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The nationals


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With the emergence of 3 Scottish clubs which can supply a nationals meeting with a third of the racers at any championships surely it must be time to stake a claim to hold a nationals event in Scotland I know their is 1 at the northern this year which will be well attended by loyal Scotsmen but we foot soldiers have travelled to Andover and Cornwall etc so surely it's time the English racers crossed hadrians wall to win a jacket with a NPWRA tag on it
Looking at the entries for last years events, there were definately not a third of the dogs from Scotland
That is correct Andrew because of the distance and cost of fuel most scots could not justify the expense so they lost out that is why I have asked for an event in Scotland and my post said can supply not did supply
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can you tell me why it would not be such a good idea?

this event could rotate around the 3 clubs as they all could cater for it. I've been frustrated for a long time now for this very thing but felt that I didn't have the weight behind me to push for it. I'm glad others are now feeling my frustration and so I'll push with them, it's about time we all put our differences and egos aside and worked together.
Must say that I agree with Gary McGowan, however I do not agree with Maggie Hendrie (Cindy) who gave up all rights to whippet racing at our AGM last Sunday in Kincardine
I'm with Gary and tam on this one, I too have felt for a good while that with three well run clubs in Scotland all with open class dogs we should be working together in the spirit of building the racing scene up here. Bring it on.
I don't think that we will ever see the three clubs working together, it was only a few months back that an old man, and a hard worker at the Thistle, was sent to Coventry after a visit to another club and he subsequently left. It was made clear that any club member attending the SPWRC would not be welcome at the Kincardine venue.
I'm at the thistle and have never heard this. what I do know is 2 weeks back I attended the Ayrshire club and will return regularly when it suits me, the thistle as well as the Ayrshire club where both more than happy for me to do so. lets not spend anymore time bringing up the past and move on please!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I suppose it is time to move on. If the clubs agree to this event, at what track would it be held first ? Any suggestions ?
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that would need to be discussed between the 3 clubs and not decided on here by you or me!!!!!!
Helen of Troy ???? you were asking about membership fees and can you bring your husband and son on another thread on Thistle seems you know quite a lot about the clubs already! Seems a bit strange to be commenting on here about committee members if you've never been before!,...

All Scottish Clubs should be working together and not all this childish behaviour.

Think a big group hug is required by all us Scottish whippet owners for the benefit of our sport lets all move on together and flourish and grow together. I get the feeling this is now the time for us all to back our sport and leave petty grudges and those who continue to fuel the fires firmly in the past. A Scottish national event I for one would be delighted!
Think a big group hug is required by all us Scottish whippet owners for the benefit of our sport lets all move on together and flourish and grow together. I get the feeling this is now the time for us all to back our sport and leave petty grudges and those who continue to fuel the fires firmly in the past. A Scottish national event I for one would be delighted!
Well said, i'd go to a nationals in Scotland, if all is well and good.
I see I must have put a pointless thread on here regarding a nationals in Scotland next time I will put some pictures of cute wee poodles and Chihuhuas and it might get some interesting comments however when the subject arrises again it must be considered as a Scottish enterprise involving all 3 pedigree clubs and not a preferred club who may be favoured by certain members on the nationals commitee not that anyone was interested my proposal was for a neutral venue in Gretna on a grade A facility with toilets food and caravan parking all available any distance up to 240 yd straight with 100 yd run off and organised and prepared for the event by members of the 3 Scottish clubs
Southlodge: You seem to be offended that not many people replied yay or nay to your suggestion. If your intent was to create a straw poll of racer's opinions, then you may have been better to actually post a poll (I assume that this board offers this option - most forums do)

Keep the options minimal, as in - would you attend, would you not attend or might you attend.

I have some sympathy for the Scottish racers - they do have to travel a fair distance to get to even the closest English track (Northern?) On the other hand, if the majority of whippet racers live south of the border, then maybe keeping the events in England is an obvious choice.

Although, they ARE called the Nationals ............................

For myself, Southlodge, I'd be a NO :)