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Oh Nicky I'm so sorry :( that Tia is still poorly, sending lots of :huggles: :huggles:

And some gentle ones for Tia too :huggles: :huggles:
So sorry Nicky - you do seem to be having such a worrying time at the moment. I do hope Tia improves soon. :luck: Sending positive thoughts to you and Tia. :huggles:
oh poor tia,hope they get her sorted soon,she must be so fed up herself too :huggles:
So sorry to read that Tia is still poorly Nicky

I do hope she improves soon lots of huggles coming your way xxxx
so sorry lots of :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: and gentle :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Just catching up with this thread - very sorry Nicky that Tia is so poorly. Thank goodness she's in such good hands, poor little girl. I hope she improves very soon, she must feel so sick. What a worrying time for you.

Glad Alfie is feeling better.
Only just caught up with this thread and I'm so sorry Tia is having such a tough time, bless her. You must be beside yourself with worry. Fingers crossed she starts improving really soon. Also just wanted to say I had a german shepherd who had both a spinal tap and a mylogram, and he was fine ;) My thoughts are with you xx
thanks for all your kind words guys ,just bk from vets she had another injection of strong pain killer ,she seems little brighter this morning althou still in alot of pains ,she eaten some chickenn soup so thats good sign ,ANGELA whats a mylogram hun ? :unsure:
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Poor Tia, I hope 2009 brings better news for her Nicky... :luck: :luck:
If you google 'canine myelogram' you'll find lots of info :thumbsup: I don't want to add any links cos there is loads of stuff to look through. :wacko:

Best of luck, I hope that Tia is feeling much better soon :luck:
oh nicky so sorry your still having a rough time

hope tia soon on the mend and 2009 be a better year for you all

lots :luck: and love sent to you all

A myelogram is where they inject a special dye into the dog's spine to show the spaces between the discs. Also quite a tricky procedure but as I say, my dog came through both procedures without any trouble. I think it is a specialised thing though, so whoever does it would be very experienced.
Awwwwwwww Nicky,just caught up with the lastest.I can't believe whats happening with her.poor mite :( Glad she seems a bit better today :sweating: and lets hope this is what we shall hear :luck:

Lots of love to you both hun :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

Please get better Tia,we all thinking of you sweetie :*
just little update on tia ,last night tia took a turn for the worst ,she was in constant pain she has been seen by the vet again today and they have given her some strong pain killer for the pain they think she has some sort of infection her temp is up againvand she was sick again this morning , cant start her on steriods as it will effect her immune system ,so she is in on tuesday for somemore xrays and if they show nothing then they will go ahead and do a spinal tap :( which they said will be very risky ,im worried sick please send us some good luck :( :(

Hi Nicky

The vet is quite right not to give you steroids in case she has an infection. That could be very dangerous for her. They need to rule things out before steroids are administered, it is really bad practice to hand them out unless infection has been totally ruled out. You need to monitor her temperature very carefully and keep her cool if it is high. Try to keep a record of her temperature (every 4 hours) Call the vet up if it gets very high. Give her fluids as much as you can. Don't worry too much about food, just keep her hydrated (syringe water into her mouth). If she is insured/or you can afford it and she is still poorly on Monday then I would STRONGLY suggest referral to a specialist clinic. Don't worry about the spinal tap too much, the specialists do lots of them, but do think about a specialist rather than your regular vet.

just a note that many whippets seem to exhibit neck pain with a high temperature, this can be very deceptive and is not neccesarily indicative of meningitis which is seldom diagnosed and is used very much as a catch all term for an immune mediated non specific disease which responds to steroids.

Wishing you and Tia all the luck possible. Keep the little girl cool and hydrated :huggles:

Hi Nicky , how is Tia today ? Hope she is feeling better ?

The above poster is right that it would indeed be bad practice to prescribe steroids if there is infection present but any vet would do a blood test first so there is no danger that steroids would be prescribed wrongly . The blood test will be what your vet is going by .
Having just logged back on after a Xmas break I felt I should add a note of my experience - hope this helps. My little fawn bitch had very similar symptons and was eventually referred down to Bristol where they performed a spinal tap and diagnosed steriod responsive meningitus. She was on a high dose for a long time and when we eventually weaned her off she had an almost immediate relapse and was put straight back on the high does for a further three months. It is now over a year on and she is absolutely fine. The vets at Bristol were superb and assured us that her prognosis was very good and that once recovered fully she should never relapse again and should also not have any long term effects from the drugs. However during the time she was on the high dose of steriods she put on a huge amount of weight - small price to pay, and she is back to her slim and elegant self now. I wish you lots of luck with your little Tia as I remember how dreadful we all felt when ours was poorly, not being able to do anything much to help her. Denise xx
tia is feeling better today ,shes eating and drinking fine :sweating: mind you shes always been a greedy bugger lol ,thanks for all the advise and well wishes ,we will no more on tuesday when she has her xrays ,althou our first vet done xrays and radiograph and bloods and didnt find anything ,so we will have to wait and see if our new vet will find anything :unsure:
Having just logged back on after a Xmas break I felt I should add a note of my experience - hope this helps. My little fawn bitch had very similar symptons and was eventually referred down to Bristol where they performed a spinal tap and diagnosed steriod responsive meningitus. She was on a high dose for a long time and when we eventually weaned her off she had an almost immediate relapse and was put straight back on the high does for a further three months. It is now over a year on and she is absolutely fine. The vets at Bristol were superb and assured us that her prognosis was very good and that once recovered fully she should never relapse again and should also not have any long term effects from the drugs. However during the time she was on the high dose of steriods she put on a huge amount of weight - small price to pay, and she is back to her slim and elegant self now. I wish you lots of luck with your little Tia as I remember how dreadful we all felt when ours was poorly, not being able to do anything much to help her. Denise xx
hi denise ,thanks for sharing that ,wen your dog was poorly was she like one day good then all of a sudden be in pain from her neck and crying in pain and then on good day just lame on her bk end ?? :unsure: