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The Sun Newspaper


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I have just been on the Sun website and came across the most horrific account of pet cruelty. There is a video of a 12 year old girl taking a dog for a walk and stamping on it's tail and kicking it etc! I couldn't bare to watch the video all the way through, it made me feel sick to the stomach. Appartly her father is going to give her a good talking to :angry: It beggers belief :rant: :rant: I wouldn't want to talk to her I would want to wring her horrible little neck :rant: :rant: The dog thankfully doesn't belong to her, but to a disabled man who she was walking the dog for! Her father said he was going to get her a puppy as well as she loves animals that much !!! Poor dog It must have been absolutely petrified :( She has a cat poor thing. I bet she beats it upo as well :rant:

I bet nothing at all will even be done about this horrendous act of cruelty :rant:

Below is an extract from the Sun website

"The DOG was filmed being beaten and kicked in a sickening attack — by a girl aged TWELVE.

The schoolgirl was seen kneeing, slapping and stamping on stunned springer spaniel Jasper in the 13-minute film.

She whipped him with his lead, then stood on his tail with one leg while kicking him with the other.

The girl is seen kicking the pup 14 times, kneeing it 26 times and hitting it with its lead eight times. She slaps it 17 times and stamps on it ten times.

Last night Jasper’s owner Ray Green, in his 60s, choked back tears after seeing the horrific film. Mr Green, who uses a mobility scooter, had let the girl — the daughter of a close pal — take the 18-month-old dog for walks.


Click on the slideshow to see more pics of the horrific attack:


But after seeing the video he said she would never walk Jasper again.

Mr Green, of Keighley, West Yorks, said: “I’ve seen enough.

“I can’t believe it. Jasper is a playful thing and is well-treated.

“She was supposed to be teaching him to walk on a lead. What she did is not right. I am really shocked.”

The girl’s family were stunned when they saw the video — and revealed they had thought that she was an “animal lover”. The family has a cat — and had planned to buy the girl a puppy.

Her stunned dad shook his head in disbelief after seeing the film with Mr Green and said: “I don’t understand where this has come from.


“She loves animals. She walks a few people’s dogs. A man down the road said she’d end up a vet.

“She’ll not be getting a dog now. I can’t believe what I have just seen.”

He said he would be talking at length to his daughter — who he said would be “grounded”. The attack was filmed by a neighbour in a field near his home. The neighbour, who asked not to be named, said he filmed it as evidence after seeing previous abuse.


He said: “I’d seen her jerk his lead before but nothing like this. I couldn’t believe it. It looked like torture.

“The dog was cowering. It tried to defend itself but she just punched it hard. She should be banned from having a pet for at least ten years.

“In a few years she might be a babysitter and who knows what she might do. I couldn’t believe it was able to walk after all she had put it through.

“It must have been bruised all over. I hope the authorities take some action.”
That's horrific. :angry:

I'd like to take that girl out to a field on a lead and kick her around (with my steel toecaps on) for a while, see how she likes it.
Children can be so cruel . My Mum had a little terrier some local children took her out for walks until a neighbour told my Mum they were tring to get her little dog to do tricks . If she didn't do them they hit her . They never got to take her out again :rant:
saw this in the paper earlier..................disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the father said he would give her a talking to !!!!...................i could do that for him :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
There is now 412 comments against the monster of a child. Saying that a few people have said maybe she has done it because she is fat and has been bullied :rant: That is no excuse as far as I'm concerned hope she DOES get bullied now :rant: :rant: :rant:
What an absolute brat!!!!! If she was mine the skin would be off her hips :rant:
There is now 412 comments against the monster of a child. Saying that a few people have said maybe she has done it because she is fat and has been bullied :rant: That is no excuse as far as I'm concerned hope she DOES get bullied now :rant: :rant: :rant:
i was fat and bullied at school thats just an excues for a nasty selfish horred eveli bratt. sorry if shes been bulied she should know better shes sick god whats she going to be like as an adult
I shall apologise in advance if what I am about to say offends some people but .............

If a dog attacked a human it would be PTS :( :(

IMO, in this case, it should be the other way around :rant: :rant: :rant:
I shall apologise in advance if what I am about to say offends some people but .............
If a dog attacked a human it would be PTS :( :(

IMO, in this case, it should be the other way around :rant: :rant: :rant:
Offends? Not at all.

I agree with you completely.

What a horrible, twisted, evil child.
Wonder what the parents are really like? She must get it from somewhere. Horrid kid. Not going to watch video, read this thread that was enough.
Agree she's a right horror but, how can you film that sort of attack for 13 minutes and not do anything to stop it? How much evidence did he need, and if he'd seen it before why didn't he just tell the guy who's dog it was not to let her walk the dog anymore? Seems to me the goal of the photographer wasn't the dogs best interest either.

You see a mugging and you film it for evidence rather than call the cops? Seems hinky to me but perhaps I'm missing something.

The Sun has updated the story today stating that She will be questioned by the RSPCA as she needs talking to :angry: Talking to is an understatement little brat needs a good lynching. It said in todays article she looked to be doing it as she was bored :rant: :rant: :rant:

She needs the fear of death put into her like the poor dog had and that might buck her ideas up a bit. Apparantly she stayed home with her parents yesterday, wonder why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it was someone older that done it they would get more than a talking too from the rspca or if she had taken someones child out for a walk and did the same she would get more than that too no questions. Makes my blood boil to think that because it was a dog nothing will happen to her. I think that the sun should set up a poll to show that people do think she should be punished in some way and if i were her parents i would ask them to charge her and show her she cant getaway with a talking too. Of course it goes with out saying that i think she should have same done to her but we all know thats never going to happen sadly :( oh and if i were the dogs owner i would press for more to be done.
If it was someone older that done it they would get more than a talking too from the rspca or if she had taken someones child out for a walk and did the same she would get more than that too no questions. Makes my blood boil to think that because it was a dog nothing will happen to her. I think that the sun should set up a poll to show that people do think she should be punished in some way and if i were her parents i would ask them to charge her and show her she cant getaway with a talking too. Of course it goes with out saying that i think she should have same done to her but we all know thats never going to happen sadly :( oh and if i were the dogs owner i would press for more to be done.
She needs more than a talking to. What is the world coming to - people who abuse animals are more likely to go and and abuse people. Why not nip it in the bud NOW! Just think in a few years she could have her own kids and what would she do to them? She should be banned from keeping animals for LIFE. If it was my dog I would press charges, I don't care how old she is.
The Sun has updated the story today stating that She will be questioned by the RSPCA as she needs talking to :angry: Talking to is an understatement little brat needs a good lynching. It said in todays article she looked to be doing it as she was bored :rant: :rant: :rant:
She needs the fear of death put into her like the poor dog had and that might buck her ideas up a bit. Apparantly she stayed home with her parents yesterday, wonder why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree. A good thrashing is called for. Maybe her picture made public so everyone can see her and know what shes done.