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Still Have A Problem With Tilly And Bean

kim & Tilly

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I have mentioned before Tilly and Bean have this dominance issue where they are always arguing with each other, growlig, mouthing, etc etc...this happens in the house, garden etc

Its worse when i take them out for a walk, Tilly just wont let up and pins Bean down on the floor the whole time is a night mare, they fight the entire time and its driving me mad...

I have even thought of rehoming bean, but it woud kill me as i love her so much.

Tonight i took them out and let bean off, then i put tillys muzzle on and let her go straight away she headed for bean and tried to pin her down but couldnt, then they barked while pushing each other, then tilly took off running and they raced around the field (which was good to see) they tried fighting again but couldnt so they ran round again..

Then someone came in with some more dogs so i took tillys muzzle of and they all ran around tilly left bean alone.

I think if i use the muzzle for a while it will break the circle of fighting, but i dont want bean to go up the ranks iykwim

what do you all think???
Are you sure they are doing it in an aggressive way Kim, it's just that mine fight all the time and it can sound aggressive but they are playing and don't atually hurt each other, if I think it is getting out of hand I put my foot down and stop it there.

Is it one sided with Tilly against Bean or both ways , I hope it sorts itself out :luck: :luck: :luck:
*Lesley* said:
Are you sure they are doing it in an aggressive way Kim, it's just that mine fight all the time and it can sound aggressive but they are playing and don't atually hurt each other, if I think it is getting out of hand I put my foot down and stop it there.
Is it one sided with Tilly against Bean or both ways , I hope it sorts itself out :luck:   :luck:   :luck:

Its tilly on bean although beans gives as good as she gets........we just cant have a normal walk at all cause its all they do, if i walk of and leave them they just carry on, bean spots im gone and trys to come after me by tilly wont let her...

I will have to get it on tape so you can see, they may be playing, but its driving me mad.....

I have just changed there food again, it now has less protein, which i think is making them hyper
Have you tried to get Tilly more focused on you ie with treats or perhaps a squeeky toy, just a thought, if her attention was on you she may not be as focused on Bean ! ! !
jue332 said:
Have you tried to get Tilly more focused on you ie with treats or perhaps a squeeky toy, just a thought, if her attention was on you she may not be as focused on Bean ! ! !

when she is fighting bean there is no stopping then at all, i have tried distracting them but no luck the only thing that has worked is using the muzzle...but i dont want to make tilly hate it cause she races
How do Tilly and Bean get on most of the time? Do they snuggle up together at home, do they seem like good friends? Does Tilly hurt Bean when they act like this?

Mine have short bursts of playfullness, but there is no pinning down on the floor and it is gentle. We have a mad two minutes at the start of the walk then they trot around happily minding their own business. They are best friends and am lucky that i don't think they could get on better if they tried :huggles: I would hate it if we couldn't enjoy our walks, so i do feel for you. I hope thing improve :luck:
The two pups that we kept by from our last litter are like this too,they are actually quite aggressive with one another and it has progressed into a full blown dog fight on quite a few occassions,but it is just them playing, albeit very rough but I have noticed that when we take them to the beach and they kick off as they ALWAYS do no matter where they are,that quite a few people look at them as they make such a racket snarling and growling with each other,it seems to bother other people more so than us! They are now just over the year old and still as bad as ever but I do just let them get on with it,I really think it is the dogs just trying to establish who is top dog.At home they both lie in the one bed usually in a muddle of legs and eat out of the same bowl so I am not really worried.Incidently it is a bitch and a dog not two of the same sex,though the little bitch is terribly aggressive against her mum too who WILL back off guess who is going to be Alpha bitch??

If they get on well at home in the house and happily sleep and eat together,I would be inclined to just leave them to it out on walks,as it is just over exhuberent playing.But if on the other hand they dont get on at home either,it is more than just playing and you may well have the onset of a problem on your hands.

