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Tracy's Ollie

All the best to Zephyr for a speedy recovery :huggles: Just seen his picture on other thread sporting his blue bandage :wub:

Hope he is feeling better soon :thumbsup:
Poor Ollie, Zephr & Mabel. :(

Sounds as though you all had a bit an unlucky Sunday.

From the results, looks as though Ollie did really well though.

Take care Tracey, thinking of you :)

Freya sends lots of licks & tail wags to her friends. She spent Sunday at a Dance class in Otterbourne.

Hope to see you all soon

Issy, Frey & Chloe
Zephyr said:
alfie said:
Mabel always seems able to pick up a minor bruise or cut or graze every time she goes out- this time she somehow got burns from the line (I assume) on the back of her thigh and right between her legs either side of her 'bits'! :oops: Hope for some good news on the war wounded tomorrow :luck:

Liz and the Monellis

Poor old Mabelline - hope she feels less sore today - sounds painful! Aloe vera would be good for that!

:huggles: :huggles: from Beth and Zeph :huggles: :huggles:

I don't think she even noticed Beth- I only noticed it when she rolled over on her back to show everybody her wares! :blink: :- "

She must have a high pain threshold- I think she'd need to come back missing a leg to even bat an eyelid! :wacko:

I hope Zephyr is being brave- hope he's ok for Whippet club! :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
Jiminy said:
Freya sends lots of licks & tail wags to her friends. She spent Sunday at a Dance class in Otterbourne.

Hi Jiminy,

I've heard of pet whippets, lure coursing and racing and showing whippets, but not dancing whippets :lol: where's this dance class, Ella would like to come !

Julie D
Hi Issy and Liz

Thanks for your good wishes, Zephyr has his bandage off, has 3 (white) stitches, isn't limping and is feeling FAB, thank you very much! :thumbsup: :p

Lovely to hear that Freya is still doing heelwork to music - hope to catch up with you soon! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

(Sorry to hijack Ollie's thread, how is he today? :luck: :luck: :luck: )
Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for all of your well wishes, and I really appreciate all the PM's that have been sent to me and to Jasbri. I have sneaked round to my mum's to hijack her computer as I couldn't wait any longer. Ollie is in very good hands though, don't worry.

Well, his first time lure coursing proper and what an amazing three runs. I was so proud of him, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself. His trial was superb, many thanks to Digger's Dad Larry for slipping him for me :D :b and after his first run (and everyone else's) he had the highest score on the field (beginner's luck I know, but you have to be proud :wub: :wub: ) Everyone ran so much better the second half, and Ollie had a great course, but clonked his toe on the pulley at the finish as you know :(

We rushed off calling the vets on the way, only to remember that my vet is only available until 13.00 on Sundays so went to the one covering, who were very shocked to find a blubbering wreck on their doorstep as I am sure that I was much more in control on the phone 8) Anyway, she was pretty sure that it was dislocated but loathe to knock him out because of the shock so we went home after painrelief, analgaesics and a very sporty red bandage. Amazing how they suddenly become aware that they are in pain once you support something and cover it with a bandage isn't it :- " We had a very calm night thanks to the metacam kicking in, but come 05.00 things started to get sore again :(

He was admitted at 8 in the morning for xrays and I was a complete mess again :b but they were fantastic and phoned me straight away to tell me the anaesthetic had gone okay, so that was a huge relief. Then the bombshell came, as up until that point we were all hopeful that no surgery was required....

Boy, did he clonk it :wacko: Having seen the before and after xrays "snapped it in two" isn't quite a strong enough description....There was a good half a cm between the two parts of bone :( Still after the most agonising three hours (Bridget I can never repay you for getting me through that) he was fine, just a bit of metalwork heavier. Having been in the trade I can totally understand what an incredibly fiddly operation this would have been, but I was really pleased with the xrays and think they have done an excellent job. The rest is up to Ollie and I, ensuring that he doesn't do any damage while it's healing.

