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Tick And Noodle

Thanks for adding yours too Las Vegas - I love the one licking the spoon :wub: :wub:
We need more rat pictures you two...havnt seen them for ages... :thumbsup: :)
went to a well known supermarket a couple days was dark

....and coming out of a bush and investigating a spillage was a huge rat :blink:

thankfully it was well away from the actual shop :sweating:

believe me it wasn't as cute looking as all of yours :cheers:
ok heres some new pics of sophie for you



aww sophies lovely :wub: :huggles:

how old is she now??
Oh they are too gorgeous !! I have 10 ratties of my own ( two boys and 8 girls). It is best to keep them on paper bedding as it is relatively dust free. All rats except Lab rats have the potential to develop respiratory problems so it is the luck of the draw sometimes.

I have an old ratty Morganna who is nearly three who has had lung damge from an early age when she had a very bad respiratory infection. I`ve managed it all this time with Salbutamol and she does really well on this.

Steaming really helps too...just like you would with a child with croup so well worth buying a `steamer` if you have this ongoing problem.

I love your rats, they`re lovely !
eve said:
trish g said:
aww sophies lovely :wub:   :huggles:
how old is she now??

she was 1 in august :) oh sophie says thank you, i have to say shes the loveliest rat i'v owned

love them all :huggles: ,i had 7 once males and females but i was so upset when they died,they have big characters and such a shame they dont live long :(
:) Lovely rats, i use to keep them when i was younger but i haven't got the time now with my three lurchers. Nice to see your pictures. :thumbsup: Diane
They are so lovely!! I used to have some hooded rats. My first was Willow she used to sit up in the curtains while i worked at my desk at college. She lived to 3 1/2.

Your boys and girls look so cute!!! :wub:
kimwhippets said:
Whippets Rule said:
i have 2 rats called evie+amie,i hane been keeping rats for 10 years,they are like little dogs.

aww they are gorgeous,i do feel broody for some rattys :huggles:

think the boys are more playful than the girls and i agree they are just like dogs,mine use to come running over the room if i shouted their name :lol: and the dogs i had then would run a mile :thumbsup: :p
Tee hee..Mine do that !! They all come back to their names , they are like little Whippets, don`t you think ? :huggles: