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Sup Rch Bound Too As Mated The Feb Bitch Rch / Nch Fizz


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Sup Rch Bound too As mated Rch /Nch Fizz today pups due 12 Aug, should be some lovely pups from this litter and my dog pups on order, :thumbsup: looks like i could end up with a few pups again (w00t) oh well lol

and yes i no balls up again should say FAB bitch not feb lol just to excited about the mating lol :thumbsup:

good luck paul :luck:
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Should be some lovely little pups, Hope everything goes well. :luck:
all the best yvonne with the pups :luck: :thumbsup:
Wishing you all the luck in the world, I hope everything goes brilliant :luck: :luck:
:luck: to all concerned, you are going to be spoilt for choice with puos to pick from Yvonne :D
good luck to everyone :luck: im sure theres going to be some champs :thumbsup:
best of luck paul/von, sure to be some little gooduns.2 top class dogs :luck:
Best of :luck: Paul.They'll be cracking pups :thumbsup: Oooooo does that mean i'll get a little Micky :wub: lodger next time your on holiday,Yvonne? :wub:
good news from paul fizz had 4 lovely pups tonight 3 dogs 1 bitch ! dogs are all fawn with white on them and the bitch is black, paul will be keeping the bitch and i will be having a dog, cant wait to see them :thumbsup:
:luck: with puppies who ever has them :thumbsup:
That's great news!! Can't wait to see the pics. Maisy is going to love having a little playmate!!
Can't wait for pics :thumbsup: Big congrats from me and George, Paul :thumbsup: If I was gonna have a little un,this would be the litter i'd want one from.Best of :luck: to the new owners.I'll have to settle for babysitting him with his dad Yvonne.'Bound Over'would be a great name for a pup belonging to you (w00t) :lol:
bound over is already took karen litter brother to duke as it, :- so you will have to think of something else, :sweating: will go and see the pups tomorrow and take few pics
Homeward Bound, Out of Bounds, Ice Bound, Bound By.......
bound over is already took karen litter brother to duke as it, :- so you will have to think of something else, :sweating: will go and see the pups tomorrow and take few pics
It's my age :lol: