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how come there are so many views on this site but not many replies it is easy to log on.

freedom of speach is the order of the day.
Hi, we are all with you on freedom of speach, there are plenty of topics on k9, you can answer to any of them and start any of your own ,  you can be sure they will get answered if your topic is interesting.................Tricia
Hi Mark, as pat said give us an interesting topic, and we will all give you our veiws. So start thinking.   :D   :p   :D   ;)
i have been viewing this site for a long time now and have to say .....its all back stabbing

i have replied tonight only for the first time
In my opinion backstabbing is something that is done behind peoples backs for example when people are nice to other peoples faces but dissapear into their groups and talk about them behind their backs.  You can hardly say that people do that here as anyone with a pc can access this forum.
You can't really be sly and backstabbing when the WORLD has access to every word we are writing.

I don't think that the " backstabbing" on this forum is anywhere near as bad as what you may hear on a track, pub or anywhere else :0
here here michelle, we are open with our comments and views, this forum i thought was for all to air their views, we at the end of the day all speak to each other at the tracks and we don't call each other behind each others  back, so chill out as Dee would say and get posting...... :p   :D   :p
:D Don't take everything to heart billy no mates,I am sure you will find lots of friends on here, some will even speak to you if you try being nice... :p   :p   ;)   ;)

Had to post a comment to this idea that there is "backstabbing" on this list.  I could not DISAGREE more strongly!  I have been a member of this list for almost 2 years now - I joined when it was in the old format in fact.  In that time, I've only posted on occassion, usually with a question or comment and sometimes with some news on what we're doing over here in Canada.  To every question I've posted, I've received great response and help, to every bit of news on our dogs, I've received hearty congratulations.  Here I am, across the ocean, having never met any of you in person, but I feel a part of your activities and have made some very good friends!  I know when I next am lucky enough to visit the U.K., I will be looking up the people I've met and will be priveleged to attend some of your events - as I've been invited to by everyone I correspond with from Cornwall to Scotland!  I am also a member of some of the "American" lists, (we have tried a "Canadian" list, but there doesn't seem to be much response and so it has gone by the wayside). You could not find more opposite attitudes as you will between this list and most of the American ones, where criticisim and poor manners abound.  Now, if there's any Americans reading this - please don't take it personally, but at least here it is not a constant fight as to who has the best whippet and who is the worse breeder.

Three Cheers for this list and a big THANK YOU to Nigel for conceiving it.  I hope it last for years to come and I'm very sorry that "Longdog" has such a negative view.

Best Wishes to all our friends in the U.K.

Thanks for your support Samantha. I only wish I could find the time to get the site finished   ;)

Many people have commented on the friendly atmosphere & it would be nice to see that continue. I think someone might have a little confession to make about the postings from Long Dog - far be it from me to spill the beans...
:p Hi Nigel,

Now you've got my curiosity up!  Come, come Longdog - what's the scoop??????

Inquiring Minds want to Know!

:D WOW, i think long dog is doing a good job of winding you all up, I bet he's a member of k9 who for some reason  has decided to liven you up, now who could it be!!!!!!!! ;)
Mmmmmmmmmmm ???

come on SPILL THE BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i no who long dog is i think he is a traveling man maybe irish decent /he has i think 6 whippets i may be wrong and i dont want to upset any one i dont think hes all bad not a bad laugh lets try and find out    

   gaz   ;)
Who can it be I say Steve Boyde he like to wind me up so why not   :D  Is Long Dog you Steve if not I havent a clue :p
i agree susan, he does like to wind you up ;) ;) I bet it is him because  he aint saying nothing :D has he got blue eyes and is he irish!!!!!!
ohhhh well long dog carnt get back on to reply cause we had some one complaining about him i might as well let him confess on my id

ITS GAZ has been all the time and knew steve would get the blame lol :D   :D   ;)  :0
Well now what a shame some people can not take a joke  :0   :p  I bet thay will complain about me next.   :(  ???   :(   :p

            Theres silly for you.
Sorry  Steve Honey Pal Mate is this enought crawling :D
