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Sneezing And Sneezing


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I'm at my wits' end with our old boy Tiffin. Since October he has been sneezing. These aren't just the occasional sneezes but constant sneezing wherever he is and whatever the weather. The congestion in his nose (to put it politely !) is really heavy and thick and the sneezing is explosive. When he's asleep he sounds like an old snoring man with a heavy cold. He also does the old reverse sneezing thing --- though that has reduced in recent months (and we do the holding the nose business to stop him mid-sneeze)

We, and the vets, have tried everything. The vets have had him on heart tablets, put him on a diet, on broad-spectrum antibiotics, on a kind of doggy Sudafed (to try and dry up the mucus) on a combination of the two. He's had an exploratory op, had mucus samples tested, been looked at for cysts, obstructions. We have changed all the cleaning stuff in the house (we only use eco-products anyway and don't use perfumes), changed the coal we burn when we had an open fire in the winter to try and reduce the ash, tried homeopathy, changed his diet (he's on chicken and rice now). Now we're looking at MRI scans and another exploratory op.

Tiff is nearly 11 years old. We've only had him for 18 months as he was a rescue dog, so I've no real idea if this is part of his history anyway. He's unhappy, can't run far without sneezing, sprays snot everywhere.


Any ideas would be very gratefully received.

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Oh dear,poor Tiffin.It does'nt sound like he is having a very good time of it. :(

I am sorry that I have no ideas for you but hopefully someone else on here may have had a similar experience and a better out-come and can give you some advice or offer another reason for it.

Keep us posted and good luck. :luck: :thumbsup: :luck:
I have a young dog with a similar type problem, but less snot and more coughing as well :( The only thing that controls it a low dose of steroid every other day - this seems to dry it all up and keeps him nice and comfortable :thumbsup: I too like you have tried everything!!

bes of luck with him :huggles:
sounds horrible, poor boy :(

hope you find a solution soon :luck:
My beautiful Coco suffered exactly the same symptoms from when she was 14 months old until the day she died at 12 years old. We never had a definitive diagnosis and so could only 'manage' her symptoms.

Like Jo's dog she had a low dose steroid but every day and not Pred as we found that Betmethasone controlled it better. This used to be available as an animal preparation (Betsolan) but is no longer manufactured so I used to get a prescription and get it from the local chemist. This was given in conjunction with a 10 day course of ABs as and when needed. Again we had tried every AB that was created and Duphatrim definitely controlled the production of snot and cleared the mucus on her lungs better than any of the others.

We had to tweak dosages over the years and her condition progressed but because we had treated her from when she had her first symptoms she did not seem to struggle with life and up to the last few months of her life would go out for a walk every day, twice a day, always ate well and was cheerful enough throughout. She always seemed to feel cold so unless it was boiling hot would wear a jumper most of the time and a coat when she went out.

Good luck with Tiffin but I wouldn't get your hopes up of curing him but there is no reason why he should not manage perfectly well with his condition as long as you treat the symptoms.
Your efforts to ease Tiffin's discomfort have been heroic I'm so sorry they haven't really worked. I don't know if this will help but in humans sinusitis type problems can be cured with osteopathy. A friend suffered so badly he was about to have an op but an osteopath started treating him for a misaligned spine (he always carried his head too far forward) and he then took up the Alexander Technique to keep up the good work and is really transformed (looks much more handsome too :wub: ).

As whippets have such long spines and Tiffin is from rescue perhaps he has had a crash while running or has been beaten and a vertebra might have been slightly dislodged? That could then put pressure on the ligaments and tissues in the head. I am no expert at all but just passing on a suggestion.

The very best of luck - he seems to be a very lucky hound to have found you :huggles:
dessie said:
My beautiful Coco suffered exactly the same symptoms from when she was 14 months old until the day she died at 12 years old.  We never had a definitive diagnosis and so could only 'manage' her symptoms.
Like Jo's dog she had a low dose steroid but every day and not Pred as we found that Betmethasone controlled it better.  This used to be available as an animal preparation (Betsolan) but is no longer manufactured so I used to get a prescription and get it from the local chemist.  This was given in conjunction with a 10 day course of ABs as and when needed.  Again we had tried every AB that was created and Duphatrim definitely controlled the production of snot and cleared the mucus on her lungs better than any of the others.

Stanley is now on medrone rather than Pred as they feel it i more suitable for long term usage, not sure how accurate this is but he is only on 2mg every other day now and is doing very well on it so we are happy at the moment.
That's really interesting re the osteopathy - has anyone tried that or accupuncture for anything like this?

:luck: with your old man Tiffin.
My whippet Tigger has suffered this since about September. I have been to the vets many times and finally gave in to exploratory investigations last week, he had had a temp and gone off his food. He had a blood test which found nothing, then they did a nasal washout, cleared away a load of pus/mucus, n othing was found lodged, did xrays to check which where clear. A nose swab was taken and found to have pasteurella, his reverse sneezing has got worse since this op!!!!. I have been giving him piriton for hayfever symptoms as well which seems to ease the discharge, but 1 week after the clear out back to being snotty :wacko:
Debs said:
My whippet Tigger has suffered this since about September.  I have been to the vets many times and finally gave in  to exploratory investigations last week, he  had had a temp and gone off his food.  He had a blood test which found nothing, then they did a nasal washout, cleared away a load of pus/mucus, n othing was found lodged, did xrays to check which where clear.  A nose swab was taken and found to have pasteurella, his reverse sneezing has  got worse since this op!!!!.  I have been giving him piriton for hayfever symptoms as well which seems to ease the discharge, but 1 week after the clear  out back to being snotty :wacko:
Stanley had all of this exactly the same - I would try him on steroids it will keep him 'dried up' he will only need a very small dose. This really was the only thing that helped my boy - he is on 2.5mg every other day :thumbsup:
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