cuppa had thank you june your very right ,i suppose i panicked a bit wen heart murmur was said as it brings bk wat my wee little poppy went throu and she didnt have long with us and she had grade 3 heart murmour to start and just progressed so quickly into heart failer ext that it kind of scared the shit outa me wen she said heart murmour and grad 1,2 she going to have some tests now once shes recover from her spaying so we will no whats wat then ,on a good note vets just rang she had her op and has come around so i can go pick her up about 3.30 ishRight Nicky, sit down with a cuppa, and do not worry. A grade 1-2 heart murmur is not a problem at all. 1-2 is not bad, and she will probably live the rest of her life without her heart giving her a problem. My Jenna had a heart murmur - not sure when it was diagnosed now, but she lived until almost 16, and it wasn't her heart that made her ill towards the end. The vet will listen to it each time you go in, and if it gets worse there's always medication, but you wouldn't believe how many dogs have heart murmurs and never have another problem with it :huggles: She will be home in no time :luck:just got bk from the vets again as poppy was booked in for 10.10 as shes had a runny bum all night and our vet called us in to have chat about tia ,wen they wer doing her check up they have found a heart murmor she says its grade 1 ,2 at the moe
they are happy to go ahead with her spaying thou as they would prefer her to have it done sooner rather than late ,to say im gutted is an understatement