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The Most Dangerous Bit Of Racing?

jinx and rubys mum said:
Mark Roberts said:
how about attaching bungee cords to the dogs/traps just long enough so they can get over the line? it also means an owner could trap and catch their own dogs as theyd shhot back down the track to them once reaching the end? theres also no chance of them running off either.

That picture is in my mind now and flying dogs landing on their backs is not a good look!!!! (w00t) :oops:

Nooo, they'd come flying back to the traps and knock their owners out. So now the dogs are going to be fine but the owners will end up drowned or unconscious :lol: (w00t)
Judy said:
jinx and rubys mum said:
Mark Roberts said:
how about attaching bungee cords to the dogs/traps just long enough so they can get over the line? it also means an owner could trap and catch their own dogs as theyd shhot back down the track to them once reaching the end? theres also no chance of them running off either.

That picture is in my mind now and flying dogs landing on their backs is not a good look!!!! (w00t) :oops:

Nooo, they'd come flying back to the traps and knock their owners out. So now the dogs are going to be fine but the owners will end up drowned or unconscious :lol: (w00t)

the owners will end up drowned or unconscious

Nothing changes then if this season's Opens are any-thing to go by in our camp :- "

(Andover, Andover , Champs Champs :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: 0)
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my 1st idea was.

Have a very very very long run off, then have a vet/vets stood at the finishing line with tranqulizer dart guns so they can shoot the dogs with the tranquilizers as they cross the line, the dogs then gently slow down as they fall asleep, HEY PRESTO! no bumping :thumbsup:

see simple isn't it.
It wasn't me yer 'onner. I did not do that thing. Sure you didn't manage to deleted you own post?
Nope it was there 1 minute then gone? a bit like your wine :- "
:- " ok how about we line their race coats with magnets (w00t) ........

then as they cross the line going under the giant magnet overhead......

it lifts the dogs up before they reach the lure :lol: :lol: and that puts a stops all the bumping about at the lure :lol: :lol: .....also makes it easier if you have a dog thats a nightmare to get off the lure :thumbsup:

just might need some help getting your dog off the giant magnet :wacko: :sweating:
No, it would be easy, It would be an electro-magnet. When all the dogs were stuck to it and thrashing their legs around, it would be gently lowered to the ground and when everyone had put their dogs collars on it would be turned off.

Brilliant idea Julie! Like it :thumbsup:
all theses years weve struggle through and now weve got all these fantastic ideas :- "

Rob, thanks for the cold my nose is like Niagra falls :x
First - I very glad you are all giving this problem some serious consideration!

My comments are-

1 - Mark's first point - The Bungee cords - good idea, the return may be a problem at the traps, but if we judge it right the extension of the cord being proportional to the load (Hooke's Law) we could ensure that the cord only started to extend after the line, so the dogs will be returned to the finishing line (and not the traps - but I do like the idea of waiting at the traps for the dog to come back).

2 - Mark's second point - Vets with dart guns. On financial grounds I think this is a non-starter. The cost of 4 or 5 Vets with guns at the finish would cost us a lot of money. And are they good shots? Next time I see 'the Lighthouse Lady' from the Lizard Club (I think her name is Lindsey - but I'm not sure) I'll ask if dart gun practice is part of their training.

3 - Peppermint Lady - Magnets in the racing Jackets - good idea. This has the additional benifit of 'Like pole repel' so if all the runners had the 'North Pole' of the magnet facing forward then this would eliminate head-on crashes at the pick-up.

4 - Judy - modification on point 3 above with the use of electro magnet at the end. Very good point. There would then be no need for the magnets in the jackets as the electro-magnet would attract Iron, so we could replace the magnets in the jackets with strips of Iron(cheaper). One small problem I can see here is if any owner had metal plates or screws in their body to help with bone repair they may also become attached to the Electro-magnet. We would need a NEW RULE to make the wearing of watches at the pick-up a disqualifiable offence.

I've had a new Idea (been speaking to a make'um) :eek:

When you launch a ship you attach chains to slow the ship when it gets into the water. So you attach a bungee cord to the dogs (Mark's idea), with a chain attached to the trap end of the cord, if you combine this with my paddling pool idea (the water bit)(I think this part may work) and have (Judy's) Electro-magnets to return the chains to the traps, and have (Peppermint Lady's) magnets in Racing Jackets to stop dogs bumping and the chain hitting the dogs - I think we have chacked it.

But you may have a better idea! :thumbsup:
well im really looking forward to you next open now rob (w00t) :lol: :thumbsup:
I think the mixture of electrics and water may be a problem especially if you want your dog to race again!!!!!!! (w00t)