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I know what you mean NatalieMc....... :oops: well it's like a picture card here. :p .....ground covered in snow but very slippery, ;) :blink: the sun has come out and my dogs are looking through the window at it. :wacko: and again i have to open the door and gently ease them out to the loo.... o:) lol
I have just split my sides laughing lol, millie (Pintsize) decided to have a wonder down the garden with me :p she put one foot down then another and set off at a gallop round the garden, then into the house and up into the bedroom and is now hiding under the duvet..... :oops:
Well thicko me left the pram outside all night!!!

Forgot all about it, so that looks nice this morning, i'm just waiting for the phone call from kevin to remind me how stupid i am :lol:
sams just gone into school. i sat in traffic for an hour this morning to drive 100 yrds. i abandoned the car and walked it with sam and maddy to be told school was closed till 1030-11am and now its just sludge outside :angry:
It,s been snowing in wallsend AGAIN AND THERE MORE FORECAST .but on the plus side i,ve been sent home from work early for the second day . and because i,m in training i still get paid for full day YES :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

lucky donna :thumbsup: . school have sent a letter saying if the weathers similar tomorrow the kids dont start till 10am
I had to take pete to the hospital for an appointment, :blink: it was snowing when we went and is still snowin, :( i had to scrape the ice off the windows when i came out :angry: they were covered in ice, :blink: so i aint looking forward to going to work tomorrow :oops: it will be hazadous driving ;)
I just did Asda, which was fun with two babies in a double shopping trolly, best thing about taking kids shopping though, you can get near to the shop door in the mother & baby parking bays when its bad weather!
i hope they packed youre bags for you. i dare'nt go asda now they have a mcdonalds :rant:
no snow down in sunny Andover but it is cold i was going to givr tigger his first run this year but had to cancel as the ground was solid, only four weeks to warwick and he's not had a run, looks like the consulation looms. :(
hawk i peter its snowing ing sunny london just walked dogs there not inpressed at all still its nice and cold so you walk further to keep walm lol :D :cheers:
shit I looked out the window half an hour ago and it was clear it's now six and we areunder four inches of snow. it has come down in the middle of a thunder storm first time iv'e seen it like this.
You's have it good :angry: . It's alway's snowing here :( . Now we have the freezing wind :eek: .It's very, very cold here. The 2 pup's love the snow but hate the wind :p . Im thinking of getting husky's now :p .
Well it snowed a little bit again today, most has melted again or been washed away in the rain. Saw blue skies through the clouds earlier :D

Now I see the stars, the skies all clear but it's freezing again and I just had to go out and unfreeze the gas pipe ... however if there's a cut off (god forbid) we have a nice open fire for the toast and marshmallows and a calor gas oven/hob for some nice warm grub ... vindaloo anyone ?? :b

Ohh post update ... gritter lorry just went by the house ... don't ya just love living on a bus route :lol: !!!
4 inches in 2 hrs. pups loved it this afternoon.went loopy in it. drifting cold and windy now in filey..
Fleesh said:
Ohh post update ... gritter lorry just went by the house ... don't ya just love living on a bus route  :lol:   !!!
Yes!! We do too - free grit :cheers: ;)
red snow can you belive it well not realy but it was red in a lot of places let blue out this morning at 5am and whos in the garden charlie fox well the ensueing fight starts and blue and charlie have tear up charlie make bad judement at bottom of yard jumps fence in fear where too silly git straight in to the lurcher pen so ive just cleaned yard now frezzing at that time of morn.oh well of too work blues face open ive stiched and given him some synolux tabs lets hope no infection. :angry:
it was vicky wifes just rang me at work to say he feeling a bit sorry for himself but it has not stoped him stealing a twix of the table just buried the fox at work lol ;)