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Tala Just Jumped In The Pond........

Poor Tala, hope she learnt her lesson and won't do it again - although having read your posts about her I'm not so sure!!

Jimmy, my almost 12 month old lunatic puppy, fell in the river a few weeks ago when it was really swollen and fast running. There I am charging across the field, taking my coat off, convinced I was going to have to go in after him but found him struggling to get out but the awful thing was not only had he gone right under the water, but when his inear hysterical mother grabbed him and pulled him out, she then told him off being so stupid and frightening the life out of her!! Luckily he was none the worse for wear and we haven't ventured in that field again since then. Another whippet induced grey hair :lol:
Aww poor Tala, she must have gotten a fright, glad to hear she is none the worse :huggles:
aww poor poppet...must have been freeezing :wub: :wub:
Poor Tala, hope she learnt her lesson and won't do it again - although having read your posts about her I'm not so sure!!
Jimmy, my almost 12 month old lunatic puppy, fell in the river a few weeks ago when it was really swollen and fast running. There I am charging across the field, taking my coat off, convinced I was going to have to go in after him but found him struggling to get out but the awful thing was not only had he gone right under the water, but when his inear hysterical mother grabbed him and pulled him out, she then told him off being so stupid and frightening the life out of her!! Luckily he was none the worse for wear and we haven't ventured in that field again since then. Another whippet induced grey hair :lol:

I dont know about grey hair, i think my heart would have stopped :eek:
I sometimes wonder how our nerves stand the frights whippets give us! I'm just glad the dogs in question were OK.