unit. // The elastic will break down over several weeks or months, as the UV breaks molecular bonds, so be prepared to replace it; the tape will also break down, get gooey & ineffective, over several months.
A more-permanent solution is a tag-bag, such as "Quiet, Spot!" which is made of neoprene - the foam-insulated stuff that divers wear.

Dogs react to the sound of jingling tags over long, long distances - when Eddi's tags jingle or slither against one another, or ting against his collar, other dogs are alerted to his presence B4 he is seen, & are predisposed to bark - when of course, EDDI barks back.

Silencing tags really helps reduce reactivity for all dogs - as behavior is a constant conversation, not something that happens in a vacuum; it's in response to others' behaviors. :)

- terry

He doesn't have tags.

sorry for the late reply - for some weird reason, this is another "watched" thread where i got no notice when there was a new comment. :confused: There have been 3 or 4 threads, that despite being 'watched' with an e-mail notice for new comments, haven't appeared on my alerts, nor triggered an e-mail.

Don't the local authorities require an ID-tag, or owner's tag, where U live? // I thot that was very widespread.
If Eddi were lost, how would he get back to U? - a microchip requires a scanner, & vets or shelters have them, but not Good Samaritans who find stray dogs. :( A tag can be read by anyone.

Anyway, U didn't comment on the B-Mod i suggested; does it sound do-able? :) What do U think?

- terry


sorry for the late reply - for some weird reason, this is another "watched" thread where i got no notice when there was a new comment. :confused: There have been 3 or 4 threads, that despite being 'watched' with an e-mail notice for new comments, haven't appeared on my alerts, nor triggered an e-mail.

Don't the local authorities require an ID-tag, or owner's tag, where U live? // I thot that was very widespread.
If Eddi were lost, how would he get back to U? - a microchip requires a scanner, & vets or shelters have them, but not Good Samaritans who find stray dogs. :( A tag can be read by anyone.

Anyway, U didn't comment on the B-Mod i suggested; does it sound do-able? :) What do U think?

- terry

To be honest, he's making good progress doing what I'm doing for now. I've kept that as another option to try if he stagnates with this improvement. Thanks. I can even stopping pulling sometimes, by calling 'Eddi' or 'Eddi sit' and it breaks his thinking.
I spoke to the vet about the tag thing after I posted on the law thread, he said it's acceptable just to write your phone number on the inside of his collar, so that's what I've done I really don't like splattering my private details everywhere.

sure, keeping it as a back-up if what yer doing no longer works, or using it as an emergency tactic if a novel situation arises, sounds good. :) If what U're doing now continues helping Eddi progress, that's terrific. :thumbsup:

this, however, worries me:
I spoke to the vet about the tag thing after I posted on the law thread, he said it's acceptable just to write your phone number on the inside of his collar, so that's what I've done --
I really don't like splattering my private details everywhere.

I've been training other ppl's pets for over 40-years, now, & i would NEVER think to take OFF a stray dog's collar to examine the "lining" for a phone-number!
I would need to have the dog inside a totally-secure area to consider taking their collar off at all, such as inside my home with the doors closed & no-one else expected to walk in, b/c having the dog bolt out an opened door WITHOUT their collar would be a nightmare.
Besides which, i'd never think to look at the inside of a collar for such info at all. o_O

is a tag with a phone-number visible "splattering private details"? - U don't need to include an address.
If i were that adamant about not sharing "private details", I'd probly ask my vet if i could use their clinic phone number as the contact-number on my dog's tag.

Tags that rivet to the collar are also good, as they're practically impossible to remove without destroying the collar, but they can be read while they're on the dog.

I've literally never heard of marking the inside of a dog's collar, as a form of ownership or I-D. I confess, i'm a bit stunned. // Do ACOs in the UK *know* that they should "look at the inside of any stray dog's collar" to see if there is a phone number, or other contact details?

deeply puzzled,
- terry

he said it's acceptable just to write your phone number on the inside of his collar

What your vet has advised is illegal - he should really know better. Your address does have to be shown, by law. I can't find any law saying that the details have to be visible without removing the collar, though there are sensible reasons for making them reasonably easy to see.

I understand not wanting to let all and sundry know your contact details but realistically, who is going to be in a position to read the information on Eddi's collar? If he runs off and a stranger manages to get hold of him, what are the chances of them doing something nefarious with it? Remember, every single legal dog in the UK has their owner's name and address (and possibly phone number) on their collar - how often have you heard of someone making use of that info for the wrong reasons?

thanks, @JudyN -
the laws across the USA vary, but most require a county-tag or city tag [local license, which can be annual or multi-year for a discount], a current RABIES vax tag, & an owner's tag with a phone-number. // Some mandate a home address, as well, [EDIT: in other states, cities, or counties], U can have a microchip tag with a visible chip-number that lets the finder call the chip registry, & the REGISTRY - not the finder of the pet - contacts the owner, or failing that, the 2ndary contact, who is often the owner's local vet.

I'm glad to hear the UK requires some form of owner's tag on dogs :) - microchips are great, but there's a limit to their usefulness for any average citizen who doesn't carry a scanner in their pocket. :oops:

- terry

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