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Timber re-discovers his inner puppy


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My boy will be 9 later this month (how did that happen?). So as a preventive against aches and degradation I have started him on a supplement - green lipped mussel after seeing a truly transformational change in a friend's dog who has hip dysplasia; and a bioflow magnetic collar. Over the last week he has been prancing about, running zoomies, playing like a puppy, chasing imaginary cats away from the garden. I am delighted. But exhausted! Long may it continue.
Ooh, I might try green-lipped mussel with Jasper too :)
Ooh, I might try green-lipped mussel with Jasper too :)
Actually, and joking aside, you might find it helps your knee. It has been shown in various studies to reduce joint tenderness and stiffness.

Mr F has been muttering about how well the dog is looked after in comparison with him and asking if we have a loyalty card for Holland and Barrett.
It could be worth a try, @JoanneF ! Though one thing all the professionals do seem to agree on is that it's a soft-tissue problem I have rather than the joint itself.
It could be worth a try, @JoanneF ! Though one thing all the professionals do seem to agree on is that it's a soft-tissue problem I have rather than the joint itself.
What about anti-inflammatories like golden paste then? Sorry, you probably have been through all this already ...
I was on ibuprofen for a long time (with stomach protector) and though it helped a little, whenever I came off it (because my stomach objected, even with the protector) my knee flared up again. I've been off it for a few weeks as my knee does seem to have improved - to an extent - but if that didn't fix it, I don't think a natural anti-inflam would.

But I don't want to turn this from a Timber's zoomies thread into Jude's knee thread!
Aw, he says it's fine. Golden paste is turmeric based, so related to ginger which of course is good for digestion. And even if it doesn't help, it makes a nice marinade for barbecue food - if only we had the weather for it ...
So pleased Jasper is doing well on his supplements:)

I cant take ordinary Brufen as I have a Hiatus hernia and it plays hell with my tummy but I can take Naproxen from the GP which causes no problems:)
@niamh123 , I was on the verge of asking for an alternative anti-inflamm, but when my knee had flared up I didn't fancy the walk up to the doc's and then my stomach seemed to settle.
Hate all the NSIAD's but diclofenac is the worst for me it makes me really ill with cold sweats as well as stomach problems. Just a btw.. if you take any stomach protector for a while such as Omeprazole/Rantidine etc take a B12 supplement as well, these things tend to affect your B12 uptake and can leave you tired dizzy confused headachey etc etc. Just adding to the problem'.

I have to say for both my knee and hip problem both soft tissue/muscle problems physio taping has helped a lot. Just enough to support the joint between treatments my knee is now back up to near 100% and my hip is getting there fast.

Sorry to have taken this way off course:oops:

I know when Oscar had stiffness we gave him glucosamine (this was 2011) and the improvement was really noticeable within a week or two he was no longer yelping on rising or having difficulty getting comfortable.
I can't take diclofenac or anything codeine-based either. I've tried taping but I'm sensitive to the decent tape (thought it was an allergy but apparently it's a sensitivity to the pulling of the tape on the skin) and the other one I tried wasn't strong enough to do anything. I keep meaning to try the decent stuff again, a little less tight, and avoiding the area of knee that seemed to object to it but never really felt it benefited me anyway. I'm glad you're on the mend, @Mad Murphy

Going back on topic - I did try Jasper on Youmove for quite a while (which I realise now contains green-lipped mussel), back when the vet thought the limp caused by his corn might be joint related, but didn't see any change in his condition. Maybe I should carry on with something like that as a preventative but because of his size it works out very expensive for something that might not be doing anything at all.
The Jointsure for Timber (at 8 kilos) is just over a penny a day.
The Jointsure for Timber (at 8 kilos) is just over a penny a day.

Are you sure? It's about £30 for 300 on Amazon, which would be 10p per tablet. Though 30p per day for Jasper isn't bad. Yumove was 40p a day for him - again, it's not going to break the bank but I wasn't convinced he actually needed it.
And there is my decimal point thing again ... oops :rolleyes:
My boy will be 9 later this month (how did that happen?). So as a preventive against aches and degradation I have started him on a supplement - green lipped mussel after seeing a truly transformational change in a friend's dog who has hip dysplasia; and a bioflow magnetic collar. Over the last week he has been prancing about, running zoomies, playing like a puppy, chasing imaginary cats away from the garden. I am delighted. But exhausted! Long may it continue.
Glad to hear Timber's doing well :) Do you still feed him Gentle? I thought that had green lipped mussel in it.
Glad to hear Timber's doing well :) Do you still feed him Gentle? I thought that had green lipped mussel in it.
I do, and it does - but this supplement made such a difference to my friend's dog that I thought I would try him on it. The GLM and glucosamine levels in this are slightly higher than in Yu-move which is the well known one and he does seem more energised :)

Good to see you back btw, how are things? Is Jimmy well?
I do, and it does - but this supplement made such a difference to my friend's dog that I thought I would try him on it. The GLM and glucosamine levels in this are slightly higher than in Yu-move which is the well known one and he does seem more energised :)

Good to see you back btw, how are things? Is Jimmy well?

Thanks for that. Things are good thanks, been (and still am) insanely busy at work, leaving little time for much else I'm afraid. I still don't get notifications from here so I'm never reminded to check back! Jimmy's great, thanks for asking. He's still as mad as ever and seems to be getting younger in his behaviour, not the distinguished gent he's supposed to be! :D
I might have to invest in this supplement @JoanneF. Jimmy went barreling up the garden a few days ago like he usually does when we let him out, but came back limping badly. At first, I thought he'd got something stuck in his pad, but I couldn't find anything, even though he did his low growling when I was examining it. He was limping badly for the rest of the day, and didn't want to go out for his usual early morning walk the next day, just hobbled down the road a bit, had a wee and stopped. It broke my heart to see - almost to the point of tears (a grown man!) - as he's never refused this walk since we've had him, except during torrential rain. On top of that he was struggling with stairs and jumping to places he enjoys like our bed on the morning or the sofa. Anyway, things have improved a lot since, and he's been on long walks with us since, especially yesterday, and seemed OK if a little slower in some places than usual (it was hot though). This morning he went out as usual, but chose a different and shorter route, but no limping, so maybe he just wanted a change of scenery.

So, sorry for the long post, but his injury really upset me and I wondered if this supplement might help him. He's around 8 years old now and until his injury, was happy to run around and do all the usual things you'd expect (as much as he can, we still keep him on a long lead as he still has zero recall). Do you have a link to it please?

Many thanks :)