The best of luck with them,and I sincerely hope it is just excited playing. :thumbsup:
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It does sound like excessive play fighting. When Emilie and Tally get going the noise is horrendous and it is always Tally getting the pasteing but she quite enjoys it. The Iggies will all pile in as well which has only caused one real full blown fight.

I found out on a walk that throwing a ball for Emilie distracted her enough to stop her having a go at the others.
I used to worry when mine got going because like Jan says the noise was horrendous but no I let them get on with it until my ears can't take anymore(god knows what the neighbours think (w00t) )

Mine are worse when out side they are so strange when we get to the woods they are all on lead don't pay any attention to each other but as soon as we let them off the just go mad usually all beat kane up get him on the floor but he doesn't care, at home callie and kane are always at it he get her down so she's upside down but she gives him a right leathering when they are outside :lol:

Sometimes he has to think about it though the other day he had been scrapping with callie and he mistook Sienna for her, he instantly backed off (w00t) she is in charge in this house and he can only play with her when SHE wants to, poor Kane he is always getting told off by her but he gets lots of cuddles off mum because of it :huggles: :D
mine are the same as everyone elses too,phoebe been the noisy one,mille dosent make a sound, but i have noticed she drops on her back as soon as phoebe touches her,so looks like bullying but she is never hurt,and it sounds worse than what it is ,which for a while i thought it was domineering from phoebe,but millie seems to go back for more and if she feels like its getting too much she is straight by my feet.

so ive started seeing it as play fighting too,and same as 05 whippet people stop and stare because of the noise and we just keep walking.

hope things improve for you. :luck:
Ours are the same they are always fighting more at home then when there out but you get used to it. I do need to step in sometimes when they go over the top but they dont really mean it as after wards they all cuddle up together on the sofa. :wub:
Thank you for your comments

Aat home they share the same cage at night, eat from the same bowl, lay on the same cusion and share the same outside kennel....So they get on and miss each other if the other one isnt around...

Perhaps it is just play fighting going mad....

like i said i have changed their food, and will take them out for longer walks etc see if that helps
Kim and Tilly said:
Thank you for your comments
Aat home they share the same cage at night, eat from the same bowl, lay on the same cusion and share the same outside kennel....So they get on and miss each other if the other one isnt around...

Perhaps it is just play fighting going mad....

like i said i have changed their food, and will take them out for longer walks etc see if that helps

Kim,by what you have said about them being very close in the home and sleeping and eating together,it definitely is just over exicited play fighting it seems all of us have the same problem,who would've thought that Whippets could be just so aggressive in play!.........I was beginning to think we had spawned some sort of wild animals with our last litter!! (w00t)

I do agree with you about trying to change the food though,one of ours whenever he is on more than 20% protein goes absolutely daft,he bounces off the furniture and walls like he's doing the wall of death,so maybe a change in diet might quieten your two down slightly. :thumbsup:
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05whippet said:
Kim and Tilly said:
Thank you for your comments
Aat home they share the same cage at night, eat from the same bowl, lay on the same cusion and share the same outside kennel....So they get on and miss each other if the other one isnt around...

Perhaps it is just play fighting going mad....

like i said i have changed their food, and will take them out for longer walks etc see if that helps

Kim,by what you have said about them being very close in the home and sleeping and eating together,it definitely is just over exicited play fighting it seems all of us have the same problem,who would've thought that Whippets could be just so aggressive in play!.........I was beginning to think we had spawned some sort of wild animals with our last litter!! (w00t)

I do agree with you about trying to change the food though,one of ours whenever he is on more than 20% protein goes absolutely daft,he bounces off the furniture and walls like he's doing the wall of death,so maybe a change in diet might quieten your two down slightly. :thumbsup:

Im hoping so.....other wise i will have to go down to one whippet :wacko:

when do they start to calm down...Tilly is 16months and Bean is 7 and a half i think :unsure:
Kim, regarding the feeding issue. My Dobermann Chloe use to be absolutely hyper, this carried on way past the age of two. Then i changed her onto a natural BARF diet just before christmas. The change in her physically has been amazing, skin, coat etc, but what i was most surprised about is the change in her temperment. She is loads more laid back, an 100% improvement. I think it must have been all the additives in the complete food that were adding to her hyperactivity. Now these nasty additives are gone, she is a different dog.

