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Spine Tumour (osteosarcoma)

Sorry to hear about Dylan

My boy Bryn (whippet) had osteosarcoma in his front leg, it started with an intermitant limp, by the time he was diagnosed they gave us 6 to 8 weeks, amputation wasn't viable for him, he was ok up until 12 weeks when he knocked his leg and we could do no more for him. He was given PLTs and another drug used for osteospirois and was quite happy. We spoiled him rotten and made every day count.

Best of luck
Sorry to hear about poor Dylan :( ,,, I do hope he gets the best treatment for him and lots of extra love too. :huggles: Very Good luck :luck: :luck:
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Louise_Simon said:
Sorry to hear about Dylan
My boy Bryn (whippet) had osteosarcoma in his front leg, it started with an intermitant limp, by the time he was diagnosed they gave us 6 to 8 weeks, amputation wasn't viable for him, he was ok up until 12 weeks when he knocked his leg and we could do no more for him. He was given PLTs and another drug used for osteospirois and was quite happy. We spoiled him rotten and made every day count.

Best of luck

Thanks for that.I feel relieved that he,s not the only one where amputation isn't an option as you feel a certain amount of guilt that its happening to your dog and I could have done something to prevent it.I take note of the spoil him rotten and thanks for replying.

Rae said:
Welcome to K9. So sorry to hear about Dylan.
If the diagnosis is correct then I guess all you can do is make his last months the best possible, atleast the weather should be OK and he can enjoy lying in the sun with a nice tripe stick.

Dont worry about how to prepare Dylan - he has no idea and will just take each day as it comes.  My friend has a Rottie with exactly the same thing as he has been on meds for 2 months and is still going out for walks.  He is only 6  :(

We are preparing for some bad news about our old girl who has a lump on her spine  - I think it's attached so she's having it checked out on Wed when she has a little op on her leg and a blood test done.  It's been very tough but we have talked about what we will and wont do,as she has other complications, and also if it really comes to it how we want her to go to sleep.  :( (At home)  I wont make any big decisions until I've had a second opinion, but I am still keeping my fingers crossed that it's just a fatty cyst.  :luck:


Thanks for your message.I understand what you're saying.Its me who needs to prepare and I think at home is the right place when the times comes.Give my regards to your friend with the rottie and please let me know how she gets on.

I also hope everything goes your way on Wed.Please let me know.Its really only people with the love of dogs who can understand how this feels.

Terry & Sheila Smith said:
We had a lurcher had osteosarcoma in the shoulder. Like Dessies 'zoi we kept him going about 6 month's on a cocktail of drugs. But the end is inevitable. Unfortunately there is no easy way to part with a dog you have my deepest sympathy.Don't want to raise your hopes but we has a whippet show up lumps on the bone (on her foot). We expected the worse as did our general practice vet. A visit to a sighthound specialist proved the lumps were just nodules on the bone. A long rest & medication & she was up & running again.

I hope there is a happy ending to this for you. If not you can only make sure Dylan has the best month's of his life in those remaining for him.

Terry Smith

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the info.I keep hoping the vets wrong but I'm also trying to keep Dylan as happy as I can.This is the hardest part of owning a dog but its nice to know you have all been there too so you understand my distress.

