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Terrible Walk.......


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Went for our morning walk with both dogs off the lead it is usually quiet. I know there is this one woman who walks a GSD that is very nasty and has badly injured another ladies dog in the past. I usually keep a lookout for this dog, no sign and have'nt seen her for a number of weeks but as I rounded a bend saw her in the distance. Unfortunately so had Lola my 5month old pup and she was too far away for me to get hold of her.

So off she goes all submissive and ready for a play. This woman then starts throwing stones at Lola and shrieking "GEt away" and then trying to hit her with a stick. Meanwhile I am trying to run and call Lola back. By the time I get there this woman is flapping and raving like a banshee. I shouted at her to calm down and stand still. "you'd better get that dog away now or my dog will rip it to pieces!!!" :angry: .... anyway I argued back at her and a slanging match occurred. I am still shaking and very upset.

To make matters worse she is a mother of a woman in my street and they are a bit of an unstable family I'm a bit scared now that they may knock my door or do something silly. Oh god why can't I keep my big mouth shut!!!!

The joys of Whippets!!!! :blink:
What an awful experience for you Bev, some people :rant: if she comes knocking tell her you will call the police and reports her for having a nasty dog(can't think of anything else to do but that) some people thrive on confrontatation and it's not worth you getting hurt from it,.

I hope you are feeling better soon from this experience :huggles:
:( oh poor you, I hate it when these things happen it's so upsetting and leaves you shaken for ages. Most of us have encountered a nutcase like this at some time during our dog walks. If her dog was that much of a danger to other dogs she should have had it on a lead :angry:

Don't blame yourself. And as Lesley says, call the police if anything happens with her unstable family. Check up on your security, use a chain on your door if you are worried.

Best wishes, and a hug for poor Lola who must have wondered what on earth was happening. Fancy having stones thrown at her and being threatened by a stick when all she's known is love and friendliness?? Makes me soooo mad.

My Josie was kicked when she was 8 months old by a complete stranger :rant:
Poor you, what a horrible walk, hope you've recovered now.
A vile man threatened to kill my then 4 month old pup ( Chelsea who turned 7 this week ). She hadn't even LOOKED at him, was just walking near him. Now bare in mind I am 5 foot nothing and VERY non-aggressive normally. I ranted and raved and told him what I thought of him generally (w00t) . I shook for days just thinking about it. We had just moved into the village too!! Nothing else happened :luck: . My guess is that she has been warned before and was worried that you would report her. Make a note of the time and place and if anything else happens, go straight to the police and ask them to put it on record. In the meantime have a large glass of wine! ( Good for the nerves, purely medicinal :lol: )
Hmm she sounds like a clever one :- " , if she reacts like that to any approaching dog, she is just encouraging her own dog to be aggresive. The GSD is probably trying to protect its hysterical owner the stupid woman!!

Bev I hope you and your dog arent too traumatised and it may be a benefit to report the incident incase there's any repercussions?
God, what a nightmare for you and Lola.

I'm sure it will be fine, but it's understandable that you are worried about something happening. I think others have provided some good advice, especially the one about a glass of wine :thumbsup:
hope your ok, somethng similar happened to me, and the whole family are well known. in fact, all but the 4 year old, (and i think theres about 15 of them) i since found out have all been in prison for assault!.

needless to see i was terrified when i realised it was them. but, no re percussions at all.

having said all that i would do it again, i would stand up for my dog if he was doing nothing wrong.
Poor you and poor Lola :( Hope youve had a glass of wine and calmed down a BIT NOW :blink: :blink: Honestly dont you just meet some right Plonkers out that just have to own a nutty dog too. :angry: :angry: :rant:

A woman panicked a bit the other day when my dogs ran up to play with her terrier - she scooped it up in her arms and said ....'Oh them Greyhounds they always want to chase everything ... I couldnt be bothered to argue so just leashed them and walked off. Silly woman :rant:
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Janimal said:
A woman panicked a bit the other day when my dogs ran up to play with her terrier - she scooped it up in her arms and said ....'Oh them Greyhounds they always want to chase everything ... I couldnt be bothered to argue so just leashed them and walked off. Silly woman  :rant:

Oh YES I get this the WHOLE time, especially as Nana is a bit vocal and execedingly friendly, there's one woman who sees me coming and stands there screaming call your dogs off even when there no where near, if she's scared of them or worried they'll hurt her little dog, all she needs to do is pick it up and walk off.

