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Sweat Gland Adenocarcinoma


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I thought I would share a couple of pictures of Stanleys paw after an operation to remove a cancerous lump in his metacarpal pad. I have always told Stanley he is special and he decided to prove this by getting an extremely rare form of cancer! I had never heard of it and initially we thought he had something stuck deep in his pad which was causing the swelling but the biopsy proved otherwise. That was 4 weeks ago and we get the final biopsy results when he has his stitches removed on Monday. It is looking good :luck: as all other tests and x-rays have proved the cancer has not spread.

Despite being fed up as he has not had a run for over a month and he has been under anesthetic 3 times he is doing really well and his paw is healing nicely.

Because he gets extremely stressed when visiting the vets they have allowed me to bandage him at home as he has been in bandages since the initial exploratory op 4 weeks ago and he had the main op last Wednesday. We have been for 2 bandage changes at the vets since Wednesday and as it is healing well I have done a bandage change at home this evening which is when I took the photos below.

His healthy left paw for reference.


His poorly paw


Stanley had the metacarpal pad removed in full and the bones from one toe removed so they could use the digital pad and spare skin to replace the metacarpal pad area. It really is an outstanding piece of surgery. The photo isn't brilliant as I wanted to get the change done quickly as Stanley really has been a star and just lets me get on with it.

For anyone in the Warrington area the staff at Beech House and BridgeFoot Veterinary surgeries have been amazing as always and the soft tissue operation was done at Oakwood in Northwich where again the staff have been fantastic.

I would also like to recommend Sainsburys pet insurance as without its comprehensive cover, this operation could not have been performed without going into debt. In total this condition has exceeded £3,500 to date and I have just had the renewal which suprisingly did not go through the roof. My other dog Asha has had ongoing treatment for a heart murmur which they continue to pay for past 12 months.
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Good luck to Stanley for a speedy recovery. :luck: :wub: :luck: He looks a gorgeous fellow. :huggles:
Wishing all the best to you for Stanley's speedy recovery. Nice for others to have a recommendation for insurance, as most people haven't as clue which policy to choose :thumbsup: All the best for Stanley's future :luck:
Thank you Sarah and June :D :D

Without sounding like and ad for Sainsburys and I am obviously only speaking from a positive experience they have been brilliant. I was paying approx. £13 a month per dog and the renewal price is approx. £19. The policy will pay up to £7,500 per condition and unlike alot of companies will continue to pay for treatment after 12 months. Considering Ashas medication costs around £40 a month I certainly can not grumble. The excess is about £50 dependant on the cost of the initial claim and I only had to pay a futher £25 once it went over £1000. The vets claim it direct so I don't have to pay up front and deal with lots of paperwork.
Stanley's gorgeous, glad he's recovering from his (amazing) op and that you chose a good insurance, hope he's soon running about like his old self again

:cheers: :luck: :luck: :luck:
:luck: GOOD LUCK TO STANLEY :huggles: :wub:
Stanley had his stitches out today :D and he is unbandaged, just have to put a boot on when he goes outdoors. Vet is really pleased with how it looks and the fact he is weight bearing in full without the padding.

Biopsy results show they have removed all the cancerous cells. :) :) Will get another photo on in a couple of days when it doesn't look sore from having the stitches out.

Happy Days :)