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Tick And Noodle

Whippets Rule

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awww heidi they'r sooo cute! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
awww your girlies r sooo cute 2 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
aww lovely to see your rats,love em all but i found the boys to be the most affectionate :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Aww - now I could really go for a pet rat or two. Perhaps one day.

Is that horse bedding they are on? Does wood shavings cause problems for them?
Rae said:
Aww - now I could really go for a pet rat or two.  Perhaps one day. 
Is that horse bedding they are on?  Does wood shavings cause problems for them?

i think wood shavings can cause sores on their heals,which looks very painful for them,i had two with the problem and took awhile to clear up with AB.
They are lovely :wub: when I used to keep rats I had one of those rodent igloo things the same as in your first picture. When the lid was on they used to chew the holes in the side a bit bigger so that they could stick their heads through without having to get out of bed! Lazy ratties :clown:
Awww lovely Rats :wub: , almost as cute as mine! ;)

Rae said:
Aww - now I could really go for a pet rat or two.  Perhaps one day. 
Is that horse bedding they are on?  Does wood shavings cause problems for them?

That's a good question, I keep my Rats on paper cat litter as I am lead to believe that wood shavings cause breathing problems in Rats. However whilst at London Zoo on Friday I noticed that they keep their Rats on wood shavings and they seemed fine?! :blink:
LasVegasNo1 said:
Awww lovely Rats :wub: , almost as cute as mine! ;)
Rae said:
Aww - now I could really go for a pet rat or two.  Perhaps one day. 
Is that horse bedding they are on?  Does wood shavings cause problems for them?

That's a good question, I keep my Rats on paper cat litter as I am lead to believe that wood shavings cause breathing problems in Rats. However whilst at London Zoo on Friday I noticed that they keep their Rats on wood shavings and they seemed fine?! :blink:

Must admit that I used to keep all of my rats on sawdust and never had a problem. At the time I didn't realise that they could cause breathing ptoblems so I guess I was just lucky :)

I think if I was to get anymore now I would use paper type bedding. I have had a few problems finding the right bedding for my guinea pigs, now they are on chopped straw and sneeze free!
Its ages since Ive seen rats on here again :thumbsup: Thank you :wub: :wub: :cheers:
The issue with rats and wood shavings is unclear....there is much scare mongering on rodent forums about the phenols in wood shavings causing respiratory problems and also alledgedly liver problems.....however i have yet to see a tracable factual document about the effects and i'm not certain any proper study has been done.

I keep mine mostly on chopped cardboard or shredded paper but actually they all are on medication for respiratory problems and they've never been near a wood shaving in their lives so go figure :blink:
Hmm seems I was lead up the garden path on this one then....! :p O well my girls will be staying on cat litter now I don't want to upset the apple cart so to speak! :clown:

I've nearly had my girlies a year now, hope you don't mind me adding my photo's to your thread :*

Pink tongue!


aww so many sweeties :wub: :wub:

heres a couple of my Sophie


Aww another cutie :wub: Anymore Rat lovers on here we need more photo's! :*
Awww LV yours are gorgeous. :wub: ....and of course the lovely Sophie eve. :wub:
Lovely photos. I used to have a pet rat as a kid. We would leave the door of her cage open most evenings, so she could wander around at her own free will. She loved to run up jumper sleeves and nibble your eye lashes. You only had to tap her cage a few times when it was time to go back in, and she put herself to bed, with no fuss or bother. She was very, very intelligent, and quite trainable!

I was heartbroken when she died. I couldn't have one now, as Stanley would despatch it no time, and I don't really have the time to do one justice, but this has brought back lovely memories :wub:
Makes me miss my Ratman who died a few months ago. Will look on CDs to see if i can find photos. Love all your babies! :wub:

Ratman got a lung problem the vet said was from being kept on sawdust (before I had him) and he died of a haemorrhage from the lungs so next time I get one (after twiggy has gone to the Rainbow bridge - she always stalked him so i couldn't have him out as much as I wanted) it will be kept on paper :thumbsup:
cute rats!


I dont know anything about rats but with hamsters pine and cedar should be avoided in the USA however UK pine is meant to be fine. The pine in the UK/Europe is different. It does not contain high levels of phenols, and is kiln dried. As phenols are volatile they evaporate in the dry heat. Therefore sawdust should be perfectly safe in the UK.

However a few people i have came across feel that there hamster has been effected by the pine they used resulting in respiratory problems. Personally i use sawdust for my hamsters and havent had any problems *touch wood* and i pretty sure its the same principle for rats. However safer alternative are megasorb, carefresh and paperbased cat litter, i plan on switching to megasorb as soon as possible (best be safe than sorry) however id say a majority of people have not had problems with sawdust.