The one that really anoyed me was a woman with three boys on bikes, Tess and Nana were pottering around by the river and the boys rode through them so the dogs looked up, the woman then shouted

'don't worry if they come any where near you I'll deal with them'

so I said 'they're very gentle and friendly'

so she started swearing at me and saying that the children were allergic to dogs and the dogs should be on leads- on a 200 acre meadow? :rant: couldn't she have just walked round us if she was that worried

sorry to go on :b

just some peoples attitudes drive me mad :rant:

I'm with you Bevph I can understand why you were still shaking
Thanks everybody you've all made me feel so much better.

Me drink wine? Never!! What I need is a large vodka and tonic with loads of ice and I'm going to pour that now!

CHEERS ALL!! :cheers:
Glad your feeling better Bev. :huggles:I think I would have reacted exactly the way you did and felt the same later. :sweating:

Thankfully I've never experienced anything like this and hope I never will :thumbsup:

Hope your enjoying your large vodka you deserve it.

And give Lola a big :huggles: from me

Do you have any pics of her I don't remember seeing any :wub:
Sorry don't have any piccies I can post. My digital camera is a cheap model and I dont know how to post and my computer whiz of a son can't be bothered to help me! Thats teenagers for you! I'm saving for a new camera and will work it out all by myself & hopefully be able to post some piccies of Lola and Macy soon.
We will all look forward to those pictures Bev, Enjoy your vodka and hope you are feeling much better. Anyway Whippets Rule :cheers: :lol:
Unfortunate that dear little Lola had to meet an oddball but it could be a blessing in disguise. I think pups need to learn that they cant just run up to anyone. They're so trusting when they're young & they do need to learn to stand back & assess whether it's 'nice or nasty'. Hopefully now Lola will be a little more cautious without actually being afraid.

In a way the oddball probably did the right thing as far as hunting your baby away from her dog but it would also be better if she at least muzzled it. I hope you dont run into her again.

Only just caught up with this thread but about a month ago I had Sparky out for a little runabout on a lcoal field which at the time was empty. he's too nosy to do anything but sniff so was just literally playing with the long grass, when from nowhere came an English Setter and a Dalmatian and they literally chased him down. He ended up on the floor couldn't do a thing and crying in pain. Andrew and I got to him, we checked him over and thought at that time he had badly damaged his leg. We were then joined by the owners of the dogs, apparently one of then often runs with a whippet and I think it was a case of there's another whippet lets see if we can beat him as well, I explained he was a baby who had never run with other dogs and I was disappointed in their actions.

We then carried him him home, and got him checked out. His leg is fine but he had three nasty grazes which we are just about now sorting out. He's been a at ringcraft since and it's probably connected.

What I'm trying to say is that however much care WE take of our dogs, other dog owners can be really stupid.

This sort of thing makes me fume :wacko: :rant: :angry: I have a 3/4 whippet/greyhound (Tess) and a motely collection of lurchers Angus (Deerhoundx, Jet and Skye (Beddie x sisters)plus honourary lurcher colliex Moll (think she's a lurcher).With having this lot It's no fun if you meet any pathological 'greyhound' phobics/haters. All of my hounds are well socialised as most running dogs are, so it narks me a bit when you see people whipping up their own dogs in terror , or coralling their small children as if they've just spotted Atilla and his marauding hordes. Admittedly there are a lot of folk who walk muzzled racing greyhounds - so I think the problem in part may be that when people suddenly then see what they think are these vicious creatures unmuzzled and running wild they jump to the conclusion that you are irresponsible and your dog/s are on the rampage.Interestingly it is Tess as the most greyhoundlike albeit only 21 at shoulder, that provokes the strongest reaction - especially when she's wearing her coat! :blink:
BevPh said:
Went for our morning walk with both dogs off the lead it is usually quiet.   I know there is this one woman who walks a GSD that is very nasty and has badly injured another ladies dog in the past.  I usually keep a lookout for this dog, no sign and have'nt seen her for a number of weeks but as I rounded a bend saw her in the distance.  Unfortunately so had Lola my 5month old pup and she was too far away for me to get hold of her.

I'ts awful having a nice walked spoiled Bev. But I am curious as to whether or not the other woman had her dog on the lead?
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~Helen~ said:
My Josie was kicked when she was 8 months old by a complete stranger :rant:

Heaven help the person that did that to one of my dogs. Think the culprit wouldn't know what hit them :angry: :rant: :angry: :rant:

How did you handle the situation Helen?
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