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Smokey In Vets

sorry jean just seen this, not having much luck this week

Is she at links cos they are brilliant

:luck: :luck: hope u birng her home soon
Yep Dessies got the right idea that once they've dripped her up best they can, she'll be happier to recouperate in her own place. All the time shes got a high white cell count, remember at least her body's fighting against whatevers upsetting her. :luck: :luck: To you & Doris
Poor Jean and Smokey, I hope there is much better news today, Fingers crossed for you Jean. :luck: :luck:
Thinking lots of postive thoughts for Smokey and willing her a speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
*Lesley* said:
Thinking lots of postive thoughts for Smokey and willing her a speedy recovery :huggles:   :huggles:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck:

I hope Smokey is feeling better soon. Keep us updated. :luck: :luck: to you all.
OH rang vet this morning - didn't ask the questions I would have. Anyway we've to pick Smokey up ( yes chelle from the Links ) about 12. So fingers and toes crossed everyone!

Doris you are still in my thoughts. Our Scottie had Cushings I know what you are going thru'.
:luck: Good Luck Smokey, let's hope that once you are home with your Mum you will get to feel better :luck:
Smokey now home. Not her usual bouncing self but better than yesterday. She's got impared liver function - tablets & special diet! Tablets 'BAYTRIL FLAVOUR' any idea??? To be checked next Sat. £200 the lot! At least she' still here ..........for the time being.

Thanks for all the support. :wub:
I don't know about 'Baytril Flavour' but Baytril is an antiobiotic that is usually used for infections when there is pus involved.
Very Good Luck for Smokey :luck: I do hope she keeps on improving. :luck: :)
It's not looking very great. She did eat some tea but refused chicken wing - one of her fav foods. She's just lying there. Have made up some water with salt & sugar ( recipe on Chit Chat ) in the hope that it will give her some energy. :( :( :(
jean.dunbar said:
It's not looking very great. She did eat some tea but refused chicken wing - one of her fav foods. She's just lying there. Have made up some water with salt & sugar ( recipe on Chit Chat ) in the hope that it will give her some energy. :(   :(   :(
Thinking of you and Smokey :luck: :luck:
Smokey has been slightly more active today. She is still very unwell but I feel slightly more positive tonight. I do think the hydration mixture is helping - in this heat its probably worth remembering esp for older dogs.
I have only just logged on, good luck to you and Smokey :luck: :luck: I hope she feels better soon. Love Fiona
After a couple of weeks of varying health Smokey suffered some sort of "turn" on Thursday night. Most unpleasant. She not at all herself and impared. Took her to vet on Fri morning and held her close till she passed away. She was our first rescue dog and brought us such joy. We are all still very sad about her passing But, we are very glad to have known her.
So sorry to hear that Smokey didnt make it. :(

Thinking of you all at this horrible time.

RIP Smokey.
RIP Smokey

I am so sorry that she didn't make it after that long struggle :( :huggles: :huggles:
:( Sorry to hear about Smokey - she was lucky to have found you and spent so many happy years being loved by you. :huggles:
RIP Smokey, you tried so hard to stay. Sweet dreams.

Love Jenny