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Hi everyone, theres a horrible thunderstorm going on at the moment and Molly is absolutely terrified poor thing. She is hiding under the table! Tam isnt bothered one bit! Its really noisy but we were wondering if its normal and if anyone elses dogs act like this?
we got caught in it, :sweating: we had both eck and nell out for their 'big walk' and half way through the fields we saw and heard the thunder, we turned tail and headed for home as niether of them had expeienced a thunderstorm before and we weren't dressed for rain but it caught us before we even got out of the wood :( nell stopped in her tracks and just refused to move. Eck was fine and trotted up the road, fortuantely, a neighbour rushed accross with a brolly for me and I had to carry nell home...

needless to say she was happy as larry being carried she still only a wee pup, but both were great when they got in and sat in the conservatory looking at the storm.
well clyde is scared but tank,bonnie and lucy are just wanting their dinner.
:( My two 9yr olds, Pheonix and Zinzin, have just had a complete flap with the thunderstorm going over us. They were both in a state of panic for about an hour and I've had to wash Zinzin's dribble off the floor. Poor wee things.

Strangely Zinzin seems to have learned the whole 'panic' thing from Pheonie because she never used to bother. Pheonie has always hated loud noises and is bad with fireworks too. It was too late to give them anything to calm them either because the storm came up out of nowhere... :blink:

Mind you, it was a HUGE storm and it passed right over the top of us so I was a bit nervous too and unplugged the pooter for a while :blink:
Thanks everyone its reassuring to know Molly isnt the only one, That strom really did come out of nowhere although Molly had been acting a bit strange all morning like she was waiting for something to happen she was whimpering and hiding under everything in her path! :( which is very out of character for her :blink:

That being said, now the storms over and she is back to her usual self which is lovely! :lol:
My Dobermann, Chloe is very scared of thunder. It stems from when she was caught on a walk in one - she ran off from my OH and came home!

The best thing to do is ignore them as much as possible. If you fuss them and make a big deal about it, it only reinforces the 'silly' behaviour and teaches them that they get attention from flapping about ;)

the storm is on it's way here, so Chloe has just been taken out for her walk before it arrives!
MollyMoMo said:
Hi everyone, theres a horrible thunderstorm going on at the moment and Molly is absolutely terrified poor thing. She is hiding under the table! Tam isnt bothered one bit! Its really noisy but we were wondering if its normal and if anyone elses dogs act like this?
Bugger me arent we just copping for it now, staffordehire, doesnt bother my 2 dogs, but my oh is in the shed, lol, mind u its nice to cool off, been to much, so now in the privacy of my own back garden, im gonna strip off (w00t) , and get a dam good soaking, lol, so if im not on later, you know ive been hit.

Dont forget to take any modem cables out, important

keith :thumbsup:
my molly and millie,dont like thunder one bit,millie is the worst,she flys from one room to another panting,i pull the sofa out and she usually gets behind it which makes her stay in one place. molly just pants and follows me everywhere i go.

and i think where in for some thunder soon,its changing outside and getting windy,hope it cools it down a bit.
First sign of thunder storm one of mine runs around the house frantic, she panics something awful. I have tried allsorts with her ~ sitting under the stairs cuddling her or just plain ignoring her as i was told this might be for the best but nothing works. My other 3 just look at her with bemused looks. I go through this panic striken time every thunderstorm & firework night. Luckily ive never been caught out walking with her... I wouldnt like to carry Kristen back as she weighs in at 30kgs...
Robbie is scared of thunder :( . Fireworks :( ,,anything loud :(

We were outside at the peddie club when it was on :angry: . Gizmo was fine, but I was worried about Robbie as he was at home just with Ricky for company :(

It was very loud (w00t) and poor wee Gary was scared stiff :( ,,,but he came home like the rest of us, happy, but very wet :lol: :lol:
just started here now,ive one behind the sofa ,bless her :(
Annie does'nt bat an eyelid when we have a thunderstorm, but Alfie JRT renowned for being small dog with big attitude :- " gets scared and we have to turn tv up and make background noise to mask the thunder claps as much as we can.
off track here, but i wish this mega-storm would head this way...blimey, do we southerners need it :sweating: its not so much the sun and heat i mind, though thats bad enough, its the humidity. its so muggy, and just awful. we've all clocked at least double the daily requirements for water :sweating: damn this hosepipe ban, i could do with getting drenched :D

ambers fine with thunder etc, but dante, doesnt get scared, but gets all macho :clown: every roll of thunder, he growls and barks back like 'oi, who d'you think you are? i'll have you!' which is hysterical to watch, as hes such a wimp :huggles:
We had the storm around 6ish tonight. It got darker & darker & then all of a sudden WHAM!!! It was soooooo loud, right overhead, WOW (w00t) .

I love thunderstorms & stood at the back door watching it.......... until it started flooding the kitchen, the wind was blowing it right in.

I shut the back door & the rain was so hard that it forced it's way under the door & flooded the kitchen.

Hebe & Rafferty were not the slightest bit bothered & I never gave it a thought until Scrumpy started panting & looking really stressed. I think it's probably her first experience of thunder :(

It was hard to do but I ignored her completely & within 15 mins she had relaxed & gone back to sleep, taking her lead off the other two. Even when there were really loud bangs she didn't flinch. I did, some of them were sooooo loud :blink:

The storm lasted about 45 mins & really cooled everything off, PHEW!!!!
jok said:
My Dobermann, Chloe is very scared of thunder.  It stems from when she was caught on a walk in one - she ran off from my OH and came home!
The best thing to do is ignore them as much as possible.  If you fuss them and make a big deal about it, it only reinforces the 'silly' behaviour and teaches them that they get attention from flapping about ;)

the storm is on it's way here, so Chloe has just been taken out for her walk before it arrives!

This is really good advice as 2 of mine are also terrified of thunder , fireworks if i know a storm is on its way i get them out for a wee and settle them down and completely ignore them , i`ve learnt from experience that this is the best way to go, i also use a DAP diffuser/spray this seems to have a truly calming effect on them,my old dog actually gets so relaxed that he falls asleep ......Grace on the other hand (Border Collie) still reacts to the storm but is able to cope much better.