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Sup Rch Jackarella Passed Away Today

So sorry to hear the bad news. I dont know if you new but I have his litter sister Sheer Bliss and if he was as loving as she is you had a great racer but also a great companionRIP little one
was talking to andy on sun night and we had a gud chat and he told me he was walking along his usual walk, does his usual stuff with the dog walking by his side on a lead. he lets them go for a little trot over a stretch of land. olly then went and andy did not were he had gone. so he was calling him and no response, i think this is right wat he was telling me. he then went home and him and his grandad came bk looking were they had lost olly, so andy comes bk looking in his van. they then went round a corner just further up from were they had lost him and there he was lying there still on the floor. there was not 1 mark on the dog so andy knows the dog hadnt been hit. andy thought it was an heartattack.

im so sorry to write this m8 but wen u told me i felt so sick for u m8. it brought a tear to my eye m8 but look to the future lets see if zak can do it for u son im sure he can

love ya son


no he had'nt been ill, andy was out walking the dogs, Olly ( jackarella ) ran in front around a bend into a field when andy called him, he did,nt come back as he would always do, when andy and his dad found him, he had already gone, andy's dad's a paramedic and thinks it was a heart attack, very sad, a much loved pet and a great champion,R.I.P Olly
thanks to u all on so very kind words what happened was

i was walkin my usaul route up cannock chase were its just grass hills with no big trees just bushers i had olly zippo(zipperella) and my 2 patterdales of the lead no harm shud of come to any due to my terries bein trained to heal also had zak just friends which was the only 1 on the lead due to him bein to mad of the lead zippo an olly was right behind me rthen i looked round and seen olly wounderin off bout 10 yards behind me which was not botherin me due to him hardly goin any were and than i looked round again and he was not there so i stud there a couple of mins waitin for him but no return so i got all the others on there leads and started whiselin and shoutin olly but still no return so i walkied bak the same route bout 40 mins past with me shoutin and i new sumit was not right so called me grandad gilbert pockett to come and pick my dogs up of me and told him what route i was on he came bout 20 mins later and took all my dogs in his van downm to me kennels and i grabbed a coat of him and legged it round the hole route then i then i notest about 200 yards away from me a gap in 2 thorn bushes were i some times take em so i walked threw the bushers looked down the hill and seen him lyin there in an openin i ran down and he was stone cold dead not a mark on him his neck was not broke or no injurious just dead so i put me coat over him and walked home when i got home i put im in my van and i was in total shock i could not way it up a gd healthy dog which as only been out every otherr day just amile (due to i put them up for the winter) which he was only four and half and would always find him lyin on my bed at my house i could only put it down to a heart attack i then took him up my mates farm and berried him in my mates wood i was in total shock and that was saturday after noon for me :(
not a lott anyone can say to make you feel better Andy, its so sad ,sorry mate, rip Olly.