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Tarka- Back To Vets Tomorrow


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Hi there

Tarka has been slowly recovering from his ordeal but over the last 2 days he has been crying in pain regularly despite being on Tramadol and metacam.

I have been instructed to walk him 4 times a day for 15 mins a go. He can manage the first one with encouragement. The next 3 are under duress and sometimes he will just refuse to move and put his leg/foot down.

The vet saw him tonight and said he cannot have any more pain relief so he is going to Xray him again tomorrow and if necessary re-operate. There is some grinding of the bones and he thinks maybe there is still some shattered bone present OR he may need more bone shaving off the top so the leg can glide up and down.

He said Tarka could stay there tonight but I decided to bring him home as he shakes like mad in the vets and I will take him back first thing.

I am really hoping the Xray shows no reason to operate and that it is just a case of very slowly building up the muscle but the vet had expected Tarka to be fully weight bearing by now so that is not so good.

I will update when I have some more news but please could you send him some positive vibes?


Kate :)

2 pictures attached from our walk two days ago- the 2nd picture is a bit blurry but you can see how he is very hesitant to walk on the affected leg.


hi hunny,

ive got everything crossed for you and tarka, i really hope it goes well for you tomorrow.

hugs emma
Mega positive thought on the way :luck: :luck: :luck:
Bless him..........he's been through a lot

Hope all goes well tomorrow
Awww poor Tarka :huggles: sending positive thoughts to you both :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( Poor Tarka, he looks so sad, I do hope all goes well, it is awful having to watch them in pain and not being able to help enough. Give him a gentle hug from me. :huggles:
Sending lots of positive thoughts :luck: Hope all goes well. :huggles: for beautiful Tarka :wub:
poor lamb, hope he is just sore and is better soon, :huggles: good luck at the vets

:luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck:

Oh dear; poor Tarka. I hope that he doesn't need more surgery - please let us know how he goes on tomorrow? Hugs to you all - it's an awful long slow process, recovering.

:huggles: :huggles:
Bless, he looks sore. Sending oodles of positive thoughts down the line :luck: :luck: :luck: for you and brave, beautiful Tarka :huggles: :huggles: :wub: :wub:
Tarka has come this far...he is so brave... :huggles: :huggles: and surrounded by love....

I hope everything goes well tomorrow... :luck: :luck: :huggles: Good luck to you all.
:huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: for tomorrow, hope you don't need another op, little Tarka xxxxxx
Poor dear Tarka. He looks so brave and he's been through so much.

The thought of bones rubbing together sounds awful! Poor fellow.

We're all thinking of you tomorrow and hope things are more positive after the X-ray. Another operation may not be ideal but if it eases his discomfort he'll be much better for it.

His bravery is quite humbling - wish we could send him a huge hug and a bag of smelly treats :p :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Everything crossed here for a good result at the vets tomorrow - lets hope they get to the bottom of it and then the speedier his recovery will be :huggles:
:huggles: :huggles: Lots of positive, loving thoughts from all here !! :huggles:

Good luck, Tarka :huggles:
Poor Tarka, :wub: I hope it all goes well at the Vet's tomorrow. :luck: :huggles:
:luck: Good luck for tomorrow Tarka

Such a gentle,handsome face :wub:
Sending lots of love, hope and positive thoughts to you from all at the Winterfell household... :luck: :luck: