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I don't tend to watch films - I'm odd, they just don't do it for me - but I've mentioned it to Mr N. Whiplash would be an awesome band name... though at his age the connotations might be more to do with sore necks.
Morning! I'm in need to let my worries out.
I've just made a dreaded phone call to book appointment to the is for our Eva :( I have strong suspicion what might be wrong with her and how it is all going to end up and I've already started 'grieving' of things that might happen soon. If the vet gives me a different outcome to mine ...lets say I'm more than happy to receive it. I hope the memoriam thread is not going to have a new entry with one of ours.....:(
Eva has been bit 'off' lately, but it has not been anything particular that I can put my finger on and since she had couple of months ago diagnosis of pancreatitis under her belt, we have been carefully managed to over come that. As it is a condition that can show some symptoms every now and then before it can be written off, I've accepted that those vague symptoms are just that.
Generally she has been fine and over come digestive issues well and she has been playful and lively herself. But only just recently she has started to show more of her grumpy side again...which have made me keeping my eye on her (she is spirited girl anyway)....and about week or so her grumpiness has increased (but so has our puppies energy levels and irritant behaviour as well) and she has become more morning tired....come afternoon and she has been throwing toys around and playing like there is no end, so that has thrown any thoughts of concern away again.
Other day I thought I was seeing her walking about little more stiffly than is normal for her short legs...o_O...but then it was gone again, until yesterday...
We had secure field booked for dogs to run around. Eva stormed out of car and was running like young gazelle around....totally obsessed with tennis balls and she could not get enough of the fun. But after 1/2 hour she was barely able to move...her short legs were starting freeze. It felt like she would have 'lactic acid coming on' and although the will to run around was there, her muscles were not listening.
But she is young, not even 2 years old yet....going to forest almost everyday...doing steep hills etc.?? We decided to pack up early and get home and get her dry and warm. Later on the evening she was barely able nor willing to try to move:eek:
During night I did carry her to garden for toilet but she did walk/wobble herself back in and straight into bed. Same this morning but her mobility looked slightly better than earlier on. Yesterday she wasn't able to get herself on 'her' armchair to sleep but had to stay on floor level in a basket...this morning she just managed to hop up. She never yelps or make 'in pain' noises and she allows me to inspect and rub her muscles and move her joints. So at least she is doesn't appear to be in immediate pain.
So I booked vet appointment for this afternoon....but now that I have all the little symptoms and concerns written down (so that I don't forget to mention them in vets)...done some reading about health issues....I have come to certain conclusions and I'm already in preparation for the worst. I'm afraid that the vet is going to mention the dreaded 'C-word' and if my suspicion is correct....there ain't gonna be much they can do when it start affecting to mobility so is quite likely that last couple of months some of the early warning signs have been hiding behind the Pancreatitis symptoms and now it has come to a full force.
Well....all this typing has calmed me down some what...I just needed to get it off from my chest. It is going to be looooong day until the appointment. At least Eva seem to be settled...she is lying next to me on armchair and chilling while others are running around. Even pups are leaving her alone and not bothering her with their lively behaviour or not much. :rolleyes:
Keep some fingers crossed for Eva for some better news that I'm dreading and expecting to hear for her......

To I was preparing to post this....something outside have alerted the dogs and our 'cripple' Eva just stormed out barking like there is nothing wrong with her!!!:eek: Running around just fine.....:rolleyes:
Morning! I'm in need to let my worries out.
I've just made a dreaded phone call to book appointment to the is for our Eva :( I have strong suspicion what might be wrong with her and how it is all going to end up and I've already started 'grieving' of things that might happen soon. If the vet gives me a different outcome to mine ...lets say I'm more than happy to receive it. I hope the memoriam thread is not going to have a new entry with one of ours.....:(
Eva has been bit 'off' lately, but it has not been anything particular that I can put my finger on and since she had couple of months ago diagnosis of pancreatitis under her belt, we have been carefully managed to over come that. As it is a condition that can show some symptoms every now and then before it can be written off, I've accepted that those vague symptoms are just that.
Generally she has been fine and over come digestive issues well and she has been playful and lively herself. But only just recently she has started to show more of her grumpy side again...which have made me keeping my eye on her (she is spirited girl anyway)....and about week or so her grumpiness has increased (but so has our puppies energy levels and irritant behaviour as well) and she has become more morning tired....come afternoon and she has been throwing toys around and playing like there is no end, so that has thrown any thoughts of concern away again.
Other day I thought I was seeing her walking about little more stiffly than is normal for her short legs...o_O...but then it was gone again, until yesterday...
We had secure field booked for dogs to run around. Eva stormed out of car and was running like young gazelle around....totally obsessed with tennis balls and she could not get enough of the fun. But after 1/2 hour she was barely able to move...her short legs were starting freeze. It felt like she would have 'lactic acid coming on' and although the will to run around was there, her muscles were not listening.
But she is young, not even 2 years old yet....going to forest almost everyday...doing steep hills etc.?? We decided to pack up early and get home and get her dry and warm. Later on the evening she was barely able nor willing to try to move:eek:
During night I did carry her to garden for toilet but she did walk/wobble herself back in and straight into bed. Same this morning but her mobility looked slightly better than earlier on. Yesterday she wasn't able to get herself on 'her' armchair to sleep but had to stay on floor level in a basket...this morning she just managed to hop up. She never yelps or make 'in pain' noises and she allows me to inspect and rub her muscles and move her joints. So at least she is doesn't appear to be in immediate pain.
So I booked vet appointment for this afternoon....but now that I have all the little symptoms and concerns written down (so that I don't forget to mention them in vets)...done some reading about health issues....I have come to certain conclusions and I'm already in preparation for the worst. I'm afraid that the vet is going to mention the dreaded 'C-word' and if my suspicion is correct....there ain't gonna be much they can do when it start affecting to mobility so is quite likely that last couple of months some of the early warning signs have been hiding behind the Pancreatitis symptoms and now it has come to a full force.
Well....all this typing has calmed me down some what...I just needed to get it off from my chest. It is going to be looooong day until the appointment. At least Eva seem to be settled...she is lying next to me on armchair and chilling while others are running around. Even pups are leaving her alone and not bothering her with their lively behaviour or not much. :rolleyes:
Keep some fingers crossed for Eva for some better news that I'm dreading and expecting to hear for her......

