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Training after winter rest

:D :D training after winter someone wants to tell my dog she still thinks it is winter as it,s cold outside . :teehee: :teehee:

actually ,m just trying my first photo message lets hope it works.

View attachment 1092
awwwwwwwww thats a good photo, she looks so relaxed lol :D :wub:

hope she is a she i can't tell from here :teehee:
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(!) Well I have just came back from the morning walk in the pouring down rain two to three miles soaked 2 the skin. I thought whippets were meant 2 hate the rain? Well not mine they were walking (with their coats on of course) like they were kings of the road. Then guess what? the minute I got home the rain stopped typical eh?
:p yes typical sherry, my dogs don't like walking in the rain :) thank goodness :blink: cos neither do i
:angry: I even have 2 take my 8year old out to the shop after Ive had the racers out. Theres only my little 7year old bitch that wont go out Hot Spice. I wish they were all like that then I could stay in bed a bit longer> :))
Now give over , :D you know carol has had em out for their walk before taking this photo o:) by the way, both good looking dogs peter :cheers:
How come my white dogs never look that white?
:p Jojess u know people say dogs look like thier owners? Well they r so good looking coz they take after me Sherry :lol: :lol: :lol:
:p Vicky the secret in getting them so white is all in the grooming. (with sandshoe whitener) :clown:
carol have u seen the position zacs in. what were u saying about owners & dogs :- " :- " :- "

ps gary said that i just cleaned it up for the site
:) Went 2 bigges maine handicap this morning in the pee ing down rain come snow come hail then eventually sun. Not a bad turn out 9 dogs 4 heats. heat 1 Jessie heat 2 Bellester heat 3 Jake the peg heat 4 Jackson the winner Bellestar 2nd Jackson. we also had eight run ups six of those been youngsters. :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: yes we heard whisper whizz is running/training very well impresive times.Well done sam.

seen linda windells 2 small dogs run 2day they seem 2have had a good winter and looked very sharp
now now sherry :clown: your dogs always look a picture, clean and bright.... :p i dont think mickey wizz looks like you chuck, he is so big and powerfull :oops: you are a dainty dinah......... :teehee: :- "
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:p I get mine fit the easy way, I send Ken out to walk em :oops:
:clown: You do right Pauline :p we bought a walking machine :oops: thinking it would be better for the dog's and for our tired legs :b but they don't like it :wacko: i suppose if we keep trying they will get the hang of it ey....... :D
:p :( Its on days like this when I wish I had a walking machine as it has been snowing here and there is a light layer has lay. Ive been out 4 a 3 mile walk in it this morning with Zak and Sam. They totaly hyper and love it. It was a lovely walk though and it keeps me fit . :p p.s now im knackered lol. ;)
Can you believe it's glorious sunshine here!!!

No sign of snow, just a little bit of frost but thats thawed now