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Stud Fee's

lol fletch,i wasnt tight when i sold you pems lad ey,
yes me and ritchie payed £500 stud fee,but think it takes alot more money to rear greyhound pups than whippets.i kept 2 wether they wil make owt who knows,but believe me it costs alot of money to rear a greyhound pup,not knowing if it will be any good or not.  £150 stud fee for non ped whippet too much i think fletch.

i agree it cost more to rear greyhound pups having to keep them longer etc, but it cost more to buy a good greyhound pup, lots of £££££ so think it all works out the same,

simpson's right if you want the breeding you will pay for stud or the pup, whatever the price, i think £100 is a good price for any whippet stud dog, and £150 / £200 for well bred pup :thumbsup:
Vicky said:
AndrewPocket said:
Vicky said:
But a stud dog could mate say 30 bitches and a brood bitch only have 2 litters, so i think stud dogs owners are getting a fair enough deal as it is.  Also people are saying about what people are charging for pups in relation to the stud fee, the bitch's owners put a lot more into it than the stud's owner, they feed the bitch (hopefully the best they can) for 9 weeks and then the same for the pups for the next 6-8 weeks, worming, dewclaws etc and most of all time.

:bitches owners put alot more into them : feed them 9 weeks up to when they have pups??? so if the bitch was not in pup u wouldent feed her :- " so what happens in the wild were there were no special feedin for 9 months lol

when the pups are born they are on the bitch 3 weeks correct me if im wrong


;wormin ; puppy multy wormer £6 a bottle

;dew claws: whats that cost ???? do erm yerself

if u want a pup out off your bitch and u want the right dog u will pay the stud fee

u making it sound vicky as u have a litter to make money out of it and the end off the day (U BREED FOR YERSELF)

upto a tun is more then anouth for a stud fee :wacko:

Bollocks Andy!!!!

have i hit a nerve miss harper :D
PMSL You can't even quote me properly :lol: :p :oops: o:)
I agree if people want a stud dog so badly they will pay whatever, some peoples view on what's a good stud dog and worth £££ isn't someone else's though - each to their own i suppose.
kris said:
dunno about it being cheap to have a stud dog but in  dobermanns we had to have them xrayed for hip dysplasia and  scored for cervical spondylosis and that wasnt cheap i can tell you. (w00t) i know theres no comparison between that and the money it costs  to rear a litter of pups (and thats without the vets bills!) but in most pedigree dogs these days noone will use a dog unless its been tested and scored for all the  breed problems that can occur in a breed.also you can be held legally liable these days for breeding a pup with inheirited disorders so its better to be safe than sorry as any puppy owner taking a breeder to court  would have an extremely good case in law if the breeder didnt use a dog at stud that had been tested and amounts to negligence in a legal case. :)
Did anyone see 'CASH IN THE ATTIC' this afternoon?

A couple were raising money to buy another German Shepherd-

He was a policeman and they were breeding Police dogs-

they had recently had bad luck with a full litter of pups with hip problems of some sort... so they were trying again.

You'd have thought that they would have tested first eh?
i always thought police dogs were like guide dogs always tested especially for h.d. as its common in the the way line breeding isnt mating mother to son thats inbreeding.line breeding is mating a dog and bitch together that have a common anscestor/s .either way if theres an inheirited defect in a breed and you breed a litter and dont test for it you ARE legally liable for the owners of the pups vet fees,and they can even claim all costs of feeding/rearing said pup.just though folk should know a bit about the law as regards breeding pups.the puppy owner is governed by the 1964 sale of goods act same as a washin machine! :thumbsup:
NEARLY EVERY ONE IN NONE PED UNDER PRICES PUPS. I GAVE £120 9 YEARS AGO FOR UPTOWN GIRL... OK SHE WAS FROM A REPEAT MATING. BASED ON THE FIRST LITTER PRODUCING CHAMPS. BUT WHEN YOU THING PEOPLE NOW HAVE TO PAY UP TO £200. FOR EVEN A LITTLE GOBBY JACK RUSSEL, AS A PET.WHEN IN THE EIGHTIES YOU COULD BUY ONE FOR £15 QUID. THEN SURLEY NONE PED BREEDERS ARE UNDER CHARGING. and a good mating is worth at least the price of a pup. i think that with top class matings, the pups should be around the £200 mark.give or take for dogs and bitches....JUST MY OPINION....p.s. and for those that like to limit buying to around the £50 mark... then just look at what you spend in fuel for your transport : in a years racing. :sweating:
if i breed which is very rarely a good home is more important than money,and i make that known to whoever as bought of me in the past , i allways made sure i got first refusal to buy it back :)) like i said in a previous post i have never paid more than £50 for a pup (sup/rch /nch chloe ) cost £50 back in 1998 ,rch/nch samsara FREE ,rch/nch paloma £50, cacharel the pup £50, i am not saying £50 is the right price but there are bargains out there :))
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Well said John, theres to many people trying to make money out of breeding , breeding numerous litters & charging phenominal prices.

These people are only robbing their fellow racers, if the pups dont make the grade. This is a family sport so why not keep the prices reasonable.
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When we went to breed Biddy luckily Susan and John did not accept a stud fee, we decided to go back to a dog we had previously bred ie Guess Who originally came from Storm Damage x Spellbound we were able to make an agreement that we would sort something out in the future ie if Susan and John wanted a dog from litters to come then they would get one for free, this suited everyone at the time.
Sorry folks the last post should have gone on in my name Tanglewood I forgot to change screen names when I logged on Stormy weathers is Valeries log in name
its nice that you can do that val, :thumbsup: i have made similar agreements with people not took the stud fee, and its always workout well for both party's :luck: good luck with your pups,
It is fine when you can have an agreement with the owners of a stud dog, I also take the point that Marillion was one of the foremost stud dogs years ago this is that was the dog I used to breed Stormy Weathers It produced the litter of Alabama Storm Damage Stormy Haze and Hes Buzzing, all of these dogs are now ten years old and this stud fee cost me Fiffty pounds, I expect (although i keep only bitches ) that the stud fee will have gone up by now.

As a owner of bitches I make the choice on not the price but that the pups that I will sell to others will be of the breeding I think will gel with the breeding I have.
Chatting earlier today with my parents about prices of stud fees and puppies etc. and they bought their first whippet back in 1959 and paid £7.00 for her which at that time apparently was a weeks wage for dad - so is charging £150 - £250 over the top these days if we look at a weeks wage now or is it reasonable - if you look to buy any dog these days most will be more than that, even from rescue kennels etc you can be asked for £120.00 upwards (i know this is to support vets bills and upkeep at these brill places so am not knocking that at all they deserve it), just looking at it this way makes me think racin whippets are possibly priced reasonably still. Just lookin in the local papers at dog prices most of them are way above our prices - but its down to each individual as to what they think is reasonable or not. :))
I bought my dog Stormy Weathers for the price of a bag of dog meal, she was never a champion although when we bred her she produced champions, and their offspring produced Champions,.
The first dog was used for the pick of a dog pup in return .......and the second dog was £150 ........Know what i'd prefer .....I'd much rather give a pup to the stud dog owners as i'd see my pup around :wub:
tanglewood said:
I bought my dog Stormy Weathers for the price of a bag of dog meal, she was never a champion although when we bred her she produced champions, and their offspring produced Champions,.

bill,s on his way down to your,s.

he.s bringing a bag of dog food,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: