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Timber re-discovers his inner puppy

Thanks both.

OK, so we visited the vet this morning and Jimmy went in alone due to COVID restrictions. We could hear him yelping from outside, which was distressing for me. The vet shaved the area around the swelling on his foot and said there was a black dot on it which indicated something had punctured the skin. She could not find anything under the skin and prescribed antibiotics and bathing the sore area in a weak salt water solution and applying Isoderm if we wanted to. So we'll see how it goes. I just hope he stops licking it. If it doesn't clear up in a week, we have to go back. To top it all off as Jimmy was returned to us I had a telephone call from my best friend's wife saying he'd passed away earlier this week :(:(:(
I hope Jimmy recovers well but I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Was it unexpected?
Thanks both. My friend had been battling cancer for many years, but despite this was the most upbeat and helpful person I know. Whilst his health wasn't good, it wasn't expected - by me at least - that he would pass away so suddenly. I will miss him desperately.
So sorry @arealhuman.

Cancer is a horrid thing, I desperately hope we get a cure or preventative treatment in my lifetime.
Thank you both again, and so sorry for going wildly off topic.
Please, don't apologise. I hope you are OK.
I'm fine thanks @JoanneF. It's just several things have happened over the last two days and my first thought was "I can't wait to tell my friend about that! Oh, wait...". I miss him like mad, but will eventually get used to the idea he's not around anymore, as you do.
A quick Jimbo update - he's been on antibiotic tablets for about half a week now and the soreness/redness seems to have subsided. He doesn't pull his foot back if it's touched now, and he hasn't been licking his foot either, although he had a go the other night. We've not put any more Isoderm on as we haven't felt the need. I think the tablets are making his poos a bit softer, so with that in mind my wife sensibly suggested we don't give him the ageility supplement until he's finished his course of tablets (last dose due on Friday).