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Sleepless Nights


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We have a six week old whippet puppy and would be greatful for any advice you can give.

We have a a safe puppy pen next to our bedroom which she can sleep in at night. She sleeps for about 3 hours then cries for us and wakes up every 1-2 hours.

I know she must be missing her mum and litter but hope you can offer advice on how I can reassure her that she is safe and can rest. I provided a blanket to the breader so that the whippets could all sleep on it before i collected her. Hoping that the scent of her home would settle her but this seems to of not worked.

I poped out today for 1 hour and when coming back I could hear her from outside crying.. Boy she has got some lungs on her :D .

As i say i look forward to hear from you.


:( ooo boy do i know how you feel ,my puppy tia has only just started sleeping throu the night a link of my story :thumbsup: hope this helps a bit it does stop :- " eventualy :D

forgot to add she now sleeps throu the night till 7 /8.30 and in her crate sumtimes to how good is that :D youl get ther with your pup :thumbsup:
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leave a radio playing, it sometimes works.

hopefully i will not have the same problem, i pick my pup up on sunday (w00t)
nicky12 said:
:( ooo boy do i know how you feel ,my puppy tia has only just started sleeping throu the night a link of my story  :thumbsup: hope this helps a bit it does stop  :- " eventualy  :D

forgot to add she now sleeps throu the night till 7 /8.30 and in her crate sumtimes to how good is that  :D youl get ther with your pup  :thumbsup:

Thanks.. Fingers crossed :D
Patience and understanding. :thumbsup:

You have to realise they are away from thier litter mates,So they will cry...etc

Try a old T.shirt with your scent on and put it in with the puppy,Lots of snuggly bedding,Put the radio on low,A small low wattage lamp for a bit of light.....

We did all of them (w00t)

It does eventually work,But i would not advise keep going into/down to the puppy.They soon learn "if i make enough crying....i get attention"

It was very,very hard for me but it works for some.

Perseverance pays off :thumbsup: :D
It will get better,believe me as Nicky12 has stated,she been through the same thing(i,m the pup breeder :D ) i,ve admired Nicky for her determination and patience :huggles: :huggles:

Personally six weeks is a bit to young to leave Mum,they should be going to their homes around eight weeks or more.

Can i ask why the breeder let you have her at six weeks?

good luck :luck: :luck:
Im just worried about the neighbours.. As i live in a terraced house and I am concerned about keep them up as well... -_- As the longer I leave her the louder she becomes.

Thanks for all the advice your giving.. Greatly appreciated.! :thumbsup:
nbirse said:
Im just worried about the neighbours.. As i live in a terraced house and I am concerned about keep them up as well... -_-   As the longer I leave her the louder she becomes.
Thanks for all the advice your giving.. Greatly appreciated.! :thumbsup:

i know people will say dont do it but its worked for me she comes to bed with me but im slowly letting her sleep in her crate if she falls asleep and im ready for bed by the time she wakes its morning and shes none the wiser :lol: just have to get her to sleep before we go bed shes getting better as she gets older :thumbsup:
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In answer to your question Daledogs, the breader is moving house and their move date came forwards, they asked if we would take her early. Guess they didn't want to re house the pups and then rehouse them again a week or two later with us..
Hope she settles soon for you -_- -_- any photos of the little girl :D
With ash i had the radio on when we were out, and at night he a blanket as you have done and he also had a big teddy with him which he loved. if he cried in the night we just said shhhh but we tried not to go to him each time he cried because as soon as we went back he just started crying again! hope it helps. Good luck with her!! :wub:
Anyone help..?

Trying to add a pic and it comes up with this anyone else had this..?

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Reduce the size of the piccy in photo shop or whatever programme you have the photo is too big. :thumbsup:

Regarding your problem, move the pen/crate into your bedroom in a corner somewhere.

If she can hear your breathing & knows you are there it will reassure her.

I start all mine off in the bedroom in a pen along side my bed & have NEVER had a problem.

:- " :)
I've got Angel in her crate at the side of my bed on a night and that really does help...the other thing I do and I know its going to sound daft cos she's at the side of me for comfort but I have a sheet over the crate and she settles better...must be a security thing.

You could try having a word with your neighbours and explain you've got a puppy and that there's going to be a bit of noise for a short while and appologise in advance and reasure them its won't last for long only until the pup settles.

You really have to ignore the pup too, if you have to get up to let it out, don't talk or make a fuss and then put it back to bed.

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nina said:
Reduce the size of the piccy in photo shop or whatever programme you have the photo is too big.  :thumbsup:
Regarding your problem, move the pen/crate into your bedroom in a corner somewhere.

If she can hear your breathing & knows you are there it will reassure her.

I start all mine off in the bedroom in a pen along side my bed & have NEVER had a problem.

  :- "  :)

I know all pups are different (and the breeder of my pup (Dawn at Daledogs) says the girls are more demanding than the boys) but I agree with Nina, my boy pup Tito went into a crate beside our bed and from the first night he did not cry once o:) I could not believe it. Although as you see from Nicky's experience with his sister Tia, all hell broke loose (w00t) but she is now an angel o:) like her mamma :- " Good Luck with your little girl - it'll all come right in the end :thumbsup:
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All the advice has been great! We will definately try her in our bedroom tonight. Although over time I would prefer her in her own room. Will it be easy to make this transition?
She is absolutely stunning :wub: - very best of luck with your lovely pup. :thumbsup: :huggles: