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Sup Rch Bound Too As Mated The Feb Bitch Rch / Nch Fizz

Bound to Be,Boundless not as good as you Jo but its a start ;) If we carry on she's 'bound' to like something (w00t) or not :thumbsup:
bast of :luck: with pup yvonne dave&34lb blue lol.
best"of :luck: with pup yvonne. what about starbound, out'of'bounds.
did think of "Bound 2 be" karen but keep them coming lol
all the best. they will be champs thats for sure :thumbsup:
pic's just loading so maybe morning now, been a long night at club so was late getting back :oops:
think this is my boy
and like his dad likes being on is own
They are lovely, how are you going to pick a dog out of them :)) good luck with them :))