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Today's Walk

Wow, well DIY :)
He had a cut on his pad, not very deep. I sorted that out, then there was blood on the floor, he had another cut. I sorted that out, then there was blood on the floor again.He'd been for a walk with OH and darted into a rough field and got his flexi-lead caught in the fence. He'd managed to cut his pads in three places, none very deep. I just had to keep a look out for infection. He's a Patterdale, he's rock hard - until it's cold, or raining, oh, and don't forget wind.:D
He had a cut on his pad, not very deep. I sorted that out, then there was blood on the floor, he had another cut. I sorted that out, then there was blood on the floor again.He'd been for a walk with OH and darted into a rough field and got his flexi-lead caught in the fence. He'd managed to cut his pads in three places, none very deep. I just had to keep a look out for infection. He's a Patterdale, he's rock hard - until it's cold, or raining, oh, and don't forget wind.:D
Yeah patterdales are as soft as anything :D I believe my friends mum has one and he is a handful. Oh silly Eddi cutting your paw in 3 places :eek:... ah well we love our animals too much :)
Today's photo would have been of me in bead reading trying to get my back better. OH is working from home today, so he took Eddi for his walk. Really, I needed to take him as he has a lot of work to do. I have to walk him for the rest of the week though, well until Thursday. I'm well fed up with my back, I'd just started running again after a really bad bout of 'flu which started a week before Christmas and made me fell ill for weeks after. OH may run today and take Eddi with him, he loves running.
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How annoying is it when, on your walk, you get caught in the only hail shower of the day?:mad:

How annoying is it when you don't put 'operation cure Eddi' into action effectively? I'd seen a dog walking in the distance, then he saw it. I waited until they got a bit closer then did 'find it' down the bank out of the way. All was going well, he kept a-looking in the same direction and I kept plying him with tit bits. Then owner and dog came over the bank, right into his trigger zone. Instead of turning him and walking away saying 'stop', I stood there like a strawberry blancmange! His bark is so penetrating it goes right through me and sets me into not exactly stress mode, but, well strawberry blancmange mode. The guy's face was a picture when he realised which dog was over the bank. Serves him right for not keeping going on the opposite side.:rolleyes:
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How annoying is it when, on your walk, you get caught in the only hail shower of the day?:mad:

How annoying is it when you don't put 'operation cure Eddi' into action effectively? I'd seen a dog walking in the distance, then he saw it. I waited until they got a bit closer then did 'find it' down the bank out of the way. All was going well, he kept a-looking in the same direction and I kept plying him with tit bits. Then owner and dog came over the bank, right into his trigger zone. Instead of turning him and walking away saying 'stop', I stood there like a strawberry blancmange! His bark is so penetrating it goes right through me and sets me into not exactly stress mode, but, well strawberry blancmange mode. The guy's face was a picture when he realised which dog was over the bank. Serves him right for not keeping going on the opposite side.:rolleyes:
I have those moments as well, usually when I'm tired and not paying attention. Another dog will pop up out of nowhere, and Jimmy will bark and make me jump, then in the kerfuffle I don't have time to react. Had a couple of close calls earlier on narrow paths and took the easy way out - picked him up :(
I have those moments as well, usually when I'm tired and not paying attention. Another dog will pop up out of nowhere, and Jimmy will bark and make me jump, then in the kerfuffle I don't have time to react. Had a couple of close calls earlier on narrow paths and took the easy way out - picked him up :(
You can't relax for a minute when you have a reactive dog. I just assumed he was going to carry on walking on the lower bank past me.
If it works, pick him up, I do with Eddi.
I managed to avoid a reactive situation today, but then I have had a lot of practice! About a week ago Jasper went for a dog I really wouldn't have expected him to - an older lab with obvious mobility problems, so I guess he just homed in on his weakness, or possibly the lab was on meds that made him smell funny. Anyhoo, the man pushed J away and J then jumped up on him, and once I managed to get J back on lead I tried to apologise to the man and J was so pumped up he jumped up on me :oops: The man shouted at me and I can't say I blame him one bit, but I was caught completely by surprise :oops:

Today I saw the man & dog approaching and looked for an escape route - J was on lead as I'm not letting him off on that particular path again - but the only option was to climb through some brambles. So I did, and waved some sausage under J to tempt him in and off the path as well. Luckily the sausage worked, the guy said hello, and commented on the weather (it was pouring) and went on his way, as I felt the thorns stick into my legs :eek:

So it seems I've been forgiven, which is a relief :)