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Theres Allways A Pratt About

I worked my dogs in the field and encountered loads of other gun dogs (labs, HPRs, spaniels etc) and the only dogs to have attacked any of mine were:


West Highland Terrier


Scottish Terrier!!!

Need I say any more.
suzeanna said:
We took Dylan (our whippetx) to the park a couple of evenings ago, and a patterdale terrier, muzzled but offlead, tore straight at him and started making murderous noises and jumping at him! not surprisingly, Dyl flattened it, and stupid owner is calling, oh she's alright, she cant bite she's got a muzzle on! Didn't seem to occur to him that she could get bitten though! My husband was swearing a blue streak, Dyl is fear aggressive on lead, and its taken us six months to get him to walk quietly when he sees other dogs........all undone in about three minutes, thanks you stupid bloke.  Our Dyl hates Westies too lalena, any white dogs, come to that........shame really, as my son's fiancee owns a Westie and it'll be coming to stay at Christmas! (w00t)
oh god! hopefully its a young one, as older westies are complete liabilities! my nan in laws one, sam - aged about 11, 12, had to be pts because of his intolerance, in fact sheer dislike, of kids, which progressed to nearly everything. it got to the point that she was scared of him :eek: . you could understand the kid thing, but when we had him after she had a house fire, he missed my 3mth old sons hand by millimetres! he went for him because i was changing his nappy on my bed?! he wasnt crying, or making any noise to alarm sam, the dog just decided that on top of our duvet was HIS space! and no, we didnt get our dog until 3yrs after sam died, maybe she senses my dislike of the breed? :blink:
"oh god! hopefully its a young one, as older westies are complete liabilities" no, he's eight or nine, and an entire male! I can see Christmas is going to be.....erm....lively!!