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South Yorkshire Whippet Club


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The SYWC Championship show is Sunday 5th October at the regular venue in Staveley (just south of Sheffield & about 5 mins from M1 Jct30).

Dog judge Morag Bolton-Lockhart (Pencloe)

Bitch judge Mary Lowe (Nimrodel)

Schedules are now available

If you require a schedule please contact a member of the SYWC committee at any of the forthcoming Ch shows

Alternatively please contact us -off board- with your details

Entries don't close until 6th September 2003 (so there is no panic) :D
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All the entries have been received, logged, numerated and put in order

The entry is the best ever for the SYWC with a total entry of approx. 250 dogs for Morag and Mary.

I am sure it will be an interesting day with a great selection of the cream of the UK whippets being present.

Dawn, Is there still just one ring? And will there be camp beds for the later bitch class exhibitors :0 :D
Good Luck to everyone going, wish i could be there.

Debra :D :p

It was decided 'in committee' that the following rules were applicable for this show

1 Camp Beds or sleeping bags will be available BUT the committee have the first choice of spaces in the hall for kipping.

2 You 'may' have to share the camp bed with another person.

3 Sleeping partners will be allocated by a member of the committee.

4 At no time is 'snoring aloud' allowed as this may interfere with the concentration of the judges

5 Anyone who misses their class as they are asleep is NOT eligible for a refund

6 The committee accept no responsibility for any losses occuring whilst asleep eg false teeth falling out and pinched by a whippet.

7 The use of 'guzunders' is NOT permitted as there is no where for them to 'guzunder'

;) ;) ;)
Yes, fine, but rule three, mmmmm, not sure about that, can they be trusted :D
Rule 3 Can I please be partnered with P M H !!!!!!!!!!!!!Please . pretty please,I`m coming on my own (well just Mayzee) and she wont tell! :b
Sorry Jax PMH hasn't entered

BUT maurice is still free????
Jax, you should be ashamed of yourself, you just wed an all :0

Dawn, dont encourage her and dont use the PMH word with the entered word or I will get all hot in my sleeping bag too :b
:0 I don't know what you mean Karen!! :w
Fancy Maurice still being free !!!:0 Think I`ll pass on that one!Looks like i`ll have to bring teddy then :D `
When you say Maurice is free do you mean he used to charge!! :p
Now there you go Karen ,reliving past experiences,for surely you are too old to still be charging!! :p ( I know I am)
:D Only popped in to see how things were going...........shame....Shame...SHAME on you all..............I am going to tell!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMH is on the committee - yes? So surely will be there? You'll have to just drool from the sideline Jax. But keep some tissues handy and try not to be too obvious. It's difficult - I know! ;)
Whoops - got a bit excited there and forgot to wish everyone the best of luck! I will be thinking of you all - twelve months now since I was there. Have a great day!

By the way - if anyone has a digital camera and wouldn't mind taking a pic of Anita Turner's Pacesetter for me (if he's there) - I will be forever grateful. I would like to see how he's looking 12 mths down the track. I haven't heard much from Anita lately. You can tell her you're taking the pic for me - I'm sure she won't mind!

He must be looking alright - RCC to Ronan at Belfast! - not looking quite as nice as Ronan - hey Dessie ? ;)

And would anyone be able to get me a catalogue - I will pay for it and postage of course.

And ...(thinking of all these things now) ... would someone say hello to Eva and Lyn Yacoby for me? I haven't talked to Eva on the phone for about 6mths and she doesn't have the internet.

Once again - have a great day - I'm off to the Zone 3 TOP DOG Final in Townsville with Layla. I just hope she doesn't get knocked out in the first round! But if she does we still have two champ shows on Sat & Sun to go to - with International judges.
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Good Luck Lana- Hope you do well with Layla up north.
Yes best of luck Lana, who are your Judges, anyone we know?