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Strange Loss of Skin on Neck

Luke Wilkins

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Hi, only lately, me and my family have noticed that our 9 year old Cocker Spaniel, has no hair under her collar on her chest. Since then we have took the collar off and we thought it was getting better, when suddenly it got a worse. It’s hard to explain exactly what it is, but I hope pictures do that job.

We are not sure if we should be worried or not as she is a healthy dog and has never had something like this happen to her before.

Any help is massively appreciated!

I have attached the image


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No idea what this might be, but I would be at the vet first thing tomorrow... if nothing else, just to make sure there is no infection, or to figure our how to deal with it if there is.

I assume the picture shows the front. Is she a hard puller, and do humans routinely control her pulling by pulling back on the leash, attached to the collar? If not - then I am hard pressed to explain why just this area of the neck has the wound... which would lead me to making sure there is nothing else beside just collar rubbing against the neck.

Good luck, hope it clears up soon.
No idea what this might be, but I would be at the vet first thing tomorrow... if nothing else, just to make sure there is no infection, or to figure our how to deal with it if there is.

I assume the picture shows the front. Is she a hard puller, and do humans routinely control her pulling by pulling back on the leash, attached to the collar? If not - then I am hard pressed to explain why just this area of the neck has the wound... which would lead me to making sure there is nothing else beside just collar rubbing against the neck.

Good luck, hope it clears up soon.

Thanks for your response. She doesn’t pull and is a show type spaniel so she likes to walk along side us, it’s just sort of appeared out of no where. She doesn’t show any sort of issues towards it and is still a happy dog. We live fat from the vets which is the only issue but it would do no hard taking her.
Are you in the woods, rural area? What's the tick situation there?
Where we are - it got warmer last week, and ticks just popped up, I now find them on our puppy every time he goes into the woods. But on mine it's easy to spot then, he is light color and short hair, unlike your girl.
Could this be a reaction to a tick bite, mosquito bite..? Just thinking aloud.
Definitely vet. I'm not sure if endocrine conditions cause hair loss just in one place like that or if it's more generalised, but that's something that can be tested for with a simple blood test.
Agree with everyone else a vet needs to see this, no point just guessing at it.
Okay thank you all for your replies, will appoint the vet ASAP, just wanted to make sure that there was nothing fatal visually. I live on the outskirts of oxford in the countryside so I’m not sure if that could have something to do with ticks, but as I said I will book an appointment soon :)
Is there any sign of a lesion rather than just baldness? If there is, mention this to the vet straight away. I should think there's very very little chance of it being Alabama Rot, particularly if it's been going on for a while, but if it could be - it's urgent.
Oh that looks so sore, I hope the vet has an answer for you, let us know what happens
My Dobe got bald spots like this around her collar line when she was about 7 months old. No pain or discomfort just a lot of no fur. It was some sort of allergy in the end, we changed her type of collar the same time we changed her food which was silly but the fur grew back quickly and we didn’t experience it again after that.

The vet charged us £80 for advice to “maybe change food/detergent/collars/shampoo and start giving piriton daily” and an antihistamine injection that didn’t do anything so prepare for that It is better safe than sorry though.

I’m sure she’ll be fine