Having two bitches, they will try and establish who is top dog. I don't have that issue because Chloe is speyed, Holly isn't and Frankie is a boy. Our group get on fine. :luck: again!
Kim and Tilly said:
I have mentioned before Tilly and Bean have this dominance issue where they are always arguing with each other, growlig, mouthing, etc etc...this happens in the house, garden etc
Its worse when i take them out for a walk, Tilly just wont let up and pins Bean down on the floor the whole time is a night mare, they fight the entire time and its driving me mad...

I have even thought of rehoming bean, but it woud kill me as i love her so much.

Tonight i took them out and let bean off, then i put tillys muzzle on and let her go straight away she headed for bean and tried to pin her down but couldnt, then they barked while pushing each other, then tilly took off running and they raced around the field (which was good to see) they tried fighting again but couldnt so they ran round again..

Then someone came in with some more dogs so i took tillys muzzle of and they all ran around tilly left bean alone.

I think if i use the muzzle for a while it will break the circle of fighting, but i dont want bean to go up the ranks iykwim

what do you all think???

Mine do that all the time they are only playing, If Your Tilly did mean it then bean wouldn't be here now. Things will get better i'm sure.
Kim, we have Sparky who is 16 months and Dylan who is 4 months and we have loads of this playfighting. We monitor is carefully because of the age difference but it's all innocent play. They curl up together, walk out on their leads together, have a little bash when they are let off but then Sparky wants to play catch with his ball and Dylan wants to stay with mum. They do laps round the garden and then collapse in a heap on their rug and just sleep, in fact I would say it's been wonderful for Sparky having Dylan and this interaction is what he has been missing.

When Dylan is somewhere else Sparky goes to look for him, they have a little game in the lounge (w00t) where Sparky goes betweeen the wall and the settee in order to surprise Dylan at the other end, Dylan sees him doing this and jumps up and down on the settee, he then hangs over the end and then grabs Sparky round the neck as he emerges. I would say they adore each other, but the noise they make when they are playing is definitely scary.

It sounds to me like your two are just like my two .

we are thinking of having Tilly spayed in feb when she is two, but not bean cause i was thinking of breeding from her later on....

Im hoping its play fighting and they will calm down, it nice to know everyone else is going through the same :cheers:

I worry that people will think i have two wild dogs :- "

The food issue may help, i started them on Beta Greyhound, then working dog complete from jollies with less protein, but put them back on greyhound and they have been going back on the working dog complete from jollies with less protein to see if it helps, :teehee: :wacko:

thank you for your help and comments....

Im bloody knackered so off to bed for an hour before the kids get home from school o:)
Hi Kim, I'd say it was rough play fighting as well, if they wanted to genuinely hurt eachother they would have by now, Leon and Picco have been in fights with other dogs and almost instantly there was blood everywhere :(

Angelic looking Teasel is our rough fighter :b she's terrible with poor Picco :eek: In the house they love eachother and when their outside just wandering around having a sniff their fine and largely ignore eachother.

Its when their chasing the ball she turns into a thug (w00t) I think its because she doesn't like Picco ignoring her and running with Leon so she grabs him around the throat to tell him :b

After a while it does calm down but we don't half get some snooty looks from other dog walkers who obviously think their killing eachother :oops:

Leon and Picco were the same when they were younger and they've stopped now so I'm sure Tilly and Bean will sort it out between them eventually :thumbsup:


Kim its only them playing.

We nearly made the mistake of returning our 3rd pup because of the same sort of problems but they do grow out of it after about a year when they settle down, unless of course you get another one like we did and it all starts again :lol:

As Steve said if they meant it there would be blood and they would not go anywhere near each other.

We've given up worrying about what our neighbours think :lol:

You need to think of it the same way as if they were kids (as whippets are very similar) they play nice and fight as well, its just them growing up and sorting there placing out in the the house hold.
