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Spillers Progress.

Wow! What a fantastic set of pics :wub: Spiller is looking in gorgeous shape. And I like all your other animals too... although that mess at the beginning would scare me (w00t)
Den said:
Bee was snorting through the mess like a pig looking for truffles, trying to out eat the hoover!

:oops: :oops: Sorry but I did have a giggle at those pictures, glad I didn't have to clean it up :- "

Great pics :thumbsup:

Den said:
Bee was snorting through the mess like a pig looking for truffles, trying to out eat the hoover!


Den, he looks great! He is so naughty, can't imagine where he gets that from :- " The hens are gorgeous... what are there names from left to right? What do they do when Spiller and his feline sidekick stalk them? Are they safe? Oops, too many questions, I know but I just popped on K9 and the first thing I saw were all these great photos and then I got over excited and...and...

Despite the terrible mess I laughed when I saw it too Julie! I wouldn't mind but I'd left the full box on the worktop to take with me to give to a friend because Spiller would'nt touch readybrek anymore!(either warm, cold with milk and honey or without) :wacko: Here's one more I forgot of Bee doing the pig thing :lol:

If only his nose were clean in the last photo he might look slightly innocent!
Calm yourself Jill! Of course this is all your fault, who gave him the K.C name 'Trouble Loves Me'???. O.k, the hens, at the risk of making myself the laughing stock of K.9 their names are l to r...

Mrs Robinson (light sussex) Penny Lane (speckled sussex)and top of the pecking order the lovely Arwen (buff sussex). I love the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel and Tomo is mad on lord of the rings!Spiller never bothers with Mrs Rob or Arwen but Penny is what we would call at school(in my other life as a T.A) 'Special Needs'. Bottom of the pecking, order she runs like the hunchback of Notre Dam and always lays her strange pointed eggs on the floor instead of the nest box.So not being either very bright or fast on her feet this makes her an ideal target for Spiller who grabs her around the neck and gives her a 'good old mouthing' :eek: The first time I saw him do it I thought she was a gonner as I couldn't see her head, luckily she tucks it under her so maybe she is not so daft after all! Pogle watches from his lookout posts and rushes to join in the fun and games but only makes himself a target for Spiller to chase allowing a much relieved Penny time to stagger back to the hen house looking very much like she has had one glass too many :D Normally they all freerange happily together though, both cats, spaniel, hens AND WHIPPET!Heres a nicer pic of them...

:oops: I mean left to right in first pic not the one above!
Wow Den - there are some smashing photos there - Spiller is growing very nicely :wub: o:) I love the hens too - but the one with the Ready Brek :lol: :lol: :lol: dont they just love messing things up for you. :thumbsup:
Den said:
Calm yourself Jill! Of course this is all your fault, who gave him the K.C name 'Trouble Loves Me'???. O.k, the hens, at the risk of making myself the laughing stock of K.9 their names are l to r...
Mrs Robinson (light sussex) Penny Lane (speckled sussex)and top of the pecking order the lovely Arwen (buff sussex). I love the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel and Tomo is mad on lord of the rings!Spiller never bothers with Mrs Rob or Arwen but Penny is what we would call at school(in my other life as a T.A) 'Special Needs'. Bottom of the pecking, order she runs like the hunchback of Notre Dam and always lays her strange pointed eggs on the floor instead of the nest box.So not being either very bright or fast on her feet this makes her an ideal target for Spiller who grabs her around the neck and gives her a 'good old mouthing' :eek: The first time I saw him do it I thought she was a gonner as I couldn't see her head, luckily she tucks it under her so maybe she is not so daft after all! Pogle watches from his lookout posts and rushes to join in the fun and games but only makes himself a target for Spiller to chase allowing a much relieved Penny time to stagger back to the hen house looking very much like she has had one glass too many  :D Normally they all freerange happily together though, both cats, spaniel, hens AND WHIPPET!Heres a nicer pic of them...

:eek: OMG poor Penny! ! :unsure: Bad Spiller!!!
Spiller looks ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt :) OK that was Frosties not Readybrek, - but he does look fantastic, and SO NAUGHTY!! - :lol:

He reminds me so much of Zephyr at that age - especially the naughtiness!!! :teehee:

Smashing pup :wub: :huggles: :wub:
The latast pics...

He came second in'best looking dog' competition at our village fete recently :wub:

Last one for now, will try to get some more interesting ones for next time :)

What an absolutely stunning looking dog!! :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

His colours and face :wub: :wub: :wub:

New member here.

Love all the pictures, We are going to pick up our whippet puppy (bitch) in a couple of weeks. Never had a dog before so lots of things to find out, but Im glad to find someone who has chickens aswell. We have 5; 2 large Welsummers, 2 smaller hybrids and a white Sussex star. Should I keep them shut in their run at the end of the garden when we first bring the puppy home? ( they normally have the run of the garden), how is it best to introduce them?