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Sup Rch Bound Too As Mated The Feb Bitch Rch / Nch Fizz

weighed pups today there 10 weeks now and Teddy is 6lb 2oz and Archie is 10lb 12oz thanks to shell giving me a and to hold them still little darling are never in one place long enough to take pic's will had a few i did get at weekend


Teddy looking after Tony's Roses

And then seeing if he can get in the tin
Bless em o:) well maybe thats not what you're thinkng lol theyre lovely :thumbsup:
I have to say theese pups are stunners, and so good :teehee: It was good fun trying to keep them still long enough to weigh them :wub:
10 weeks already? thats flew by. they r gorgeous :wub:
Aren't they growing lovely, beautiful babes. Someone else with toys everywhere :thumbsup:
weighed pups today 11 weeks Archie 12lb 10oz :unsure: and teddy 7lb 4oz :unsure: so not be in same class lol

enjoying there first bone together

:wub: Look how nice they're sharing, well for now that is :wacko:
You got 5 minutes peace then Yvonne thet are :wub:
your joking shell 5 min's is pushing it lol :wacko: think it was about 2 min's the little love's :wub:
weighed pups today 12 weeks old Archie 14lb 7oz (w00t) and Teddy 8lb 5oz :unsure: so by the time there 14 weeks teddy should fit into archie just right lol
weighed pups today 12 weeks old Archie 14lb 7oz (w00t) and Teddy 8lb 5oz :unsure: so by the time there 14 weeks teddy should fit into archie just right lol
so that wud make archie 29lb and teddy 17lb if that theory works of doubling thier weights @ 12 weeks :thumbsup:
up date on Archie and teddy 17 weeks old yesterday and weight's are Archie 20lb 5oz and Teddy 11lb

what a lovley pair of dogs when i seen them at shirebrook teddy is a really nice best of luck with them look forward to seeing them run nice weight seperation too :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: thanks luke there doing my head in at mow not been able to take them out with all the snow and ice :blink: