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The Peppermint Pups

julie i,ve taken one's she's keeping still the other one;s are all a blur :wacko: i think you are better at the photo taking :- " won't let me put more on i need to down size them forgot how to :b
telstar said:
julie i,ve taken one's she's keeping  still the other one;s are all a blur :wacko: i think you are better at the photo taking :- " won't let me put more on i need to down size them forgot how to :b
:wub: How's flo afer her jab chelsea was very brave :wub:

peppermint lady said:
naylorwhippets said:
Good  :luck: with little Flo Julie. She's gorgeous :wub: & she gives lovely sloppy kisses :D I think when i was talking to your mum, she said you could have seventeen (w00t)   So you have a long way to go yet! :lol:

who gives sloppy kisses??? :unsure: flo or mum? :b :- " :lol: :lol:

17?? including these or as well as these?? :lol: :lol:

Flo gives the kisses Julie, as you should know! :lol: I think it might be including the ones you have already (w00t)
(w00t) well flo went to the vets this evening for her 2nd jab :sweating:

and what a brave girl she is :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: not even a yelp :thumbsup:

she was areal hit with the staff at the vets ;) didnt think i was gonna get her back :- "

she is now curled up on the sofa :huggles: before she has her tea :thumbsup:
Another puppy you must be gluten for punishment. She looks gorgeous. :luck: with them all.
peppermint lady said:
(w00t)   well must be 24 hours since i posted piccys :- " but here is the best photo ive ever taken :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

just look at lolly :wub:

OMG, fab photo...............LOLLY LOOKS ALL GROWN UP (w00t) . She is a bit of a stunner.
Awww what a brave girl you were Flo :huggles: ......Ethel said she can't wait to meet her as she loves your other girls :D
I love Libby :wub: :wub:

There should be more pictures of her she looks woolly and soft it's not surprising Flo snuggles up to her.How do you keep her so clean?
sue greenwood said:
I love Libby :wub:   :wub: There should be more pictures of her she looks woolly and soft it's not surprising Flo snuggles up to her.How do you keep her so clean?

she aint so woolly now :b shes been for a hair cut :- " when her coat gets long everything sticks to her :oops: ....she brings half the garden in when shes been laying by the bushes :wacko: leaves everywhere and bits of twig (w00t) (w00t)

il take some piccys of her sue...just for you :wub: :wub: :huggles:
Joanna said:
peppermint lady said:
(w00t)   well must be 24 hours since i posted piccys :- " but here is the best photo ive ever taken :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

just look at lolly :wub:

OMG, fab photo...............LOLLY LOOKS ALL GROWN UP (w00t) . She is a bit of a stunner.

tell Lloyd theres nothing to this picture taking lark :- " (w00t) (w00t)

(out of a thousand piccys ive taken. :b good one aint bad :wacko: , maybe il not take over the picture taking at the track just yet ) (w00t) :p
(w00t) well i have a few piccys to share :thumbsup:

look who flo loves :huggles: her and kc are best buddies....kc wont let anyone else in her bed :- "
thank you sharon :thumbsup:

she looks so grown up now, where as grace still looks very puppy ish :wub:

look at her in this pic taken last week :thumbsup:
peppermint lady said:
thank you sharon :thumbsup: she looks so grown up now, where as grace still looks very puppy ish :wub:

look at her in this pic taken last week :thumbsup:

OH WOW, she does look goooood :wub: :wub: , cant wait to see her again, :thumbsup: Sally will be trilled with that pic of her :huggles: :lol: :D :D

all the best shazxxxx
i have printed sally a copy of it, im sending it to her in the morning :thumbsup:

i think she will like it :- "