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Tarka Bitten By A Snake


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My boy,Tarka went chasing a rabbit yesterday and came back lame having been bitten by a snake. His leg has blown up badly and he has been very poorly. The vet gave him pain relief, cortosine and antibiotics. He wanted to keep him in on a drip but Tarka was shaking like a leaf in there and I decided to bring him home for TLC. I have been feeding him water with a syringe on the hour and I am pleased say he is now eating and hobbling around. What a relief!

Hopefully he is over the worst now. Has anyone else had problems with snake bites here?
Must have been an adder the only poisonous one in this country..... hope she recovers quickly. :huggles: :luck:
never had any snake bites(we live on the moors)and i hope we never do.

So please Tarka is ok :huggles: :huggles:
I hope Tarka is feeling better today
thats frightening,ive never seen a snake in the wild or heard of anyone been bitten by one :sweating: :( glad tarkas on the mend :wub: :huggles: .
Gosh you're lucky - adder bites can be nasty.

My little whippie Chloe once ran to pick up a stick, about three feet long and dark brown..... until it turned round and looked at her. I've never had such a fright and we all abandoned the walk and ran back to the car. She wasn't a big whippet and a snake bit from one that size might have killed her. :(

I'm not a snake person :eek: :sweating:
phew, thanks heavens you caught it quickly. So glad Tarka's on the mend :huggles: perhaps hotter weather (where has it gone?) will encourage our adder population :( but then they only strike when hurt or cornered
Hope Tarka is feeling much better today. :huggles: :luck:

Meant to add that Ive seen loads of adders here where we live. When I used to go beating on the moors we saw them nearly every day, they can be very dangerous and I have known people and dogs bitten by snakes too and horses. :(

Me and my boy cousin when we were about 10 years old carried what we thought was a grass snake back in a fishing net,about 1/2 mile back home I would add too, ..... only to be told by my grandfather it was a young adder which he quickly disposed of. (w00t)

Dosnt bear thinking about what could have happened... (w00t)
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zilloot said:
Gosh you're lucky - adder bites can be nasty.
My little whippie Chloe once ran to pick up a stick, about three feet long and dark brown..... until it turned round and looked at her.  I've never had such a fright and we all abandoned the walk and ran back to the car.  She wasn't a big whippet and a snake bit from one that size might have killed her. :(

I'm not a snake person :eek:   :sweating:

urgh, that has made me shudder! Love your banner picture, btw!
Tarka is making a good recovery :)

Although he seems to have a large bag of fluid at the top of the leg now which may need draining but I am going to see how he goes over the course of the day as he is eating, drinking and hobbling around a bit now which is a definite improvement.

There seem to be alot of snakes near me as the vets have had 3 cases within 24 hours. One outcome was not so good unfortunately. :(

Thank you for all your kind wishes, they are much appreciated.
I would expect with all this rain its bringing them up onto dry land.....and they love to bask in sunshine when it comes out....... this is when you most likely to stumble across them unexpectedly. (w00t)

Im glad Tarka is a bit better. :)
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lots of thoughts :huggles:

we live in a snake filled area - we always carry piriton and healing herbs five flower essence on walks in the summer. You can get anti venom from the local A&E but humans have priority so if alot of humans have been bitten you can't get it for the dogs

Always carry a biten dog as it means the circulatory system has less work to do and the venom spreads less....

:( snakes are beautiful but a bite is so worrying for sighthounds and other breeds :huggles: again sending lots of recovery thoughts
mantamuffin said:
lots of thoughts :huggles:

we live in a snake filled area - we always carry piriton and healing herbs five flower essence on walks in the summer. You can get anti venom from the local A&E but humans have priority so if alot of humans have been bitten you can't get it for the dogs

Always carry a biten dog as it means the circulatory system has less work to do and the venom spreads less....

:(   snakes are beautiful but a bite is so worrying for sighthounds and other breeds  :huggles:   again sending lots of recovery thoughts

Thats a good idea carrying the piriton, I will start doing that now. I did carry Tarka as he made it clear he could not move. In fact he barely moved for many hours, maybe he instinctively knew not to..
Janimal said:
I would expect with all this rain its bringing them up onto dry land.....and they love to bask in sunshine when it comes out....... this is when you most likely to stumble across them unexpectedly. (w00t)
Im glad Tarka is a bit better. :)

You are probably right there. I am going to change my area for dog walks now. I had been going to this place whilst Indigo was in season to avoid other dogs. Perhaps this is why the area has been devoid of dogs :unsure:

Thanks for the nice messages, love your banner!
:huggles: Hope your dog is doing ok what a nasty thing to happen :huggles:
You are definately living in the area for Adders. I remember problems with adders when I was stationed in your area, I think it is the sandy type terrain fropm the ranges that they thrive in.

Hope Tarka is fully fit soon