To I was preparing to post this....something outside have alerted the dogs and our 'cripple' Eva just stormed out barking like there is nothing wrong with her!!!:eek: Running around just fine.....:rolleyes:
You have my sympathies, Finsky. Hope this dreadful episode concludes comfortably for Eva. Courage ma brave and a hug.
@Finsky, we will keep everything crossed here for you and Eva. Two is very young for a cancer, let's all hope that it is not that.

When is the vet appointment?
What a worry - I'll be thinking of you and Eva today.

Bear in mind that symptoms of 'nasty things' can also be symptoms of much less harmful conditions (I had classic symptoms of a detaching retina last year, but didn't realise they were also classic symptoms of age-related but harmless shrinking of the cornea). I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is a similar situation. And of course, do update us when you feel able xx
Thank you all...I did get myself into bit of a state earlier on :oops:
We are going to to vets at 3.30 so some while to go yet and I've been making myself feeling even worst by doing LOTS of research for her issues. Some new to me info has been easing my 'C' fears a little too.
As it happens some weeks ago I found a swollen tick on Eva and now I'm wondering if she has acquired a bacterial infection from it and it is showing as swollen tissue/lymphs on her back leg joints/boobies o_O
I know I'm not doing any favours myself....but I always do matter if it is something for myself, OH or dogs..any issues and I turn into 'Dr Finsky' :rolleyes: I know she will need plenty of blood test first before vets are able to say one way or other what might be the problem...but still, the need to prepare myself for anything and everything is dire.
If you were looking at her could not tell there is anything wrong with her...she looks and behaves perfectly normally...trotting around and jumping on/off her armchair.. :rolleyes: o_O
Everything crossed for a good result. Terriers are such tough little gits that it's really hard to judge how something is affecting them.

My thoughts are very much with you.
Everything crossed for a good result. Terriers are such tough little gits that it's really hard to judge how something is affecting them.

My thoughts are very much with you.
Thanks...and yes indeed, they are 'hard'. I'm sure they do it in soon as you put the phone done after making a vet appointment, more often than not they lift their heads up and look at you...'was there supposed to be something wrong with me!?' Where as few minutes earlier, it is like they are most mistreated animals in the world....sad eyes and all that :rolleyes: And when you walk for the appointment and vet is looking at your dog approaching...not a limp or bad posture to be seen :rolleyes: The trouble with our girls is that they LOVE going to is so exciting and the staff all too nice. :rolleyes:
Oh, really hope all is well with Eva, good luck at the vets and thinking of you..
Well....we've been and verdict is that she has she is now on antibiotics.
AND on top of that she has 'loose' ligaments on her back leg, causing her knee joint to move from its position...that is cause of her mobility issues. She is on painkillers and will need a surgery for it once her UTI is cleared.
AND she is in the middle of false pregnancy....hence swollen part of the tummy. That will clear itself out given time, but having her spayed was recommended and I will have to have some serious think about it. She has had false pregnancy before, this time it presents itself slightly differently so I wasn't hooked into it. I thought we had already passed that stage and didn't have it.
Other than that there is nothing else wrong with her...:rolleyes: Although the operation part is serious enough, at least I can relax and not think of the 'C' issues. There is all hope that we can make fully functioning dog out of her yet. She will just need some TLC and mending first. Until then she is not allowed to play rough running standing on back legs or jumping about...walking on lead only. Somebody is not going to be happy terrier with those instructions :(
Is it OK to say ”good”?
Yes, I think it is 'good'...better than what my over imagination was thinking she was suffering with. :rolleyes: At least she can be mended even if is quite a combination of issues.
Phey, that's a relief! Now you just have to stop her from being a terrier for a while. Good luck.
Yes, I think it is 'good'...better than what my over imagination was thinking she was suffering with. :rolleyes: At least she can be mended even if is quite a combination of issues.
Taking into account one’s fears, whether or not from a fertile imagination, that’s an optimistic result. Just need a massage for the cramp in my crossed fingers. Another hug for you both.
Yes have to echo the 'phew'.. A managable/do-able prognosis compared to what you were thinking. But still a lot on your plate with a young terrier and your others to boot! One thing at a time eh.. and breathe..
Taking into account one’s fears, whether or not from a fertile imagination, that’s an optimistic result. Just need a massage for the cramp in my crossed fingers. Another hug for you both.
Well, I do appreciate you went through cramp extreme....but it worked! For next not keep you fingers like it for a long...just brief crossing is quite adequate ;) :D
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Yes have to echo the 'phew'.. A managable/do-able prognosis compared to what you were thinking. But still a lot on your plate with a young terrier and your others to boot! One thing at a time eh.. and breathe..
Thank you, breathing is good. Not only I had Eva's appointment yesterday but I had tight time table to keep up with as I had my own appointment in hospital AND later on that 2nd jab as well :rolleyes: One of those days....:rolleyes: And because I was rather busy and being that I'm the only one in the house that does the cooking...we had rare 'treat' of chinese take away. As nice it is to gobble down....following day is always less nice. Chinese food does not agree with me. Luckily I don't seem to suffer with jab...or at least didn't with the first one and so far so good with the 2nd. I can feel where the needle entered into arm but that's about it.
Today we are having a 'quiet' day...taking the day as it comes. It seems that our girls want to do everything together...not only my previous attempts to feed them from separate plates or sectioned trays have been unsuccessful (they all eat from same plate and simply move to carry on feeding from the next one), but Eva is putting such a resistance to swallow her pills if others are not having the 'same'. :rolleyes: So sausages all around it is....and because she is having liquid meds from syringe...others are having water filled syringe into their mouths as well :rolleyes:
Oh it is all good fun....
"what!! field trip today!? But I'm boooored...."
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I hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs, but I must stress that of course the false pregnancy has lasted longer, because its ancient purpose was to help rear a litter at a time when food was scarce, and this time there have been actual puppies. I say this with the caveat that I hope they have checked out her uterus/ovaries in case of anything not being right there. FP is perfectly normal despite the sterling efforts of many people, even some veterinary staff, to insist it is some horrid aberration. Almost all female dogs show it after a season, some more obviously than others. Certainly not necessary to spay unless that was in the future plan anyway.

Chocolate and wine are very good for uncramping crossed fingers.
Thanks is never a 'egg sucking case'. Eva must have been showing some signs of 'fb', but I must have been so distracted and/or they've been camouflaged with her other issues so I failed to recognized them.
I don't have no knowing how thorough the vet has been when examining Eva as I failed to ask and when we are not allowed to be there during the examination.
The surgery we go has had lots of new staff in last couple of months and the the vet seeing Eva was new one. She certainly seemed to appear much better and thorough than the one we often end up seeing. But we are going back next week again so I can always check these things again. At least the most urgent things are being dealt with first.

I've never found false pregnancy being a issue as such as none of our girls have ever gone to 'extreme' with it. Only thing we've experience is just slight change in their moods and little bit of swelling on the teats. Last time Eva had it, her boobies did get quite big, so much so that I expected her to start lactating..but they didn't after all.
This time just the area between her back legs is swollen but not showing teat definition as such so I didn't recognize is all just little 'swallen' down there. She doesn't behave 'motherly' neither nor bother nursing with toys etc.
So yes....thanks for reminding me of it all being 'natural'....I'm not too keen of the idea having her spayed, particularly when I have witnessed several terriers character becoming less desirable after having their girly/boy bits removed.
Although Eva is a 'spirited one', I don't wish that side of her becoming dominant as majority of time she is very friendly ,nice and gentle and easy to manage little terrier.
In fact, I was SO proud of her yesterday...the surgery was really busy and there was lots of different sorts of dogs on the car park waiting their turn to be seen....and there was a lot of barking going on. All amongst all that showing off with doggy emotions...Eva was standing calmly, looking what and earth are they all on about. For once she didn't join the 'who has the loudest bark-competition'. :D Seems like our lively home life is now conditioned her for not to bother with these things.....:rolleyes: