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Terrier Instincts


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So last night I was taking Roxy for her walk and we got to the point where I usually let her off lead (a quiet track) so I took the lead off without looking ahead (it was on a bit of a bend).
Before I knew it she’d shot off after spotting two ferret looking creatures just ahead of us, she went after one who shot into the hedge to get away and i think it just about managed to escape. This all happening while the second one stood on watching clearly unsure about what to do (think it was a youngster). After losing the first she turns around and grabs the other despite my screams (and I mean screaming, I’m surprised no one heard and rushed to see what was wrong) :rolleyes::oops:
It all happened so fast and I don’t know I thought the second one would run off and she’d just lose them and therefore lose interest (which is what usually happens when she tries to chase things lol). By the time I got to her and was trying to grab her and shake the poor thing free it was too late, it died from injury and shock I bet the poor thing.
I didn’t see the other but the second one was so cute and looked quite young especially if it was stood watching as his friend/sibling/mother ran into the hedge like “omg where is my friend”....definitely a case of fright not flight.
I feel so awful, the poor things, I hope that one got away and survived but still it’s friend is gone. So much worse since it was so cute :(:(
In the heat of the moment I couldn’t help but be annoyed with her and shouted at her for what she’d done/for ignoring my screaming which I know is probably the wrong thing to do as it’s just her instinct to go after anything cute small and furry.
The joys of owning a terrier :rolleyes:
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It happens :( If your screaming registered at all, she might even have thought you were egging her on and getting frenzied with excitement, just as another terrier would. Just remember that the reason wild animals attempt to have as many babies as possible is because it's normal for few to survive to adulthood.
Yes that did indeed cross my mind about the screaming lol, I probably did make I worse! I just didn’t know what to do :rolleyes::oops: I mean once they grab them that’s pretty much it isn’t it, if that doesn’t kill them they would die eventually, from shock if nothing else. That is true, and makes me feel better, thanks Judy, I keep telling myself that if it wasn’t her it would have been a fox or something.
I've been there with rabbits more than once. I tend to think 'Oh s***' then just walk calmly on, thinking Zen thoughts and heading in directions where we're not likely to meet anyone else.... :rolleyes:
I have said before I think that one of the common barriers to training something is the dog's inherent breed trait (like recall in some breeds is nigh-on impossible). I think what you describe is just the other side of that coin. When instinct kicks in, it's pretty hard to ask for a different behaviour. At least she isn't a Patterdale :rolleyes:
At least you tried. Lord knows our cat owning neighbours dont even apologise when their cat kills yet another bird..

Sometimes dog walking places and wildlife clash it can happen to anyone. We were lucky this morning , coming round the bend I spotted two deer before Murphy and OH was able to grab him. He would have chased if he had seen them run.
We have to accept that our dogs have certain breed traits but its up to us to manage those urges.
That's terriers for you, once they've caught something your better off letting them finish the job off. Be thankful you don't have a lurcher that brings back live rabbits for you.
End of the day they are dogs,sometimes I think we loose sight of that fact at times, they aren't little people,they are dogs and will behave like dogs.
And the cute little furry creature is also an out and out killer that shows no mercy to its prey.
Long may the terrier remain in the terrier.
Aww such a shock for you, Natural reaction to go into screaming mode been there many a time, with Roxy never Spike lol
Floyd always seems to go deaf on occaisions like these thankfully he has only caught 1 animal ,no shouting would stop him but as I got near to him and he saw his ball he let go and the little Pole cat got to live another day heading off into the undergrowth .That's JRT for you:(
I always think it is a case of the dog just not actually hearing. I am a reader and over the years their have been plenty of times my wife touched either my shoulder or knee, I look up and realise she has been talking to me. Now it honestly isn't that I decide to ignore her it is that when in a story nothing else really enters my brain. I'm sure with Folly the lovely Whippet if she gets into a chase all her mind is taken up so nothing else enters.
Harri certainly doesn't hear me if he's intent on what he's doing. He's totally focused on the hunt/pleasing himself!
Oh gosh, sorry I haven’t been on for the last few days and just seen all the replies.
I agree that they just need to left to it and finish it off because I grabbed her off it and then it was just twitching still alive :emoji_disappointed:

I am certainly glad she doesn’t bring them to me as ‘presents’ :eek: that’s one of the reasons I’m not a cat person lol!
I always think it is a case of the dog just not actually hearing. I am a reader and over the years their have been plenty of times my wife touched either my shoulder or knee, I look up and realise she has been talking to me. Now it honestly isn't that I decide to ignore her it is that when in a story nothing else really enters my brain. I'm sure with Folly the lovely Whippet if she gets into a chase all her mind is taken up so nothing else enters.

I can relate to that I read too and my partner or someone could be talking to me and I can hear them talking but it’s just I’m so absorbed that I don’t register it lol so it’s probably the same when a dog has caught something.

Let’s just say I will be double checking there’s nothing ahead before I let her off! :D
The only time Whisp gets to hunt is in the garden (as she is on the lead on walkies). She's brought in a frog, a headless pigeon and 2 rats so far. She always looks so proud of herself, only to be told "I am a vegan, I don't appreciate your gift!"
I think if she was set free in the woods she could survive very well on her own. But in the local headlines would be... "Beast of Caversham", a black beast resembling a panther has been spotted in Caversham. (Insert blurry black image) "Do not approach, it is armed and dangerous"!!!
Ooh no, it’s like having a cat! Lol
Especially not good when you’re a vegan:eek:
I think if Rox was better at hunting she’d bring things in but she’s usually so rubbish, she’ll hear things in the hedges on walks and will just dive into the hedge suddenly, caught a mouse once and killed it but every other time she emerges with nothing lol
And then there was this incident, so two things she’s caught in her 8 years :rolleyes: lol!