I have asked for copies of the xrays, and hopefully these will be ready for me to collect when we go for a bandage change on Friday, so I wil post for those that are interested. It really is a good repair so I'm very hopeful that my gorgeous little boy will be okay after what is going to be a long haul, however I am hoping that eventual Hydrotherapy and constant supervision with crating will pull us through :thumbsup:

Talk about tempt fate though, those there will know what I mean, and I am NEVER opening my mouth again :b

Thanks again to everyone, especially Bridget it means a lot :thumbsup:

Best wishes and cuddles to all those feeling sore, Ollie can sympathise :huggles:

Tracy, a very sore little Ollie, and poor Jake who just wants his Bruv to be playing again...........
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Oh poor Ollie :(

Thats unbelievable, sounds like a really bad break, poor lad. Well it sounds like they did a wonderful job and I am sure in such a young fit (and handsome) boy he will heal and be right as rain in no time at all :luck:

Stan loved running with his new partner - such bad luck this happened, but just glad you are both okay. I too would have been a bit of a wreck, I am such a wuss when it comes to the dogs :p

Anyway big hugs to the very fast and agile Mr Ollie :huggles:
Poor Ollie, poor Jake and poor you Tracy. Lots of :huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
Sorry to hear Ollie had to go through all that......... loads of hugs to him :huggles: :huggles:

Its Freeways turn tomorrow. Vets thinks he may have chipped a bone in his carpus joint, so he's in first thing in the morning for xrays......... Watch this space !
Oh poor Ollie, and poor Freeway! :unsure: :(

I have never seen so many injuries in a day lure coursing, can't think that it was anything other than bad luck.

The field was in nice condition, unlike at Radway, where I personally wouldn't run my dogs again, due to the stony ground and pits, and poor Alfie putting his hip out there :(

Hope the wounded are back on their feet again soon. :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
Oh MY Tracy. It sounds like you've got a fantastic vet though, so he's in the best care. Fingers crossed you can keep him quiet enough to let it heal thoroughly and properly.

:( oh poor Ollie, sounds really nasty, hope it heals well and soon, sounds like the vet has done a good job on him :huggles: :luck:
Just a very quick update (on mum's pc again :b )

Ollie has been for a dressing change this afternoon, and the vet and I are really pleased. The wound is very clean and neat and she was very impressed by the lack of swelling. She couldn't believe how well it looked, so I'm over the moon. He was commended on his obvious "sticking to the rules" as she had expected the toe to be rather swollen.

She was a bit embarrased that she had forgotten the copies of the xrays, but promised them for Wednesday when he is next back there (w00t)

I know it's early stages, but for those that know his lordship, they will understand what a devil of a job it is to keep him still :- "

Thanks again for all the well wishes for my gorgeous boy and we hope Freeway is okay :( :huggles:

Am so pleased recovery is going well :thumbsup:

Love to you all and :luck: :luck:
hello everyone. 1st time user :) im tracys son though :D im not sure if this is the latest thing about ollie...but hey i will tell my mum all that stuff about hoping he gets well if she hasnt already seen it as we've had computer problems

(dont look at me! she broke it o:) :rant: :rolleyes: )....erm thats all i can say really..... so erm.......

ciao, xXxXx adam xXxXx :ninja: (sorry had to try out that ninja thing it looked cool :) )
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Welcome to K9 ! :D

Hope you enjoy your time on here & we look forward to further insights from you ;) .... maybe you can work your way through all the emoticons in turn!

Hugs to Ollie & Jake :huggles:

(You are doing a great job with those boys!! o:) When you are awake! -_- )
Adam Chamberlain you are sooooo cheeky (w00t) Please excuse my son eveyone, he has been threatening to do this for as long as I can remember.

Anyway, here's a pic to show you how Ollie's getting along, vet was very pleased with progress when we went for bandage change today so that's good.

Jake seems to have come out in sympathy with his lordship as he has somehow managed to fashion one of the afore mentioned son's sock into a bandage (w00t)

Thanks for the update Tracy - Ollie looks in good shape and glad to hear the vet is happy with him :D

Love Jakes sympathy bandage! :lol:
~JO~ said:
Thanks for the update Tracy - Ollie looks in good shape and glad to hear the vet is happy with him  :D
Love Jakes sympathy bandage!  :lol:

Glad you recognise him Jo, he's put on 2.1 kilos since the op (w00t) (w00t) and looks lovely for it :wub:

At last food has moved up on his list of priorities, probably because it is now the highlights of his day :(
:wub: :wub: :wub: Best wishes to Ollie :luck: