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Sunday Racing


Think you might have pulled Dee :huggles:
(w00t) Steady there Pam! Remember what I told you about my luck? If I fell in a pile of ***** I'd come up sucking my thumb! If you're right, then it's about to continue! Anyway, I don't speak Hobbit! (w00t) :flowers:
deeva1 still races but be honest deeva1 would you give sunday racing up and do dinner instead then let your man have a sleep while you wash up then when he wakes for his sunday tea bit of tv to get the man to wrk monday or be like my partner and think its ok to go racing on sundays
it worked every1 sunday dinner 4 me and pudding no slow cooker no moaning no saying what about my life i won thank you all for helping me through this difficult time grandad will be proud now stylers so happy no licking windows just gravey of the plate
Well I managed to cremate dinner in the slow cooker and their was a huge pile of dishes waiting for me when I got home but I don't care, my dog won his first ever open race and I won a corkscrew screw in raffle!

Now all I have to do is develop a taste for wine and I'm sorted!! :D
gud day all round well done congratulations on the racing no points for dinner
I think you will find that Styler has special needs.

All trolls NEED a damn good shoeing, and I have a size 11 waiting!

All in all though, as trolls go, he is fairly harmless :)
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wild whippet = judas you better belive it its true she aint done dinner again dont think she has even turned the slow cooker on today but she is setting out all the details out for the styler cup to be held next year she is on stylers side now
wild whippet = judas you better belive it its true she aint done dinner again dont think she has even turned the slow cooker on today but she is setting out all the details out for the styler cup to be held next year she is on stylers side now

If the styler cup comes with another Sunday dinner, you've got yourself a photographer!!