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The Parkstone Vases (32 Dog Stake)

Great see you there Charlie!!!! (w00t)

Not sure about the stimulating conversation but plenty of alcohol HIC!!!! :cheers:
jinx and rubys mum said:
Great see you there Charlie!!!! (w00t) Not sure about the stimulating conversation but plenty of alcohol HIC!!!! :cheers:

Oh, we're gettin bladdered then! :cheers:

beaker said:
plz can you count Oto and Tissy in again,
i'll bubble wrap Tiss prior to the event then he can't miss it again ;)

it's such a shame when things are taken far too seriously and people start getting huffy about stuff, we all enjoy our dogs and they all enjoy the run, you'd think in the light of the ban on the real thing and the constant threat from the anti-dog brigade that a little unity would be a good idea. :huggles:

there is room for everyone so arguing for arguments sake is pointless and gets no one anywhere.

my boy is 1/4 of an inch over the limit for other lure coursing events but he does love it sooo much, and if it wasn't for events like this he'd have to stop at home  :( that extra 1/4 inch doesn't make him any less a whippet or any less of more able to run after the lure.

i'd love to be able to compare his running skills against dogs in other clubs but so far this seems to be the only club that doesn't have closed veiws on lure coursing whippets.

his extra height and weight could be a problem in racing if he was mixed with smaller dogs as they generally run much faster, in groups of 4 and they all pile in at the end on a lure, but in lure coursing things are slower, they only run in pairs and there are very very rarely tumbles at the end.

you just don't get the same thrills and spills in lure coursing so size differences isn't much of a safety issue :thumbsup:

like 99% + of the people who ran their dogs last sunday i was there purely for the fun (and the bbq)  :D , i really expected old unfit oto to be knocked out in the first round, so when he made the 3rd round i was busting with pride  :wub:

thats what it's all about, watching your dog run and loving them just the same no matter how they do  :cheers:

This is my attitude, my wee girl is brand new to lure coursing, and I would be dissapointed if winning was the only reason people were there.

I don't think I would have come back if it was too competetive. :- "

I was very impressed with the dog being pulled out of the final for his own good!

And I thought that was a professional and loving attitude that reflected well on everyone present! :cheers:

Competition has it's place, and the more rounds you win you will get more excited and your hopes will be raised but at the end of the day it is more important to go home with a happy, healthy dog, ZZZZZZZZZZZZeding in the boot!!!! :thumbsup:

And on a personal note I want my dog's to race all comers, win or lose, big or small, (it's not up to someone else or a measuring tape to judge what my dogs can or can't beat) cause then if they beat them all I will know that they are the best lol but if they don't, they ran against all~comers and had fun!!

And if they choose not to run I don't care about that either because they are my dogs and they are the best anyway. To me!!! :wub:
Forgive my ignorance but what does the (S) mean after Arve Ladzes name??

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Paula Roberts said:
The drinks party will be on FRIDAY night darling as we are having the coursing on SATURDAY this time not sunday. :huggles:
So when is your birthday Shona? :)   i"m sure the club will let you snuggle up in a corner somewhere if you cant make it to the van. :lol:

no...why!!! lets hope i can book a saturday of work then :(

you just love making my life difficult :lol:
Thats what mummys are for darling, :huggles:

You"ve got plenty of time to sweet talk Jeff. :- "

See you Sunday afternoon. :thumbsup:
yeah i'll try, although i am off poorley today :( :x :(

yep will see you sunday!!!!
You"ve got plenty of time to sweet talk Jeff. :- "

Now this sounds worrying if it was ask dad then i would be laughing as i know it was going to cost him :lol: :lol:

But ask Jeff (w00t) (w00t) do you need a witness :teehee: :teehee:
Pennymeadow Whippets said:
You"ve got plenty of time to sweet talk Jeff. :- "
Now this sounds worrying if it was ask dad then i would be laughing as i know it was going to cost him :lol:   :lol:

But ask Jeff (w00t)   (w00t)   do you need a witness :teehee:   :teehee:

Well we were going to wait, didn't want to bully you into it by asking publicly, but at least you cant say no now.... :lol:

Ha ha just kidding...

Its my boss Geoff, I need to sweet talk him into letting me have a saturday of to come and join you all... :- "
Hope my little girls feeling better today, she recons its a virus I recon 48 hours drinking didnt help her much. :- "

See you Sunday sweetheart :cheers:
Hope my little girls feeling better today, she recons its a virus I recon 48 hours drinking didnt help her much. whistling.gif
See you Sunday sweetheart

just for the record, so people dont think i'm super woman. it wasnt 48 hours straight drinking. i slept for 2 hours and worked for 4 in between :- "

And no i'm not better yet!! :x :nuke: :x

i'm sure i'll be right soon enough :*
You"d better be better by Sunday, :( or i"ll have to drink on my own. :- "

Guess what :wacko:





















Bugs can have a waterfall. :thumbsup: He thinks hes king of the castle now hes in his new tank, say a big thank you to Sarah wont you. :huggles:
Paula Roberts said:
You"d better be better by Sunday, :(   or i"ll have to drink on my own. :- "
Guess what :wacko:





















Bugs can have a waterfall. :thumbsup: He thinks hes king of the castle now hes in his new tank, say a big thank you to Sarah wont you. :huggles:

dont worry i'll be better by then, :lol: seems to be a tren setting inthat house tho??



Mo ------- spoilt




Bugs ------ spoilt




Kieren ------ spoilt





mum ----- spoilt

....can i move back home, i'm not spoilt at all :- "
How many of your xmas pressies have you had already. :- " NOT SPOILT :wacko: :lol:
Paula Roberts said:
How many of your xmas pressies have you had already. :- " NOT SPOILT :wacko:   :lol:

erm....... :- "

Ok mouth shut... o:)

crawling back under my rock...

see you sunday :cheers: ....

love you mum and dad :huggles: :huggles: :p
Thought that would keep you quiet. :huggles: hope your feeling better today, :thumbsup:

Had a great night last night Jeff & Rebecca came with some blobs, :cheers: the hot one wasnt very nice but the lemonade ones where lovely, :thumbsup: then we all played on the wii, :thumbsup: great fun. :cheers: see you sunday. :huggles:

Paula Roberts said:
Thought that would keep you quiet. :huggles:   hope your feeling better today, :thumbsup: Had a great night last night Jeff & Rebecca came with some blobs, :cheers:   the hot one wasnt very nice but the lemonade ones where lovely, :thumbsup:   then we all played on the wii, :thumbsup:   great fun. :cheers:   see you sunday. :huggles:


What is a blob????? :blink: