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Slightly Dottie

so sorry to hear about your loss :(

So sad for you, its something we dread, I cant even bare to think about it......Once again so sorry for your sad loss of Dottie :(
Very sorry to hear about your sad loss,she a lovely girl :(
go with love dottie we remember your racing years tom and tricia bawden xxxxxxxxxx
Lovely pictures of the old lady :wub: - RIP little Dottie :(
Thank you all for your kind words. Thanks for the pics Chris, even if they HAVE started me off again. I'll say more when I'm a bit more composed - but thanks all :huggles:

BTW - if anyone has a trophie mug from the Black Velvet Open 1998 at Newmarket - you have a little bit of Dottie in your life.
The pics are lovely...she looks so content asleep on your knee.
:( So sorry to hear your sad news about Dottie Ian :(she was a lovely old lady :huggles: xlovely photos of her curled up on your lap :huggles:
:( We are very sorry Ian for your loss. Dottie was a very pretty girl and made a good age. I'm sure you have many fond memories of those years you shared. Sorry from all of us :huggles:
Hello Ian,

Some of mine.

Dottie in ' I spy mode"

also known as "what are you doing on MY bed!!" mode.


Hmmm ok then but if you snore I kick you out Frank!

(Quality of pics not the best due to a size restraint, sorry3_dots.png)
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Death can be considered a cruel thing when it snatches away the one you love.Bare in mind though it cannot take away all the good times you had together and in her lifetime there will be plenty of them.From the moment she chose you as her owner she knew she had a true friend and a good ally.You were the one she trusted and you her and that is true friendship indead. Sorry for your loss.Take comfort in the knowledge she will be running free and as fast as she wants in doggy heaven.
I just love that I spy photo. A lovely one to remember her by.
Arghhh - these have started me off again :(

Unfortunately as I'm in the office it will have to be a "got something in my eye" moment!

Thanks for posting the piccies Ren ...

Rennie by the way was my housemate up to just over a year ago, and she adopted Rennie from me - or did Dottie adopt her? Hmmm - oh well, whatever the case Dottie took to sleeping on Ren's bed whenever she could and whined outside the door whenever she couldn't!
Dottie looked absolutely amazing for her age and very content sitting on your lap.

My thoughts are with you.