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Stud Dog


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to me there seem to be a lot of people useing lurcher and whippet stud that seem to just like the look of never seeing it work race or what ever its chosen sport is who would breed of a dog cuz they like the look of it ?

for me the dog would have to be proven at its job be it work racing shown after hi many years doing it job would you deside it good enoght to take a litter of ?

i would not dream of breeding of any of my dogs before 3 year old and this is only if it was really good what your views

put the best to the best and hope for the best, put sh@t to sh@t and you get sh@t, agree with you a dog needs at least 3 years hard graft to prove itself before even considering breeding from it thats my view on a lurcher/whippet thats to be bred from for work as for racing i cant say as i dont race my lurcher just work him, as sumone once said to me a person who has a average dog will put the best dog over it but a person with a good dog wont put a average dog over their dog :thumbsup:
a man with my own views i would never put my dogs to a advarge dog best to best worker to worker is my view im sure others will have there own views

Looks dont win races or catch rabbits. :thumbsup: just cos a dogs a much loved pet doesn't make it a stud dog.
yes but people are putting there pets up for stud and people are useing them or dogs that have not been test to the full before being put to stud

I have a stud dog (lurcher). He will be 4 in 2 weeks and he has just started his first season - he has proved himself to be a top dog and i only want to bred him to top bitches, as i want to keep puppies for myself :D .

People know that he is a good dog and have seen him prove himself which is why i already have a line up of bitches. But i feel that too many people are just breeding for the sake of it which is leaving so many puppies without homes.

Dogs should be bred for a purpose! :thumbsup:
very well said another problem is that people who own the stud dog will tell you they do this and that and most people will just use the dog on the owners word a really good dog does not need advirtised for stud as it will do this in it chosen field on less the owner is in it for the money

milliken said:
very well said another problem is that people who own the stud dog will tell you they do this and that and most people will just use the dog on the owners word a really good dog does not need advirtised for stud as it will do this in it chosen field on less the owner is in it for the money

Im not in it for the money - im just very pickie about what bitch i bred to and the more people that come to me from my ad or not the more bitches i have to chose from - hense why there is no stud fee!!! Im only going to bred him a few time.
helsbels16 said:
I have a stud dog (lurcher).  He will be 4 in 2 weeks and he has just started his first season - he has proved himself to be a top dog and i only want to bred him to top bitches, as i want to keep puppies for myself  :D
People know that he is a good dog and have seen him prove himself which is why i already have a line up of bitches.  But i feel that too many people are just breeding for the sake of it which is leaving so many puppies without homes.

Dogs should be bred for a purpose!  :thumbsup:

whats the point of using a unproven dog, just because its nice looking, for me studs have to be sound and capable of being able to run, work and show, when you have proven your dog to the best of its ability and it turns out to be a good dog then you know any puppies are going have the potential of the parents,
i know what you mean but there are people on this forum and others and people i know useing very young and un proven stud dog on dog as young as 10 months

milliken said:
i know what you mean but there are people on this forum and others and people i know useing very young and un proven stud dog on dog as young as 10 months

then your going to get an awful lot of pups surpluss to requirement, if you can't see for yourself the ability of the dog your going to use, then you go for one where the owner can prove their dogs ability, as yoiu say the dogs speak for themselves, and owners of good dogs are more than willing to show you what their dogs are capable of
ever one that has replyed so far are all singing from the one sheet here would be intrested to hear someone eles views on this

I would only obtain a pup from good working stock, although its somtimes quite a challenge to get to actually see parents working unless you are good friends with the breeder, so the look of the parents and trust in the breeder are somtimes all you have to go on :(
It is not only the stud dog and bitch, its the way the pups are fetched up, you must give them the best you can afford when they are young, its what you put into your pups in its 1st year that counts,

ive seen dogs of the best of stock turn out crap, a friend of mine payed a fare bit for a bitch off good stock. she was a good bitch but the bitch he got for 30 pound off a kid in the local cattle mart ended up a better dog, he only bought it cos it was in a bit of a mess, 2 world beaters dont alway breed the best, but you have a bit of a head start, :))
there,s an old saying in racing

u can get monkeys out off champs & champs out off monkeys

but that aint my saying,,,,,i think if the dogs got the tools ,,,i.e strong and well build & got a brain its down to the training and time u can give them & and the best off feed :thumbsup:
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very good points there but the topic is use a dog when proven or not

personally i dont think a dog has to prove its a world beater. lets say u had a pup and its showing promise in racing and it gets injured . All the other pups in the litter end up winners but this particular pup never gets to its best [but it has all the right ingredients of a winner e.g breedline , good build ,right temprement still u could use it as a stud dog. might throw better pups than the rest :thumbsup:
