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The Krays Revenge

:devil: The soft toys in our house have all taken to the hills(top of the cupboard to be precise) out of reach of the evil de-stuffing Calenna Gang :sweating:
Kim and Tilly said:
Have we ever seen a pic of the krays and Ellies???? or did i miss it? :oops:

Think you may have missed it, so here's the gang, Ronnie, Reggie & Ells

*Lesley* said:
:devil: The soft toys in our house have all taken to the hills(top of the cupboard to be precise) out of reach of the evil de-stuffing Calenna Gang :sweating:

Yep, seems the safest haven (top of the cupboard) thats where Teddy Long Legs spends his days in hiding till the Krays are safely tucked up at night :thumbsup:

nina said:

What gorgeous dogs :wub: :wub: - your house looks as bad as mine for the soft toys :lol:

heres our two Christmas additions :- " :lol:

Leo Longy Lion and Gerard Girraffe - who is now missing a nostril :lol:

WOW lovely dogs......

Poor little whippet all on his own you will have to get him a friend so they can gang up on the krays (w00t)
We had a brilliant caterpillar sort of thing at Christmas which has different textures, squeaks - and a rattle (w00t) . Amazingly it is still alive, unfortunately Tiny (he's the devil that did a wee in my bed when I went out to work for a couple of hours!) thinks it is good to bring it to bed and rattle it at me at 3am and then tries to push me or OH (usually) out of bed with his long bony legs! Still he makes a lovely hot water bottle after he''s nicked all the duvet. :wub: